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Legendary Armor


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Yes but we are sick of content being locked behind raids. I love every aspect of this game except raids. I just simply dont have the time to dedicate doing full clears or trying to keep up on the new metas every month that requires me to change my armor stats. Now the new Ring is locked behind the new raid. Every time i see content being locked behind raids my love for this game dies more and more. I'm ok with legendarys being locked behind pvp, wvw and pve, because Everyone from the little guy to the big guy can get in there, the big guy just gets it faster which im ok with. I dont like wvw/pvp either but i love to casually go in there and slowly earn that new legendary back at my own pace. Raids are a whole different class of players and I consider myself a descent raider in a guild dedicated to just raiding every week and I hate it! Every successful kill kills my motivation for playing this game. I'm now spending less and less time playing because i want that legendary armor..but when i tell myself i have to raid i just sometimes say nevermind hopefully ill have the motivation next week. If they opened up a collections for pve'rs for the same legendary armor wether it took me a year to farm the mats i would be happy, I could be 1 week away from finishing teir 2 of the collections through raids and i would never go back to raiding again and spend that year doing the pve content. Let raids be the faster method of progression, stop locking content in it.

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My problem isn't that it's locked behind raids. My problem is that some parts of the collection require defeating a boss, while others require the addition of completing something arbitrary that I can't control.


For example: I've beaten Cairn quite a few times since Wing 4 released, but I'm also required to hit all his green circles/avoid all his spatial attacks. Unfortunately, you usually need to use the special action key to get to said circles. I've hit all the circles multiple tries, only to use the special ability to get to the final circle and just spin in place for up to a full second before traveling. That always left me on the edge of said circle, causing me to fail. (The special action was the only skill that would stall out on me, so I verified it wasn't lag.


So, despite being able to participate in raids AND defeat the bosses, I'm still locked out of my Legendary Armor collection being complete. (For me, it's more about completing my collections than being able to show off the skins.)

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I've even started crafting peices of legendary pvp armor for my guardian and with the second peice recently crafted in the last season i stopped playing the game for a bit. It seems so pointless now. I can now change my stats on my guardian but i feel like i was ripped off for the first time playing this game. I sink $50-$100 every month playing gw2 on useless skins ill never use, minis, Black lion keys getting nothing but garbage, and yet crafting legendary armor from pvp/wvw is the first time i feel like anet has ripped me off. Raiders can now show off that nice animation they got for being that top 1% of players. No ones gonna know that i have legendary armor unless i link it. I feel like im wasting my time now going through pvp/wvw for armor i can never show off. Because lets face fact this game is 50% fashion wars! But i still love it for that fact.

Sure i can go back to raiding and earn the skin and armor but im playing a part of the game i hate and i no longer have the motivation to continue playing it. I love playing fractals and i havent played in fractals since august! I use to do it every day teir 4 pug groups. I loved it and loved it. Then legendary armor came out shifted the game and my desire to log in every day has dwindled. Because its a collection i desperately want to continue something i feel motivated towards but its content i just cant play without spending hours out of the game relearning the metas, strategy's, and coming back in the game spending everything i got redoing my armor to meet the meta demands and then wasting days finding a group that can actually do the raids.

Please Anet Help us pve'rs give us some love! I dont care if its the most Tedious RNG Time consuming collection ill rage at for days on end trying to collect one peice. but if its progression in the content that has sold me for years since ive played gw1 at launch then ill do it and ill do it with a smile on my face.

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As soon as there is an open world set of Legendary armor available ... one piece will be "locked" behind a jumping puzzle...or time-gated to a world-boss when I'm not home... or at school... or there won't be enough players to defeat the event for that one item I need to drop.


Yes, I'm right there with you. As much as I would like to see a "normal" way to craft the overly priced, butt-cape adorned armor; alas I don't see ANET allowing us to grind away at the Pink Hearts, Yellow Moons, Orange Stars, Green Clovers, Blue Diamonds, and who can forget the Purple Horseshoes!

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> @"eva lin mcdowl.3978" said:

> I've even started crafting peices of legendary pvp armor for my guardian and with the second peice recently crafted in the last season i stopped playing the game for a bit. It seems so pointless now. I can now change my stats on my guardian but i feel like i was ripped off for the first time playing this game. I sink $50-$100 every month playing gw2 on useless skins ill never use, minis, Black lion keys getting nothing but garbage, and yet crafting legendary armor from pvp/wvw is the first time i feel like anet has ripped me off. Raiders can now show off that nice animation they got for being that top 1% of players. No ones gonna know that i have legendary armor unless i link it. I feel like im wasting my time now going through pvp/wvw for armor i can never show off. Because lets face fact this game is 50% fashion wars! But i still love it for that fact.

> Sure i can go back to raiding and earn the skin and armor but im playing a part of the game i hate and i no longer have the motivation to continue playing it. I love playing fractals and i havent played in fractals since august! I use to do it every day teir 4 pug groups. I loved it and loved it. Then legendary armor came out shifted the game and my desire to log in every day has dwindled. Because its a collection i desperately want to continue something i feel motivated towards but its content i just cant play without spending hours out of the game relearning the metas, strategy's, and coming back in the game spending everything i got redoing my armor to meet the meta demands and then wasting days finding a group that can actually do the raids.

> Please Anet Help us pve'rs give us some love! I dont care if its the most Tedious RNG Time consuming collection ill rage at for days on end trying to collect one peice. but if its progression in the content that has sold me for years since ive played gw1 at launch then ill do it and ill do it with a smile on my face.


You won't get raid legendary armor skins anywhere other than raids, in fact, the reason PvP and WvW got legendary armor was under the premise they didn't have the envoy skins.


Maybe we'll see more small improvements to the PvP and WvW skins over time (that would be fair) but you won't get envoy skins there either.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Yes, scatter some pieces around on random maps that only the springer mount can get to. PoF users satisfied. Also put it for sale on the gem store. 2k gems a piece, credit card users satisfied.


And then pay2win criers come in, which are comprised of every aspect of the game, and they are not satisfied. That is one sure fire way to eliminate a large chunk of your population. Games that sell items that help you level your gear, like making sure your gear isn't destroyed, or level regressed are ghost towns, left only for people that want to pay for progression. The day they start selling gear for real money is the day I delete the game, and never look back, and I know for a fact I am not the only one.

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I'm not whining for the sake of whining. Plus your examples are way exaggerated. We are complaining about an Elite Game mode that a majority of players dont enjoy, with content the entire community wants. Yes I can do the raids and at this rate I might as well complete the collections i already started through raiding. That doesnt go without saying im ignorant to why anet placed legendary armor behind this game mode. They spent time and effort developing Raids(Something we as a community during the development of GW2 understood would not be coming to gw2 in the first place), and immediately saw the small number of people participating and decrease quickly over time. So instead of letting this content be or die rather, they wanted to increase participation. What better way to do it than to lock content everyone wanted, forcing us to play it. When Gw2 was launched and for the first 2 years, we were able to play any game mode and farm the same rewards as we saw fit. If i wanted to form a group and go to CoE and run the dungeon i could, or if i wanted to play pvp i could work towards that dungeons rewards through the pvp track. All of that is what sold us this game originally, It was the most balanced MMO available. We didnt have to stress over earning rewards. My life is full of stress and misfortune and this game help relieve that for an hour or two. Now im finding myself wasting an incredible amount of time even attempting one raid let alone a full clear of a wing. Even when i jump in and form a group and tackle a wing on reset and know the group im in will clear it easily without any struggle i dont feel good about it.

I loved my first raid kill i felt good about it. I felt accomplished. But at that point I knew this content wasnt for me. I enjoyed other aspects of this game. But since they through legendary armor into now i have to raid to get it. Now im spending a majority of my time playing content i hate. I've never had to play content i hated to progress in GW2 and thats what the community is upset about. Every other game mode in GW2 supports both the casual player and the elite. Raiding does not! I consider myself an elite player int he aspect of fractals/pve/pvp. I'm very competitive but reserved in not trashing other players for not being at my level.

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> @"eva lin mcdowl.3978" said:

> I've even started crafting peices of legendary pvp armor for my guardian and with the second peice recently crafted in the last season i stopped playing the game for a bit. It seems so pointless now. I can now change my stats on my guardian but i feel like i was ripped off for the first time playing this game. I sink $50-$100 every month playing gw2 on useless skins ill never use, minis, Black lion keys getting nothing but garbage, and yet crafting legendary armor from pvp/wvw is the first time i feel like anet has ripped me off. Raiders can now show off that nice animation they got for being that top 1% of players. No ones gonna know that i have legendary armor unless i link it. I feel like im wasting my time now going through pvp/wvw for armor i can never show off. Because lets face fact this game is 50% fashion wars! But i still love it for that fact.

> Sure i can go back to raiding and earn the skin and armor but im playing a part of the game i hate and i no longer have the motivation to continue playing it. I love playing fractals and i havent played in fractals since august! I use to do it every day teir 4 pug groups. I loved it and loved it. Then legendary armor came out shifted the game and my desire to log in every day has dwindled. Because its a collection i desperately want to continue something i feel motivated towards but its content i just cant play without spending hours out of the game relearning the metas, strategy's, and coming back in the game spending everything i got redoing my armor to meet the meta demands and then wasting days finding a group that can actually do the raids.

> Please Anet Help us pve'rs give us some love! I dont care if its the most Tedious RNG Time consuming collection ill rage at for days on end trying to collect one peice. but if its progression in the content that has sold me for years since ive played gw1 at launch then ill do it and ill do it with a smile on my face.


If you spend that month on useless skins that you’ll never use, just use it to buy gold and then pay to be carried in raids.

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Regardless though I'm going to Raid to get my envoy armor! I have no choice. I will get my envoy armor! However that doesnt mean I'm not going to voice my opinion and continue to encourage anet to stop forcing us to play content we dont enjoy. If Raids were available on day one of GW2 release i probably wouldnt be playing this game at all and the community i bet would be much much smaller. Infact Im certain all legendary weapons would be locked behind raids as well, if that were the case. I would love to go back to playing fractals daily and still finding myself slowly but surely progressing toward envoy. Legendary armor should have been released for all game modes. That way it keeps the game balanced and allows players to choose the way they want to play. Instead we have players in areas they have no business in and its further increasing the animosity towards the game for many people even those who do enjoy the game modes need to earn locked rewards. I'm not arguing against having raids i just want to have the choice again to play the game as we were fully capable of doing for the first 2 years of gw2.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"eva lin mcdowl.3978" said:

> > I've even started crafting peices of legendary pvp armor for my guardian and with the second peice recently crafted in the last season i stopped playing the game for a bit. It seems so pointless now. I can now change my stats on my guardian but i feel like i was ripped off for the first time playing this game. I sink $50-$100 every month playing gw2 on useless skins ill never use, minis, Black lion keys getting nothing but garbage, and yet crafting legendary armor from pvp/wvw is the first time i feel like anet has ripped me off. Raiders can now show off that nice animation they got for being that top 1% of players. No ones gonna know that i have legendary armor unless i link it. I feel like im wasting my time now going through pvp/wvw for armor i can never show off. Because lets face fact this game is 50% fashion wars! But i still love it for that fact.

> > Sure i can go back to raiding and earn the skin and armor but im playing a part of the game i hate and i no longer have the motivation to continue playing it. I love playing fractals and i havent played in fractals since august! I use to do it every day teir 4 pug groups. I loved it and loved it. Then legendary armor came out shifted the game and my desire to log in every day has dwindled. Because its a collection i desperately want to continue something i feel motivated towards but its content i just cant play without spending hours out of the game relearning the metas, strategy's, and coming back in the game spending everything i got redoing my armor to meet the meta demands and then wasting days finding a group that can actually do the raids.

> > Please Anet Help us pve'rs give us some love! I dont care if its the most Tedious RNG Time consuming collection ill rage at for days on end trying to collect one peice. but if its progression in the content that has sold me for years since ive played gw1 at launch then ill do it and ill do it with a smile on my face.


> If you spend that month on useless skins that you’ll never use, just use it to buy gold and then pay to be carried in raids.


It doesn't do any good to pay for some of the raids, when some of the mechanics stall out (as in my issue with Cairn.)

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"eva lin mcdowl.3978" said:

> > I've even started crafting peices of legendary pvp armor for my guardian and with the second peice recently crafted in the last season i stopped playing the game for a bit. It seems so pointless now. I can now change my stats on my guardian but i feel like i was ripped off for the first time playing this game. I sink $50-$100 every month playing gw2 on useless skins ill never use, minis, Black lion keys getting nothing but garbage, and yet crafting legendary armor from pvp/wvw is the first time i feel like anet has ripped me off. Raiders can now show off that nice animation they got for being that top 1% of players. No ones gonna know that i have legendary armor unless i link it. I feel like im wasting my time now going through pvp/wvw for armor i can never show off. Because lets face fact this game is 50% fashion wars! But i still love it for that fact.

> > Sure i can go back to raiding and earn the skin and armor but im playing a part of the game i hate and i no longer have the motivation to continue playing it. I love playing fractals and i havent played in fractals since august! I use to do it every day teir 4 pug groups. I loved it and loved it. Then legendary armor came out shifted the game and my desire to log in every day has dwindled. Because its a collection i desperately want to continue something i feel motivated towards but its content i just cant play without spending hours out of the game relearning the metas, strategy's, and coming back in the game spending everything i got redoing my armor to meet the meta demands and then wasting days finding a group that can actually do the raids.

> > Please Anet Help us pve'rs give us some love! I dont care if its the most Tedious RNG Time consuming collection ill rage at for days on end trying to collect one peice. but if its progression in the content that has sold me for years since ive played gw1 at launch then ill do it and ill do it with a smile on my face.


> If you spend that month on useless skins that you’ll never use, just use it to buy gold and then pay to be carried in raids.


I'd quit this game before I would pay for a raid clear.

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[ I've beaten Cairn quite a few times since Wing 4 released, but I'm also required to hit all his green circles/avoid all his spatial attacks. Unfortunately, you usually need to use the special action key to get to said circles. I've hit all the circles multiple tries, only to use the special ability to get to the final circle and just spin in place for up to a full second before traveling. That always left me on the edge of said circle, causing me to fail. (The special action was the only skill that would stall out on me, so I verified it wasn't lag. ]


many classes has brink skill on their own, you shouldn't even need to depend on special action key. the purpose of achievement isn't to do some mad meta dps build, it is to know how to fit out your character so u can do what is required while still being able to kill it. while there are some RNG involve including that you are dependent on the quality of your team, that is part of what the game is. i mean if you remove all the RNG, it just become a memorizing game...


when someone is doing heart in my squad, i would put a symbol on him and prioritize his survival, not every squad will do this, and I feel what most people have problem with raid is how comparatively unfriendly it is, but this is largely cause by people joining raid without a clue to what they are doing which has wear down the patience of many so people become unforgiving. if anet would add a disclaimer on lfg to let noob know what they are getting into and how to prepare, it will help raid community be less hostile. of course the other thing anet could do is to add incentive for helping new player, like a way to see who hasn't clear a boss before, and if there is someone new, everyone who is experience get bonus shard above their cap, this will encourage regular player to raid more then once, because right now we have a tendency to stick to a few ppl we know, complete raid and stop for the week. which are all problem that make it harder for semi-experience and new player to get the envoy done since there is just no incentive to help.


anyway i do like raid, and i do think it is logical that envoy armour is HOT raid exclusive, just as you need HOT to do 2nd gen legendary weapon. it abit sad for people who only have POF. as for the ppl that don't raid, you can do wvw and pvp to get legendary armour, you don't get the skin but custom skin for game mode has always been a thing, WVW has a huge collection of weapon and armour too so all this sourness about raid is to me unreasonable. the point for giving each game mode unique skin is to encourage people to play everything, else everyone will just farm the easiest game mode. this is not a mistake, this is intentional. if they don't do this, people will just camp in their own game mode and become more hostile toward the rest of the community. at least because i am encouraged to play all game mode, and have done so, i can related to everyone and the concern of other. like why do i want to help new raider? because alot of my wvw friend never raided and want to learn. if there is no unique reward for wvw, i won't have ppl to care about. so I hope you guy can understand this isn't just about how one person play the game, but how anet need to influence the community. and in fact i think they need to do more, wasn't that their original selling point... "help rez that noob cause you get EXP from it!!!" LOL.... i hope they manage to model their game to their rooted believes. i know it attempting for them to follow other MMO, but i play GW because it is GW... anet made alot of mistake but they can and should still be true to their ideas.

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ya know, I am tried of all these discussions, and, as I see it, if Anet wants to put Legendary armor behind raids, then that is what they will do, I am sure they have thought this through and realized it was the best idea, if that really bothers anyone, they can opt to find some other game to play that gives them what they want.

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Legendary ANYTHING should be accessible to anyone with at least the base game. Anyone should be able to craft any legendary weapon, armor, or whatever regardless if they own an expansion because it's part of the end gaming experience. Not to mention they're denying a sizable revenue incentive, legendaries are not cheap and sooner or later while people are farming all those mats after running all over Tyria just to get the precursor weapon, somebody is gonna give in and buy gems to convert to gold to get those last remaining mats out of sheer fatigue!

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Legendaries are nothing more than ascended pieces with unique skins and the utility to change stats freely. Doesn't exactly sound like something that would be worth the effort and annoyance to me. You got nobody to blame but yourself if you still choose to play content you dislike for months to acquire said gear.

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Or better, add legendary armor that actually looks good. The only reason for me to not go for it is because I craft legendary stuff when it looks cool. I crafted Nevermore, Ad Infinitum, Aurora and HOPE. I like the new Focus, I think I'll craft it for my Chronomancer. But the legendary armor? I'm playing a medium armor class mainly, why would I want another trenchcoat, with or without animation? I know, taste differs a lot between people, but maybe more choices for the look of legendary armor sets would help here. Others I talked with share my opinion about the looks of legendary armor. And let's be real, if you want to change stats on your gear, you are better off having a second set of ascended armor in your inventory. You just double-click 6 times, instead of switching piece by piece via drop down menu and manually changing runes.

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