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Most prestigious account possible?


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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> The so-called testers/friends of ANet. They have early access to all releases, can play them and create guides long before any real player even knows about that contents existance. They are free to spread leaks and exploit the hell out of the game, live on stream, without fearing to be touched/harmed once.


> OR


> Rasman the Boss.




Considering how quickly Anet have acted to (try and) shut down leaks when they've happened I highly doubt anyone, ~~even~~ especially their own staff, are immune to consequences of leaking info.


(You're absolutely right about Rasman though.)

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> @"Glacial.9516" said:

> 69 character slots, all Mesmers. All using Torches in both weapon slots and every single one of them autocasting #4. Bonus points if each has a different torch skin. (Are there even 138 different torch skins...?) That's a lot of prestige!


That sounds terrifying.

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What has value in the view of one player differs from that of another player. I place no value in a player running around the open world flaunting a pvp diamond next to their name, nor do I really care about a player pinging their raid legendary unlock in Lion's Arch. I don't especially care whether someone in WvW has only been playing a few months and has bronze next to their server rank or if they're an EotM hero with a diamond rank. I don't care if people have done world completion 8 times, have all of these crazy fractal unlocks, a full instance full of nodes, a guild full of 500 players, 32 character slots, a toon full of legendary gear or a crazy griffon skin.


If by "prestigious" you mean "wealthy" than yeah, unlocks, gold, mastery & achievement unlocks, resources, gem/gem unlocks -- basically the things gw2efficiency keeps track of. But personally its the time I spend playing the game with others and if I MUST pick something worth value in-game the ability to access stat-changeable equipment would be my #1 pick.


~ Kovu

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > You're not going to get more prestigious than Woodenpotatoes or Vayne.


> What or who is a Vayne?


Vayne is a frequent poster on the official forums, someone who has been lambasted as a white knight by many, and who has engaged in numerous arguments about a great many things. He's been posting less in the official forums since the migration to the new platform, and is apparently not as well-known as Oldirtbeard assumed.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > You're not going to get more prestigious than Woodenpotatoes or Vayne.

> >

> > What or who is a Vayne?


> Vayne is a frequent poster on the official forums, someone who has been lambasted as a white knight by many, and who has engaged in numerous arguments about a great many things. He's been posting less in the official forums since the migration to the new platform, and is apparently not as well-known as Oldirtbeard assumed.


I know of Woodenpotatoes due to how many times his videos pop up by just looking up GW2 for some reason.

Another I know is Ayin (to the point I now even know her in game which is shocking to me) and then of course Dulfy for... well obvious reasons.


Originally thought Dulfy was named after that npc in Fractal until the wiki stated it's the other way around.


Also, seeing Dulfy even has an NPC named after them in the game I think the most "prestigious" HAS to be Dulfy.

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Quite a few players have NPCs named after them. And Anet staff of course.


There's a sylvari in the Black Citadel (whose name I can never remember) named after someone who did a wonderful blog about being inspired to travel around the USA (I think) talking to and helping people after playing GW1. The pirate Clinn Toliver in Desmina's Hollows is named after one of the GuildMag editors who also ran several in-game events. I'm sure there's other examples I just can't remember now.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Also, seeing Dulfy even has an NPC named after them in the game I think the most "prestigious" HAS to be Dulfy.


I think anyone would be hard-pressed to list someone who has been _more_ helpful to the Guild Wars 2 community than Dulfy. Nothing but respect for Ayin and Wooden Potatoes too.


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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> You're not going to get more prestigious than Woodenpotatoes or Vayne.


This may be the case for yourself but I've only ever interacted with Vayne on these forums and barely at that and usually disagree with his suppositions about the game and I've never read, seen, interacted with Woodenpotatoes. While I know of them, they in no way are prestigious in my opinion. I'm not saying anything bad about these two but I know nothing about their actions in game and have never interacted with them in game to make them prestigious.

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Your own account is always the most prestigious. It is the only one that you know the associated story and context behind all of the characters, unlocks, achieves, etc. That first "major" weapon skin, that achievement that took you 100 tries until YES! you finally got it, so you wear the title to this day.


Nobody else cares about your shiny infusions, titles, minis, dyes, or whatever else. They are too busy working on their own and building their own stories.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Just wondering what's the most prestigious account possible to obtain? Other than unlocking every skin and all achievements, what would that be? Curious


No matter the amount of achievements/unlocks you have, you will never be as prestigious as those that got their names recognized by the community. That is the real prestige.

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