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Power Ranking Threads

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> What started out on a reasonable level has now gone a little bonkers in the PvP Forum, and we're seeing power leveling threads taking up way too much of the conversation space.


> What's the solution, guys? Make ONE thread per month, and you can post, quote others to respond (to keep the conversation trackable), etc.? Say "No thanks" to power ranking threads? Leave them, even if the number seems a little high?


> Please tell me what you think, because this seems to be something that could get (may have gotten ;) ) out of hand.


Bring back pvp leaderboards, filter by profession.

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> @"Erzian.5218" said:

> Yeah, being able to filter by profession or preferably by elite specialization (as it often changes the role of a profession as well as its powerlevel) would be cool, so people could actually see how they perform compared to other players of the same class.


you forget this little fact tho !! that is this not every one has the same computer or the same internet hook up !! or even the same computer hardware and software specs !!

i am very sure out their some where some place some one is still trying to run the game on windowsXP even :o :p :p :p :p

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"WARIORSCHARGEING.2637" said:

> > @Gaile Gray.6029 these so called power ranking posts have brought noting but very toxic and more salt to say the least . and do not add or offer to add any thing at all new to the game. or other wise at all

> >

> > the power ranking threads have no merits of proof of any thing at all to this game including pvp . other than adding more toxic from both sides EU/ NA !! this is a video game after all and truth be told a lot of people do not like going to a forum and seen noting but POWER RANK THIS POWER RANK THAT TOPICS . it brings more saltiness' to the player base that the player base can do better off with less salt . have enough in the game as it is do not be needing to bring it to the forums . and giving prospective new players to the game a bad view of the game even before they buy the game .

> >

> > much like another topic this reminds me fully of when the dps meter topics used to be posted . and we all know how that really brought out the salt to the forums . i like to hope this game is more in the mood to move far away as it can from salt in any way shape or forum .

> >

> > for the betterment of the forums and game its self . i like to hope anet will put a end to these so called power rankings that mean noting at all !! as well as have no good purpose but to add more salt to the forums and game its self best/worse case ideas as well as make power ranking topics be infracted or banned if called for given case by case post and form rules .

> >

> > these so called power ranking topic posts if they mean any thing at all . which they do not mean any thing but other than some one has been playing the game all day and all night long and needs some sleep .


> Than who created toxicity in the first place?


> Are players to be blamed for being toxic when a company refuses to create a healthy competitive environment for them?


> Are players to be blamed when it is Anet whose promoting toxicity by ignoring positive healthy feedbacks by the community?


> * Power Ranking Threads may not be 100% accurate but it exposes the truth


> * i agree it should not be spammable but either way; the Truth to the matter is, it must be exposed


> The question to be asked is; what is Anet solution to address the Toxicity they created?


> What steps Anet will take to promote healthy competitive environment for the well being of the game including its players?


> Lastly, what assurance Anet will give us that they are in our best interest in turning this game around in a healthy positive way?


thank you good questions !!


1. the blame can be had on both sides the game maker and player base !!


2. yes very much true and so true in this case and points !!


3. yes but also too their are toxic players out their that does not even need the help of game makers to make them even more toxic . game makers do how ever add to that problem


4. honestly as i see it with these so called power ranking threads i do not see a point to them at all !! they prove noting at all other than some one found something that works well maybe over a long play time maybe or just got really lucky at best . as we all have the same skills and weapons to use in the game . so no one is using any special skills that other players can not use too . unless they are using cheat hacking tools . which in that case anet needs to get more better at finding these players and removing them from the game !!



5. what truth is it that needs to be brought to light?????? when their is no at all truth to be brought to the light in the first place ??? other than maybe anet needs to make improvements in number of areas



6. the Toxicity that anet created by their own hands and with good feed back from the player base could improve that but honestly truth be told have they done it before now??? or will they take these steps now to do so . at this point and stage of the game if you will i for one do not see it with this company BUT i loved to be proved wrong on them points and see the good changes happen !!


7. even tho anet knows these answers already and the very fact they know these answers and have not yet still done it well i do not know if they will do it now even



9. lastly honestly i do not see assurance at all coming from anet !! it be nice but they not done it now what great thing is it that make them change that now ???? if they not done it in the past as history shows us . they can change their ways yes fully they could even do it in such a way that shock us all . but honestly truth be told i just can not see it


also too their are things anet could do to make the game more better and bring it in to more current today gaming standard but at this late date and time i just do not see it at all. and i think both you and i and the whole player base know that already as well as anet does . but sure would love to see it happen tho in such a way we get so excited again about this game we would go out and buy the game for our friends beat their doors down and show them the new stuff and bring people back to the game !!

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> Lol, this is LITERALLY sweeping the problem under the rug.


anet does need to do something very super fast tho to fix the salt that is in this game and remove it from the game and player base !! and bring back good players that are not so salty !!


it is not by any means pushing it under the rug but trying to remove the SALT from the game its self just about the only way and choice it knows how to do

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> @"lorddavito.2395" said:

> Aslong as the power rankings of a dead game mode are made with serious effort, like Adidas Originals did, then yes, I do agree that one list (to rule them all) would be the best option.


> Asking the community about a meme isn't really a solution tho.


No offense, but your ranking is also pretty biased and not objective at all.

For example, you give 92p to a player like Kris, who has been absolutly non existent in the game for 5 years before firebrand came out. His gameplay was average at it's best and even now on FB there are plenty of players who are mechanically and rotationalwise miles ahead of him. I mean you rated him higher than Blackjack for example, a player who is playing supp classes in a competitve environment since ever with hundreds of ESL matches. You gave him as much raiting as Slash who won ESLs back in the days with Proto and who wins UGOs + ATs against r55 nowadays. How does this even make sense?


Same applies for shuriken. Don't get me wrong I'm cool with him but he's far away from being even close to be top 5, even on spellbreaker only.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Apolo.5942" said:

> > Lol, this is LITERALLY sweeping the problem under the rug.


> What problem? The power ranking threads started as a meme, and have always been a meme. These threads are not solving any problems.


> The threads should be merged together.


ok fine they can do that if they wish too whom i to say more salt is not a bad thing . matter of fact i honestly now fully believe we need to triple our salt intake in this game and in real life !!

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"lorddavito.2395" said:

> > Aslong as the power rankings of a dead game mode are made with serious effort, like Adidas Originals did, then yes, I do agree that one list (to rule them all) would be the best option.

> >

> > Asking the community about a meme isn't really a solution tho.


> No offense, but your ranking is also pretty biased and not objective at all.

> For example, you give 92p to a player like Kris, who has been absolutly non existent in the game for 5 years before firebrand came out. His gameplay was average at it's best and even now on FB there are plenty of players who are mechanically and rotationalwise miles ahead of him. I mean you rated him higher than Blackjack for example, a player who is playing supp classes in a competitve environment since ever with hundreds of ESL matches. You gave him as much raiting as Slash who won ESLs back in the days with Proto and who wins UGOs + ATs against r55 nowadays. How does this even make sense?


> Same applies for shuriken. Don't get me wrong I'm cool with him but he's far away from being even close to be top 5, even on spellbreaker only.



You make the exact mistake everyone makes, read before calling out stuff.


It's a power ranking of the MONTH DECEMBER. And from what WE HAVE SEEN in December.


It's not a list based on pro's from way back or heroes to come, it's about DECEMBER, and the gameplay we have been able to judge on in DECEMBER.


No hate, just a little heads up to read the title

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> @"lorddavito.2395" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > @"lorddavito.2395" said:

> > > Aslong as the power rankings of a dead game mode are made with serious effort, like Adidas Originals did, then yes, I do agree that one list (to rule them all) would be the best option.

> > >

> > > Asking the community about a meme isn't really a solution tho.

> >

> > No offense, but your ranking is also pretty biased and not objective at all.

> > For example, you give 92p to a player like Kris, who has been absolutly non existent in the game for 5 years before firebrand came out. His gameplay was average at it's best and even now on FB there are plenty of players who are mechanically and rotationalwise miles ahead of him. I mean you rated him higher than Blackjack for example, a player who is playing supp classes in a competitve environment since ever with hundreds of ESL matches. You gave him as much raiting as Slash who won ESLs back in the days with Proto and who wins UGOs + ATs against r55 nowadays. How does this even make sense?

> >

> > Same applies for shuriken. Don't get me wrong I'm cool with him but he's far away from being even close to be top 5, even on spellbreaker only.

> >


> You make the exact mistake everyone makes, read before calling out stuff.


> It's a power ranking of the MONTH DECEMBER. And from what WE HAVE SEEN in December.


> It's not a list based on pro's from way back or heroes to come, it's about DECEMBER, and the gameplay we have been able to judge on in DECEMBER.


> No hate, just a little heads up to read the title


I know what's the title.

But you gained experience, mechanical skill and rotatinoal knowledge from events in the past. It means it's relevant now, as well and you ALWAYS have to take it into consideration when you rate players.

But if you want to tunnelvision and just consider that month - let's go:


1) Slash:

sitting in top 10 of the leaderboard, playing in the second best team right now, competing with rank 55



idk what, finally won a daily 3 am AT?


---> why on earth do they have the same raiting?


Let's be serious and honest, we really don't need to discuss about the fact that players like Blackjack, Slash and even some more players, should be actually miles ahead.

And before you going to tell me it's because those players didn't play much: You rated Obindo 93 who didn't really play at all the whole season.

You ranking might not be as much biased as others but it's still pretty biased.


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All these power rankings are based off biased feedback from a small group of people who think they can speak for the rest of the community. In other words, it adds 100% nothing, so either make everyone be able to post their power rankings or remove all power ranking threads.

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I like the power rankings, and also Frostballs ranking of power rankings. I mean obviously they're biased, but that's kind of what makes the whole thing of competing rankings fun. And tbh 90% of the posts on this forum are either completely braindead or straight up shitting on the game mode (PvP ded for the 15989th time since 2k13, hurr durr), so posts that in some way actually deal with the PvP that still happens are a welcome alternative, even if the whole thing isn't exactly to be taken dead serious.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:


> > 2)Kris:

> > idk what, finally won a daily 3 am AT?


> I'd like to point out that he won the Daily AT at midnight yesterday, but that was obviously due to me carrying with strategically well timed overheats.




Yeah, tactical overheat is another level, trying to learn how to deal with it now.

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