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Reincorporate Spear/Harpoon/Trident to Land Combat

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Suggestion at this point, and one that I can see some ease of transition. Instead of giving access to weapons classes did not have before, why not reincorporate underwater weapons?

The best I can offer is the synergy this move would have on those who want different cosmetic options for their characters, and a Charr with a wicked mechanical spear fires my imagination. Oooo, or a Sylvari with a sharpened stick (my cosmetics preferences are always mundane). Secondly, the burden of modeling would be less compared to ideas of making an entirely new weapon due to spears/harpoons/tridents already existing within the game.

Pipe dream as well, a look back at underwater combat rolled out with improved mechanics in conjunction with using water weapons as terrestrial?


Thoughts, opinions?

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