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Absolutely not buying unless mounts are removed from the game


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> @Demeth.5816 said:

> I hope this is a joke.


I'm afraid not.


@Metavahn.7293: Mounts are means of travel necessary on the new maps, like all the mechanics in HoT and LWS3. This includes more than merely "dashing forward", it includes overcoming huge gaps, poisonous areas, heights and what have you. To demand them being removed because you think certain professions deserve special treatment is a bit laughable, to be honest.

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tldr; I'm happy that I can move faster than other professions and want to keep that monopoly.


Games change, metas change, mounts are freeing in that way. Instead of having to get specific runes to move faster, or take specific skills, you can play what you actually want to play. Sounds pretty freeing to me.

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Yeah...this post would have more plausibility if you'd said you were a mesmer who'd heard mounts might be added to central tyria and were just scared your JP port income would plummet.


As it stands now, speedy toons (depending on how they're built and who is dexterously playing them) cover more than just 1 class and have been in game for over a year a two. So I guess that means you should've left after Hot?

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> @Rasimir.6239 said:

> If fun for you is defined by "being better than everyone else" then I'm afraid this isn't the game for you.


Pretty much this. And there's a lot of things that move faster than your character. Especially when your ping spikes to an outrageous 1k+.

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> @Metavahn.7293 said:

> In no way should a Guardian move as fast as my condi sb thief im sorry but if mounts are added into the game it will kill the speed meta and will ruin the fun for many players who liked teleporting ahead of everyone else during meta events


Mounts have been added to the game. Even if ANet agreed with you right now that this was bad for the game, it would be years before they could do anything about it — all of PoF has been designed with mounts as an integral part of navigating maps. It's completely unrealistic to expect that they change this for the handful of people who feel that the game can't be fun anymore if other players can move quickly.


Besides that, you might want to give PoF a few weeks or months and find out how mounts actually get used.

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> @Haleydawn.3764 said:

> There's a speed meta outside of dungeons, fractals and raids?


> As a thief player myself, why the hurry in Meta-cycles? Still the same loot as the slower people.


In SW, thief is probably the only class that's fast enough to get loot from two pit bosses because you can run to the other fort, jump into the pit and do some damage. Don't ask me which bosses (I have no idea how they are called, rarely play SW), I just ran with another thief and we left everybody else behind, we both arrived in time to get another champ bag. The others were too late :)


@"Metavahn.7293" Not sure if joking or serious. If you are serious, that's hilarious. I play thief 95% of my time in GW2, one reason for that is that all other classes feel like you play in slow motion in comparison. First thing I'll do after playing a bit in PoF is unlocking all waypoints with my other toons and maybe even do some map completion. You know, you have more than one character slot and are free to play several classes. Even if you choose to play thief only, outside of PvP and WvW, this game is coop only. And I don't see mounts coming to WvW or PvP.

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tbh I think that mounts are pretty unnecessary in central Tyria. It just makes waypoints useless. If they would be available in PoF maps and LS3 maps it would be ok.

But adding them to central Tyria is kinda useless. They are not really needed there, only to look fancy (just my opinion). And I really hope that they won't allow them in cities. Just imagine Rata Sum being full of mounts....

Still happy for everyone out there who wished for mounts tho.

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> @Metavahn.7293 said:

> In no way should a Guardian move as fast as my condi sb thief im sorry but if mounts are added into the game it will kill the speed meta and will ruin the fun for many players who liked teleporting ahead of everyone else during meta events


Where's the thumbs down option for dumb shit like this? /s

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There's a bigger problem you're poking at:


Why do **Asura** cause as much damage with a weapon as **Norn**? One is far larger, wields a larger weapon, and has multiple times the muscle mass. On the flipside, why do Norn dodge as often as Asura, despite being 6x the target area?


I mean come on, this is immersion breaking stuff. Game development 101!

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