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Another decoration request thread,


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As stated probably hundreds of times before, along with more flora/tree types of decorations, we desperately need architectural ones for certain projects.




Wood/stone/tile flooring that's similar to super adventure box platforms and snow mounds that can be used for flooring or ceiling.


It's a pretty simplistic decoration, but having something like a snow mound made of wood or stone would open up a lot of design possibilities i.e. building a house structure or attempting to replicate the solid ocean fractal with mixtures of solid ocean decorations and wooden planks.


Also, racial. I keep hoping for some asura style decorations with the nest living story update but I'm not holding my breath.


Really wish we could get a more steady flow of decorations and more varied outside of just festivals. I get that it and guilds content in general is pretty much a deserted aspect of this game now, but surely there's somebody in the festival team or someone in one of the development teams with as much of a passion for guild halls and decorating as I and the stalwart few that have invested a lot of time and money into a now mostly abandoned profession. :'(


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