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[new] player and thoughts

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Here are some things you can do..


- level up mastery points

- do the green story missions

- farm gold to convert to gems and buy outfits or account upgrades

- do dallies

- do fractals and dungeons

- farm and level crafting / get geared

- do wvw or spvp

- join a guild / working farming on guild materials / socialize


And that's all i can come up with for now.


Lots to do and grind your time consuming heart out.

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Strange cause when I got into the game I was actually overwhelmed with how much freedom I had from the get go and the virtually countless things I could do to get expirience and lvl up.

I think your sole problem is that you come from an MMO that you've been playing for years and have spend countless hours in. GW2 is completely different in every possible mechanic and dynamic you can't get into it expecting it to be a new WoW, it never tried to be one and never will be (which is a plus). Also you said you had hard time dealing with a tutorial boss, you obviously haven't gotten the grip of how the game works yet.

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> @"MikeL.8260" said:

> Strange cause when I got into the game I was actually overwhelmed with how much freedom I had from the get go and the virtually countless things I could do to get expirience and lvl up.

> I think your sole problem is that you come from an MMO that you've been playing for years and have spend countless hours in. GW2 is completely different in every possible mechanic and dynamic you can't get into it expecting it to be a new WoW, it never tried to be one and never will be (which is a plus). Also you said you had hard time dealing with a tutorial boss, you obviously haven't gotten the grip of how the game works yet.


It's difficult coming from a game that places no emphasis on watching and reacting to boss animations. WoW favors mods like DBM that give you obvious visual and auditory alerts of incoming mechanics. The concept of dying to a single attack without a giant neon sign advertising it ahead of time is completely foreign to WoW players!


Now consider the ego on this guy. He's a pro coming from the hardcore scene in WoW. How embarrassing must it be after fitting your giant head through the door, only to realize that your WoW experience is not only not particularly useful, but may even be a hindrance to learning the basics! And besides, I don't like this game anyway...

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this will be my last post on the forum to re-address the insults for no reason as you're confusing impression with ignorance.


2 minutes into the game. TWO-MINUTES IMPRESSION taking half my health from a tutorial boss seemed like it was a lot when i EVADED the attacks several times. chill out with your "wow players are retarded" 90% of the time i don't even have dbm on as most mechanics that happen in wow you learn the pattern not timings as a dps. they have visual/audio queues to what they're doing. i will admit the majority of the wow community is a little daft considering everything needs to constantly be nerfed.


the difference between wow mob doing something is it's more audio vs guild war's animation. the issue i was stating previously was there is no animation or indication that it's going to do something. it's not like i'm completely plucking poptarted i'm aware of how it works. my problem was the attacks that have absolutely no interaction and happen as if it's an auto-attack [like wow's bosses do with tank mechanics but you have timers to manage it]. if you remember in vanilla wow there were several mechanics that you had animation only queues to as dbm wasn't as prominent back then, and they were on random intervals [such as molten's core doggo fear with needing to swap to berserker stance or you get slapped in the back and die].


my opinion isn't just based off what other people are saying. i've spent weeks looking into the game while leveling to see what to do and how things are the top end was but i felt i would post a forum as typically more helpful players are found in the forums. i've had lots of help from many people and posts in this forum. i'm not trying to generalize people in the forum. i was and somewhat still am frustrated at the impotent insults for my explanations as the only way for me to explain my side is from a wow stand point.


i've played wow for 11 years and only recently quit it and been trying to find a new game to play even if it's only for a short break between now and next xpac [most likely i'm 100% done with blizzard's stupid shlt].


the "giving up on a build at level 12" wasn't just it's not viable but i wasn't really enjoying it and wanted a more stable ranged character that uses a longbow [hence the 3 characters that i named].


i'm sorry for my disposition making it sound like i'm not that intelligent and stubborn with my opinion. i'm not that articulate and depressed more than i have been in years. the only 'ego' i have is a waffle. it's not so much me believing i'm superior; i wanted some input to understanding the game more than i could without actually spending 2-3 months and buying things with not too much of just googling things can be accomplished. my stating that i wasn't enjoying the game already is trying to do a couple things for the daily and seeing what's what and getting kicked from the first group i joined before i even entered the instance, and second was hours of waiting to do a daily. A DAILY that was a dungeon. outdated content or not. it was one of the dailies to do.

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The community here, although it has a lot of crankiness and salt to spill, is usually very good at helping and giving support for new people.

BUT. Nobody is going to give you decent input to improve in the game if your basic output is "I'm going to quit this kitten thing".

No one here will try to make you stay. IF you choose to stay and learn, the help will come, and the game will (very probably) become much more interesting and fun. But the choice is yours.

Everyone can come back eventually to GW2, because the game allows it without a problem: this mean the community rarely tries to chase or keep people around.



If you want to play GW2, ask for advise and show interest in adapting. The "insults" will disappear.

If you don't want to play GW2, just go. You can come back later if you change your mind, without losing anything.

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One of the problems you may be facing OP is you that may well be trying to approach GW2 like WOW, e.g analysis into what other people are doing etc tec. To really enjoy GW2, you need to embrace the game as you play and think less about getting to optimal as it were, and enjoying challenge as an opportunity to drive a new build out that you do enjoy. This is the essence of GW2, play with builds and use your builds in Open world pve, spvp, wvw,, dungeons etc etc (raids is less important in GW2 but still decent) its all viable content at all levels once you hit min level requirements.


You will always get idiots in dungeons (the dungeons are great btw), but you will find in GW2 its far less than in other horror show games because ultimately there is a gear and power cap, and content is not tuned to require endless rote to get value between long expansions and the next power uplift, so less people doing it because they feel forced to.


Practical tip re the dungeons, go with some defensive skills and buff yourself with defensive utility and foods, staying alive is more valuable than dying all the time for a beginner - others can take up the slack with more focused builds, and avoid groups that specify restrictions in the group or talk about speed runs etc.



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It's not a proper comparison because the games are vastly different in their approach. An 11 year WoW player, who from the various posts clearly does all the instanced content WoW content according to the WoW playbook, which includes about 20 different mods for dungeons/raids because the meta requires such things, would find GW2 frustrating indeed. GW2 is a lot more vanilla and has a much more laissez faire kind of vibe about everything, except maybe team PVP.


I personally like the more casual, open flow gaming of GW2 to the regimented "follow the exclamation points until you hit max level, then grind the following instances in the following order, using the following mods, forever and ever" thing in WoW. Maybe it's the lack of subscription that makes GW2 feel less regimented to the end game goal of ph4t l3wtz and DPS charts.


I don't know, but I can see why someone used to clicking the LFG tool, being transported to their content and then having their mods tell them what to do and when to do it, as the treadmill to this year's gear iLvl cap would find all the wandering bands of GW2 vagabonds doing whatever floats their RPG boat today to be pretty frustrating. The two games have fundamentally different philosophies.

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