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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > > I never get the fact that players are actually bieng counterintuivitive to the competetive aspect of the game by defending a-net and arguing that it's just the players fault, and paint some heavily distorted picture of the playerbase. it's always the same type of player that refuses to learn or do anything. and just enters pvp match to do litterally nothing. Always some nonsensical halftruths.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ''it's always the bronze-gold players that complain''. and everybody in plat to pro never ever had an complaint or ever quit the game due to those reasons.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There is a second option. U can be a player that likes pvp and wishes to improve in the game and still have major issues with the game, point them out, in hope of improving the experience.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > funny enough the very same players who make a thread, to just get better, generaly barely give any advice or show thier ''super secret off-meta meta killing build'' to anyone.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In cases of of the latter I could understand if somebody had an viable of meta build and tried to keep it a secret due to poor balance descisions that affect diversity. but then u sure as hell have no right to talk about just trying harder. Because appearantly even u don't have enough faith in A-net to go public with such a build.

> > > > >

> > > > > i need to share all my builds in order to have "faith"? I mean have posted a few last season and i even posted one on Meta battle.... that alone should show my faith in my personal builds that works for me, however if your expecting me to share my exact build that kept me in the 1680-1700s rating then no i won't share because again... like every other person who does their own testing and builds that benefits their play style shouldn't have to be shared and copy to the bones just so someone can "feel good" about themselves.

> > > > >

> > > > > If an individual lacks the effort or time to test things out in this game then why should I or anyone else who figures things out by using up their time to test what works best and what doesn't to be given to a casual who just wants everything handed out to them? If you want a free hand out on what to play and what works then go straight to the meta battle page and look around their enough standard builds that work perfectly well for anyone that wants to pick up a class and figure things out from there. You're already given the standard foundation to something from meta battle or whatever you want to call meta for a build the only thing anyone else needs to do is apply some effort into what works best for certain match ups, and certain play styles that fit best for you.

> > > >

> > > > I was not mentioning u per se but in a more general sense. if u did try to contribute then u get some credit. Oddily enough your response regarding ''the build'' that kept u in the 1680's and 1700 and your second paragraph is what my post was more adressing, the mentality behind it. so u ommit that special build of yours. which is your given right, sure. but then once again. your argument revolves around an individual who doesn't wanna put in the effort, or is a mere casual so that they can feel good about themselves. and tell them to go look at metabattle. while it's metabattle that clearly spreadss the meta, spreads the scourges and mirages. and metabattle that doesn't offer the offhand ''special'' build that allows u combat the meta. u are telling others to go look at metabattle for meta killing builds? almost all builds not in the meta category are incapable of dealing with the meta comp, and those few who do pose a counter have so many kitten hardcounters and bad synergy with the team that it is sometimes not even worth it. if u are gonna say try harder and then reason that those that hold the same opinon shouldn't have to contribute. then u have no right to speak. u assume only casuals without an ounce of trying complain which is simply wrong. streamers, veterans and players who place at the leaderboard complain as well, they complain and some even left. yet u and others like u come here. and tell others to get better and when push comes to shove u argue they shouldn't even try to share thier solutions? what kind of nonsense is this?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > and like i stated Putting SOME effort into trying things out and putting in the time to test things out on your own comes a long way you can't expect things to be given to everyone if others aren't taking time to do it themselves. I also stated that the meta page is a great source for a foundation if you simply can't comprehend that then what else are you really trying to argue besides the fact the it's the same ol thing over and over? Vet players leave but come back another season, and the same for players who place in leader-board they come and go just like myself but that doesn't mean they are complaining so much about the "meta" it more of a complain about match making and match trading that has been going on for a while a majority of the top rated players that actually try and continue to stay on the leader boarder are getting wrecked due to the points lost and gain not being fairly even at all.

> > >

> > > It's as straight forward as possible just LIKE any other game IF you simply want to be above average then you NEED to invest some time in testing things out on your own and picking up on things such as how other classes play and abilities work (so you can learn to fight against it). ANY legit player that actually tries to be decent or above that adapts to the "meta" fairly easy and it's not that hard to do at all... The less amount of energy spend on complaining and crying isn't gonna help said person skill if they are just looking to be toxic about everything possible and complain about x class being to "op".

> >

> > And again it's nothing more then a badly formulated half truths. U got no right to accuse me of repeating the same thing.

> >

> > 1 U refuse to even accept even top 250 players, streamers, pros have complained about the balance. do u think everybody in this forum is a bronze-gold player? I mean u litterally just said that u are in the 1680-1700, now think further.

> > 2 U refuse that players in some cases are simply incapable of doing so. there is a reason u have divisions. and untill u accept that fact, players such as yourself ommiting builds simply cause they are too casual is not helping the cause. U cannot have everybody be above average, that is stastically impossible.

> > 3 Metabattle lays a foundation for builds commonly used, and that's it. However creating off meta builds that somehow wreck meta builds but at the same time do not actually suffer from either a plethora of weaknesses or lack enough of a role to contribute to a team is exactly why there is such a large list of ''good rated builds'' and none of them compare to the meta. at best a few of them might beat a few of the top rated in 1 v 1's and that is me bieng very generous. now assume they are more players actually trying to create builds. but simply fail. what do u think new players are doing in unranked or hotjoin?

> >

> > I will say it again. u make no sense here. this thread is nothing more then one of many players not happy with people complaining.


> 1: Again your making an argument about balancing and talking about players quieting is because of "balance issues" if you aren't in the top then you simply wouldn't understand a big majority of it is because of match making and people getting tired, the balance issues IS just a small set back to the grand scheme of everything and why people that are high rate end up quieting. I myself "quit" for a few season then came back because of the match making and not because of the balance issues we have ALWAYS been having that's Just an excuses for the majority of people to cry about.


> 2: Again with the builds? It's the same cycle back and fourth that you don't seem to understand at all? Anyone that figures something out that works for them and benefits them in playing better isn't going to share said build if it's something that took them time to figure out, It's LIKE that in any game that attempts to have players be "above average" and want to increase their skills overall, it's exactly how you said it "you cannot have everybody be above average" of course you can't but some time to actually think of how to improve yourself overall is GOING to eventually get you to a skill level thats Above average.


> 3: Lol now your saying meta battle lays a foundation for builds commonly used and noting more? Ah ok that's right because that doesn't give players an idea on what to go on and what not to build around? Why are you even debating this argument further if you strongly don't see the amount of tools and sites given to the players to help them formulate their own build outside of meta? No build in this game is unstoppable and every build lacks something and all have their own weakness for you to even think differently is dumb and for the unrank comment everyone does it to test things out or in hotjoin for 1vs1 purposes it's not Just "new players".


> P.S If you took this post to the heart because you feel you fall under the majority from whom i spoke about then that's on you, a great amount of players that constantly post in this forum are usually player below Plat level that cry "nerf" or complain about "balance issues" when balancing issues has always been apart of this game and it's noting new about it. In the end you're the only one in this thread who has posted back to back trying to make an argument which you wouldn't really understand and complaining about off meta beta not being given to everyone because they can't find x amount of time to figure it out even though everything else is already given to the casuals that play this game for the heck of it. As I stated above if you want to be better then the average gold player then guess what? Put in some time to play around with runes/trait lines and amulets it doesn't take a lot of time and it doesn't require a lot thinking to do so.


> feel free to go back and forth trying to debunk everything that doesn't make much sense to you.


1 And u are wrong. U putting your fingers in your ears and shouting git gud is not changing this. just from the top of my head i can name players who are atleast plat or top 250 level who have complaines and or concerns about balance. Crinn, Cynz, ,Bikklen. I will say it again u are wrong.


2 Why wouldn't i talk about builds? We are talking about balance right? Like now, nobody is going to share thier build? Like seriously? youtube isn't a thing, the proffesion forums aren't a thing? U are simply projecting here because u can't look past your own limited reality. then u say well, nobody is going to be above average. but then with some time u will eventually get become average? Do u not understand how that makes no sense? there will be those people to they can take as much time as they want and they will not make it past average and that is not for a luck of trying. Again u are making no sense here.


3 Not sure what kind of gotchya comment u found here. but u do realise that I never disagreed that metabattle lies foundations for builds commonly used. It simply will not play a signficant role for finding those ''offmeta'' super duper, meta killing, that ''anyone with effort and time can achieve''. without gimping yourself massively or gimping your team noticably. why do u think i reffered to the ''good build'' section. it's filled with tons of builds send in by those that found it working in solo queu.


4 Not sure if u trying to be witty here with the whole implication that i take it. personally but it shows once again that u are nothing more then a person who refuses to actually have an open mind. ''Well he is responding, so clearly he must be offended, well that will get him''


nothing more then a one track mind. But it is as I said. U are not here to actually do something to better the community. not that u are mandated to do so in the first place or anything, projecting that players are never gonna share thier builds, refusing to talk about builds, trying to one up me with a witty comment, implicating i'm taking it personally hence i responded. Honestly just admit. it. Just admit that u are not here to add anything constructive or helpfull to the community. U just want to say ''GIT GUD BRAH!'' that's it.


if u and other likeminded like yourself found a build that worked for themselves. But didn't go on this whole ''GIT GUD BRAH!'' tangent. I'd have no issues if u kept it to yourself. But here u are barking at other to not be as salty and simply try harder. then u admit u refuse to share that super duper ''1680-1700'' build. and then once double down on why others shouldnt be doing it either.




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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > > > I never get the fact that players are actually bieng counterintuivitive to the competetive aspect of the game by defending a-net and arguing that it's just the players fault, and paint some heavily distorted picture of the playerbase. it's always the same type of player that refuses to learn or do anything. and just enters pvp match to do litterally nothing. Always some nonsensical halftruths.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ''it's always the bronze-gold players that complain''. and everybody in plat to pro never ever had an complaint or ever quit the game due to those reasons.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There is a second option. U can be a player that likes pvp and wishes to improve in the game and still have major issues with the game, point them out, in hope of improving the experience.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > funny enough the very same players who make a thread, to just get better, generaly barely give any advice or show thier ''super secret off-meta meta killing build'' to anyone.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > In cases of of the latter I could understand if somebody had an viable of meta build and tried to keep it a secret due to poor balance descisions that affect diversity. but then u sure as hell have no right to talk about just trying harder. Because appearantly even u don't have enough faith in A-net to go public with such a build.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > i need to share all my builds in order to have "faith"? I mean have posted a few last season and i even posted one on Meta battle.... that alone should show my faith in my personal builds that works for me, however if your expecting me to share my exact build that kept me in the 1680-1700s rating then no i won't share because again... like every other person who does their own testing and builds that benefits their play style shouldn't have to be shared and copy to the bones just so someone can "feel good" about themselves.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If an individual lacks the effort or time to test things out in this game then why should I or anyone else who figures things out by using up their time to test what works best and what doesn't to be given to a casual who just wants everything handed out to them? If you want a free hand out on what to play and what works then go straight to the meta battle page and look around their enough standard builds that work perfectly well for anyone that wants to pick up a class and figure things out from there. You're already given the standard foundation to something from meta battle or whatever you want to call meta for a build the only thing anyone else needs to do is apply some effort into what works best for certain match ups, and certain play styles that fit best for you.

> > > > >

> > > > > I was not mentioning u per se but in a more general sense. if u did try to contribute then u get some credit. Oddily enough your response regarding ''the build'' that kept u in the 1680's and 1700 and your second paragraph is what my post was more adressing, the mentality behind it. so u ommit that special build of yours. which is your given right, sure. but then once again. your argument revolves around an individual who doesn't wanna put in the effort, or is a mere casual so that they can feel good about themselves. and tell them to go look at metabattle. while it's metabattle that clearly spreadss the meta, spreads the scourges and mirages. and metabattle that doesn't offer the offhand ''special'' build that allows u combat the meta. u are telling others to go look at metabattle for meta killing builds? almost all builds not in the meta category are incapable of dealing with the meta comp, and those few who do pose a counter have so many kitten hardcounters and bad synergy with the team that it is sometimes not even worth it. if u are gonna say try harder and then reason that those that hold the same opinon shouldn't have to contribute. then u have no right to speak. u assume only casuals without an ounce of trying complain which is simply wrong. streamers, veterans and players who place at the leaderboard complain as well, they complain and some even left. yet u and others like u come here. and tell others to get better and when push comes to shove u argue they shouldn't even try to share thier solutions? what kind of nonsense is this?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > and like i stated Putting SOME effort into trying things out and putting in the time to test things out on your own comes a long way you can't expect things to be given to everyone if others aren't taking time to do it themselves. I also stated that the meta page is a great source for a foundation if you simply can't comprehend that then what else are you really trying to argue besides the fact the it's the same ol thing over and over? Vet players leave but come back another season, and the same for players who place in leader-board they come and go just like myself but that doesn't mean they are complaining so much about the "meta" it more of a complain about match making and match trading that has been going on for a while a majority of the top rated players that actually try and continue to stay on the leader boarder are getting wrecked due to the points lost and gain not being fairly even at all.

> > > >

> > > > It's as straight forward as possible just LIKE any other game IF you simply want to be above average then you NEED to invest some time in testing things out on your own and picking up on things such as how other classes play and abilities work (so you can learn to fight against it). ANY legit player that actually tries to be decent or above that adapts to the "meta" fairly easy and it's not that hard to do at all... The less amount of energy spend on complaining and crying isn't gonna help said person skill if they are just looking to be toxic about everything possible and complain about x class being to "op".

> > >

> > > And again it's nothing more then a badly formulated half truths. U got no right to accuse me of repeating the same thing.

> > >

> > > 1 U refuse to even accept even top 250 players, streamers, pros have complained about the balance. do u think everybody in this forum is a bronze-gold player? I mean u litterally just said that u are in the 1680-1700, now think further.

> > > 2 U refuse that players in some cases are simply incapable of doing so. there is a reason u have divisions. and untill u accept that fact, players such as yourself ommiting builds simply cause they are too casual is not helping the cause. U cannot have everybody be above average, that is stastically impossible.

> > > 3 Metabattle lays a foundation for builds commonly used, and that's it. However creating off meta builds that somehow wreck meta builds but at the same time do not actually suffer from either a plethora of weaknesses or lack enough of a role to contribute to a team is exactly why there is such a large list of ''good rated builds'' and none of them compare to the meta. at best a few of them might beat a few of the top rated in 1 v 1's and that is me bieng very generous. now assume they are more players actually trying to create builds. but simply fail. what do u think new players are doing in unranked or hotjoin?

> > >

> > > I will say it again. u make no sense here. this thread is nothing more then one of many players not happy with people complaining.

> >

> > 1: Again your making an argument about balancing and talking about players quieting is because of "balance issues" if you aren't in the top then you simply wouldn't understand a big majority of it is because of match making and people getting tired, the balance issues IS just a small set back to the grand scheme of everything and why people that are high rate end up quieting. I myself "quit" for a few season then came back because of the match making and not because of the balance issues we have ALWAYS been having that's Just an excuses for the majority of people to cry about.

> >

> > 2: Again with the builds? It's the same cycle back and fourth that you don't seem to understand at all? Anyone that figures something out that works for them and benefits them in playing better isn't going to share said build if it's something that took them time to figure out, It's LIKE that in any game that attempts to have players be "above average" and want to increase their skills overall, it's exactly how you said it "you cannot have everybody be above average" of course you can't but some time to actually think of how to improve yourself overall is GOING to eventually get you to a skill level thats Above average.

> >

> > 3: Lol now your saying meta battle lays a foundation for builds commonly used and noting more? Ah ok that's right because that doesn't give players an idea on what to go on and what not to build around? Why are you even debating this argument further if you strongly don't see the amount of tools and sites given to the players to help them formulate their own build outside of meta? No build in this game is unstoppable and every build lacks something and all have their own weakness for you to even think differently is dumb and for the unrank comment everyone does it to test things out or in hotjoin for 1vs1 purposes it's not Just "new players".

> >

> > P.S If you took this post to the heart because you feel you fall under the majority from whom i spoke about then that's on you, a great amount of players that constantly post in this forum are usually player below Plat level that cry "nerf" or complain about "balance issues" when balancing issues has always been apart of this game and it's noting new about it. In the end you're the only one in this thread who has posted back to back trying to make an argument which you wouldn't really understand and complaining about off meta beta not being given to everyone because they can't find x amount of time to figure it out even though everything else is already given to the casuals that play this game for the heck of it. As I stated above if you want to be better then the average gold player then guess what? Put in some time to play around with runes/trait lines and amulets it doesn't take a lot of time and it doesn't require a lot thinking to do so.

> >

> > feel free to go back and forth trying to debunk everything that doesn't make much sense to you.


> 1 And u are wrong. U putting your fingers in your ears and shouting git gud is not changing this. just from the top of my head i can name players who are atleast plat or top 250 level who have complaines and or concerns about balance. Crinn, Cynz, ,Bikklen. I will say it again u are wrong.


> 2 Why wouldn't i talk about builds? We are talking about balance right? Like now, nobody is going to share thier build? Like seriously? youtube isn't a thing, the proffesion forums aren't a thing? U are simply projecting here because u can't look past your own limited reality. then u say well, nobody is going to be above average. but then with some time u will eventually get become average? Do u not understand how that makes no sense? there will be those people to they can take as much time as they want and they will not make it past average and that is not for a luck of trying. Again u are making no sense here.


> 3 Not sure what kind of gotchya comment u found here. but u do realise that I never disagreed that metabattle lies foundations for builds commonly used. It simply will not play a signficant role for finding those ''offmeta'' super duper, meta killing, that ''anyone with effort and time can achieve''. without gimping yourself massively or gimping your team noticably. why do u think i reffered to the ''good build'' section. it's filled with tons of builds send in by those that found it working in solo queu.


> 4 Not sure if u trying to be witty here with the whole implication that i take it. personally but it shows once again that u are nothing more then a person who refuses to actually have an open mind. ''Well he is responding, so clearly he must be offended, well that will get him''


> nothing more then a one track mind. But it is as I said. U are not here to actually do something to better the community. not that u are mandated to do so in the first place or anything, projecting that players are never gonna share thier builds, refusing to talk about builds, trying to one up me with a witty comment, implicating i'm taking it personally hence i responded. Honestly just admit. it. Just admit that u are not here to add anything constructive or helpfull to the community. U just want to say ''GIT GUD BRAH!'' that's it.


> if u and other likeminded like yourself found a build that worked for themselves. But didn't go on this whole ''GIT GUD BRAH!'' tangent. I'd have no issues if u kept it to yourself. But here u are barking at other to not be as salty and simply try harder. then u admit u refuse to share that super duper ''1680-1700'' build. and then once double down on why others shouldnt be doing it either.







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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > I never get the fact that players are actually bieng counterintuivitive to the competetive aspect of the game by defending a-net and arguing that it's just the players fault, and paint some heavily distorted picture of the playerbase. it's always the same type of player that refuses to learn or do anything. and just enters pvp match to do litterally nothing. Always some nonsensical halftruths.

> > > > >

> > > > > ''it's always the bronze-gold players that complain''. and everybody in plat to pro never ever had an complaint or ever quit the game due to those reasons.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is a second option. U can be a player that likes pvp and wishes to improve in the game and still have major issues with the game, point them out, in hope of improving the experience.

> > > > >

> > > > > funny enough the very same players who make a thread, to just get better, generaly barely give any advice or show thier ''super secret off-meta meta killing build'' to anyone.

> > > > >

> > > > > In cases of of the latter I could understand if somebody had an viable of meta build and tried to keep it a secret due to poor balance descisions that affect diversity. but then u sure as hell have no right to talk about just trying harder. Because appearantly even u don't have enough faith in A-net to go public with such a build.

> > > >

> > > > i need to share all my builds in order to have "faith"? I mean have posted a few last season and i even posted one on Meta battle.... that alone should show my faith in my personal builds that works for me, however if your expecting me to share my exact build that kept me in the 1680-1700s rating then no i won't share because again... like every other person who does their own testing and builds that benefits their play style shouldn't have to be shared and copy to the bones just so someone can "feel good" about themselves.

> > > >

> > > > If an individual lacks the effort or time to test things out in this game then why should I or anyone else who figures things out by using up their time to test what works best and what doesn't to be given to a casual who just wants everything handed out to them? If you want a free hand out on what to play and what works then go straight to the meta battle page and look around their enough standard builds that work perfectly well for anyone that wants to pick up a class and figure things out from there. You're already given the standard foundation to something from meta battle or whatever you want to call meta for a build the only thing anyone else needs to do is apply some effort into what works best for certain match ups, and certain play styles that fit best for you.

> > >

> > > I was not mentioning u per se but in a more general sense. if u did try to contribute then u get some credit. Oddily enough your response regarding ''the build'' that kept u in the 1680's and 1700 and your second paragraph is what my post was more adressing, the mentality behind it. so u ommit that special build of yours. which is your given right, sure. but then once again. your argument revolves around an individual who doesn't wanna put in the effort, or is a mere casual so that they can feel good about themselves. and tell them to go look at metabattle. while it's metabattle that clearly spreadss the meta, spreads the scourges and mirages. and metabattle that doesn't offer the offhand ''special'' build that allows u combat the meta. u are telling others to go look at metabattle for meta killing builds? almost all builds not in the meta category are incapable of dealing with the meta comp, and those few who do pose a counter have so many kitten hardcounters and bad synergy with the team that it is sometimes not even worth it. if u are gonna say try harder and then reason that those that hold the same opinon shouldn't have to contribute. then u have no right to speak. u assume only casuals without an ounce of trying complain which is simply wrong. streamers, veterans and players who place at the leaderboard complain as well, they complain and some even left. yet u and others like u come here. and tell others to get better and when push comes to shove u argue they shouldn't even try to share thier solutions? what kind of nonsense is this?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > and like i stated Putting SOME effort into trying things out and putting in the time to test things out on your own comes a long way you can't expect things to be given to everyone if others aren't taking time to do it themselves. I also stated that the meta page is a great source for a foundation if you simply can't comprehend that then what else are you really trying to argue besides the fact the it's the same ol thing over and over? Vet players leave but come back another season, and the same for players who place in leader-board they come and go just like myself but that doesn't mean they are complaining so much about the "meta" it more of a complain about match making and match trading that has been going on for a while a majority of the top rated players that actually try and continue to stay on the leader boarder are getting wrecked due to the points lost and gain not being fairly even at all.

> >

> > It's as straight forward as possible just LIKE any other game IF you simply want to be above average then you NEED to invest some time in testing things out on your own and picking up on things such as how other classes play and abilities work (so you can learn to fight against it). ANY legit player that actually tries to be decent or above that adapts to the "meta" fairly easy and it's not that hard to do at all... The less amount of energy spend on complaining and crying isn't gonna help said person skill if they are just looking to be toxic about everything possible and complain about x class being to "op".


> And again it's nothing more then a badly formulated half truths. U got no right to accuse me of repeating the same thing.


> 1 U refuse to even accept even top 250 players, streamers, pros have complained about the balance. do u think everybody in this forum is a bronze-gold player? I mean u litterally just said that u are in the 1680-1700, now think further.

> 2 U refuse that players in some cases are simply incapable of doing so. there is a reason u have divisions. and untill u accept that fact, players such as yourself ommiting builds simply cause they are too casual is not helping the cause. U cannot have everybody be above average, that is stastically impossible.

> 3 Metabattle lays a foundation for builds commonly used, and that's it. However creating off meta builds that somehow wreck meta builds but at the same time do not actually suffer from either a plethora of weaknesses or lack enough of a role to contribute to a team is exactly why there is such a large list of ''good rated builds'' and none of them compare to the meta. at best a few of them might beat a few of the top rated in 1 v 1's and that is me bieng very generous. now assume they are more players actually trying to create builds. but simply fail. what do u think new players are doing in unranked or hotjoin?


> I will say it again. u make no sense here. this thread is nothing more then one of many players not happy with people complaining.


This ^^. Almost every build revolves around meta, and nonmeta builds that will simply wreck metabuilds? Dude, this is so unreal.


> @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > > > > I agree with you @"zoopop.5630". I think they should try those mobile MMOs with auto combat instead. All they have to do is get good gears which is just one purchase click away (if they prefer the fast way), press "auto combat" and lean back, watch some tv and feel like a god when the match is won.

> > > > >

> > > > > If they are not happy whith a game where they have to use their brain to make a progress, they should not play it. Nerf this, nerf that cause it's too hard. Yes, i have some trouble with scurages too but that is always my own fault doing lethal misstakes, playing too "bravely", noticing the aoes too late, etc. I see alot of people that like blindfolded diving into the arms of a scurage and his homies in the mid point. I've seen myself do it too ? But ofcourse they will get condi spammed to death and maybe go whine about after to the balance team, all because they didn't look back and reflected over why they lost and how they could have done better.

> > > > > Im also having alot of trouble killing a bunker druid in 1vs1, sometimes i have to wait and hope for another team member to come help. But heck, isn't that the point of being a bunker?

> > > > > And then we have the mirage, also whined about for being op, right after everyone whined about it for being totally garbage, out of meta, another 0 dps spec for mesmer, worthless and so on. People are never happy with anything. I don't have that much trouble killing mirages, not more than any other professions that are on my skill level. I also don't have much trouble surviving it but i play as mirage myself so i know how it works.

> > > > > Learn how to play the profession you have trouble with. Know your enemy. Stop whine and get good instead.

> > > > > Im not saying that im good but im definitely working on it ;)

> > > > >

> > > > > But seriously, people should take a break, sit down and only think about their own playing. What they did wrong and what they did good. What they could have done to prevent that or compensate for this. Stop blame everything on the surroundings and situations, whatever it could be. Record your games and watch your play and actions with a constructive view. Don't mind so much on how others play, unless you can learn something good from it whether it be from their misstakes or their shining moments. It's a really good way to actually see how you play and realize your true skill level what if you want to improve.

> > > >

> > > > Same bla bla bla.

> > >

> > > Well it's true. Playing meta or not, you still need to know what you are doing and when to do it if you want to get better than average. When meeting a much skilled player than yourself the meta wont save you. No matter if you happen to play as the most considered op profession at the time.

> > > Being so sure that every good player plays the meta is being kinda naive. I bet alot of people have made their own builds that is much better than the meta is for their playstyle and just simply don't want to share it with you and other people.

> > > **If some profession happens to get off balance, Anet will fix it**. No need to cry about it, we can't do anything about it anyway except from making the best of the situation. It's not like scurage is on god mode, just a bit overwhelming sometimes. Learn how to beat it and you gain some skill points when it's fixed.

> >

> > Let's face the fact folks, most people who are top 250 plays meta. Yeah, there are non meta builds better than the current meta, because this game's current state doesn't resolve around meta. About the bold text, dude, no offense but, get real


> No I think you should get real and start to think outside the box instead.

> If they run meta builds, good for them but who cares? That's not the point.

> If Anet thinks a profession is too op they will fix it, it's their game so they decide how they want it to be. If you and other people can't handle it, it's your problem. It's up to each one of us if we want to impove or camplain til we get spoon fed. Those who don't want to admit that they need to improve or are too lazy, they will look for others to blame and keep complain about things being too hard. Just face it, dude.


No man, you are the one who needs to get real. Anet is just perpetuating a sick cycle of "who's gonna be op next balance patch" and it wont change. They don't fix anything, if you think this is how they fix it, well that's a really lame opinion but still fair so I don't condemn you. Now if "getting real" was a thing, balance patches wouldn't be necessary considering just how Anet handles the game's balance. But it's okay to get real: make your own non-meta and go play competitive in unranked LOL.


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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > > > > I never get the fact that players are actually bieng counterintuivitive to the competetive aspect of the game by defending a-net and arguing that it's just the players fault, and paint some heavily distorted picture of the playerbase. it's always the same type of player that refuses to learn or do anything. and just enters pvp match to do litterally nothing. Always some nonsensical halftruths.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > ''it's always the bronze-gold players that complain''. and everybody in plat to pro never ever had an complaint or ever quit the game due to those reasons.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > There is a second option. U can be a player that likes pvp and wishes to improve in the game and still have major issues with the game, point them out, in hope of improving the experience.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > funny enough the very same players who make a thread, to just get better, generaly barely give any advice or show thier ''super secret off-meta meta killing build'' to anyone.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > In cases of of the latter I could understand if somebody had an viable of meta build and tried to keep it a secret due to poor balance descisions that affect diversity. but then u sure as hell have no right to talk about just trying harder. Because appearantly even u don't have enough faith in A-net to go public with such a build.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > i need to share all my builds in order to have "faith"? I mean have posted a few last season and i even posted one on Meta battle.... that alone should show my faith in my personal builds that works for me, however if your expecting me to share my exact build that kept me in the 1680-1700s rating then no i won't share because again... like every other person who does their own testing and builds that benefits their play style shouldn't have to be shared and copy to the bones just so someone can "feel good" about themselves.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If an individual lacks the effort or time to test things out in this game then why should I or anyone else who figures things out by using up their time to test what works best and what doesn't to be given to a casual who just wants everything handed out to them? If you want a free hand out on what to play and what works then go straight to the meta battle page and look around their enough standard builds that work perfectly well for anyone that wants to pick up a class and figure things out from there. You're already given the standard foundation to something from meta battle or whatever you want to call meta for a build the only thing anyone else needs to do is apply some effort into what works best for certain match ups, and certain play styles that fit best for you.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I was not mentioning u per se but in a more general sense. if u did try to contribute then u get some credit. Oddily enough your response regarding ''the build'' that kept u in the 1680's and 1700 and your second paragraph is what my post was more adressing, the mentality behind it. so u ommit that special build of yours. which is your given right, sure. but then once again. your argument revolves around an individual who doesn't wanna put in the effort, or is a mere casual so that they can feel good about themselves. and tell them to go look at metabattle. while it's metabattle that clearly spreadss the meta, spreads the scourges and mirages. and metabattle that doesn't offer the offhand ''special'' build that allows u combat the meta. u are telling others to go look at metabattle for meta killing builds? almost all builds not in the meta category are incapable of dealing with the meta comp, and those few who do pose a counter have so many kitten hardcounters and bad synergy with the team that it is sometimes not even worth it. if u are gonna say try harder and then reason that those that hold the same opinon shouldn't have to contribute. then u have no right to speak. u assume only casuals without an ounce of trying complain which is simply wrong. streamers, veterans and players who place at the leaderboard complain as well, they complain and some even left. yet u and others like u come here. and tell others to get better and when push comes to shove u argue they shouldn't even try to share thier solutions? what kind of nonsense is this?

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > and like i stated Putting SOME effort into trying things out and putting in the time to test things out on your own comes a long way you can't expect things to be given to everyone if others aren't taking time to do it themselves. I also stated that the meta page is a great source for a foundation if you simply can't comprehend that then what else are you really trying to argue besides the fact the it's the same ol thing over and over? Vet players leave but come back another season, and the same for players who place in leader-board they come and go just like myself but that doesn't mean they are complaining so much about the "meta" it more of a complain about match making and match trading that has been going on for a while a majority of the top rated players that actually try and continue to stay on the leader boarder are getting wrecked due to the points lost and gain not being fairly even at all.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's as straight forward as possible just LIKE any other game IF you simply want to be above average then you NEED to invest some time in testing things out on your own and picking up on things such as how other classes play and abilities work (so you can learn to fight against it). ANY legit player that actually tries to be decent or above that adapts to the "meta" fairly easy and it's not that hard to do at all... The less amount of energy spend on complaining and crying isn't gonna help said person skill if they are just looking to be toxic about everything possible and complain about x class being to "op".

> > > >

> > > > And again it's nothing more then a badly formulated half truths. U got no right to accuse me of repeating the same thing.

> > > >

> > > > 1 U refuse to even accept even top 250 players, streamers, pros have complained about the balance. do u think everybody in this forum is a bronze-gold player? I mean u litterally just said that u are in the 1680-1700, now think further.

> > > > 2 U refuse that players in some cases are simply incapable of doing so. there is a reason u have divisions. and untill u accept that fact, players such as yourself ommiting builds simply cause they are too casual is not helping the cause. U cannot have everybody be above average, that is stastically impossible.

> > > > 3 Metabattle lays a foundation for builds commonly used, and that's it. However creating off meta builds that somehow wreck meta builds but at the same time do not actually suffer from either a plethora of weaknesses or lack enough of a role to contribute to a team is exactly why there is such a large list of ''good rated builds'' and none of them compare to the meta. at best a few of them might beat a few of the top rated in 1 v 1's and that is me bieng very generous. now assume they are more players actually trying to create builds. but simply fail. what do u think new players are doing in unranked or hotjoin?

> > > >

> > > > I will say it again. u make no sense here. this thread is nothing more then one of many players not happy with people complaining.

> > >

> > > 1: Again your making an argument about balancing and talking about players quieting is because of "balance issues" if you aren't in the top then you simply wouldn't understand a big majority of it is because of match making and people getting tired, the balance issues IS just a small set back to the grand scheme of everything and why people that are high rate end up quieting. I myself "quit" for a few season then came back because of the match making and not because of the balance issues we have ALWAYS been having that's Just an excuses for the majority of people to cry about.

> > >

> > > 2: Again with the builds? It's the same cycle back and fourth that you don't seem to understand at all? Anyone that figures something out that works for them and benefits them in playing better isn't going to share said build if it's something that took them time to figure out, It's LIKE that in any game that attempts to have players be "above average" and want to increase their skills overall, it's exactly how you said it "you cannot have everybody be above average" of course you can't but some time to actually think of how to improve yourself overall is GOING to eventually get you to a skill level thats Above average.

> > >

> > > 3: Lol now your saying meta battle lays a foundation for builds commonly used and noting more? Ah ok that's right because that doesn't give players an idea on what to go on and what not to build around? Why are you even debating this argument further if you strongly don't see the amount of tools and sites given to the players to help them formulate their own build outside of meta? No build in this game is unstoppable and every build lacks something and all have their own weakness for you to even think differently is dumb and for the unrank comment everyone does it to test things out or in hotjoin for 1vs1 purposes it's not Just "new players".

> > >

> > > P.S If you took this post to the heart because you feel you fall under the majority from whom i spoke about then that's on you, a great amount of players that constantly post in this forum are usually player below Plat level that cry "nerf" or complain about "balance issues" when balancing issues has always been apart of this game and it's noting new about it. In the end you're the only one in this thread who has posted back to back trying to make an argument which you wouldn't really understand and complaining about off meta beta not being given to everyone because they can't find x amount of time to figure it out even though everything else is already given to the casuals that play this game for the heck of it. As I stated above if you want to be better then the average gold player then guess what? Put in some time to play around with runes/trait lines and amulets it doesn't take a lot of time and it doesn't require a lot thinking to do so.

> > >

> > > feel free to go back and forth trying to debunk everything that doesn't make much sense to you.

> >

> > 1 And u are wrong. U putting your fingers in your ears and shouting git gud is not changing this. just from the top of my head i can name players who are atleast plat or top 250 level who have complaines and or concerns about balance. Crinn, Cynz, ,Bikklen. I will say it again u are wrong.

> >

> > 2 Why wouldn't i talk about builds? We are talking about balance right? Like now, nobody is going to share thier build? Like seriously? youtube isn't a thing, the proffesion forums aren't a thing? U are simply projecting here because u can't look past your own limited reality. then u say well, nobody is going to be above average. but then with some time u will eventually get become average? Do u not understand how that makes no sense? there will be those people to they can take as much time as they want and they will not make it past average and that is not for a luck of trying. Again u are making no sense here.

> >

> > 3 Not sure what kind of gotchya comment u found here. but u do realise that I never disagreed that metabattle lies foundations for builds commonly used. It simply will not play a signficant role for finding those ''offmeta'' super duper, meta killing, that ''anyone with effort and time can achieve''. without gimping yourself massively or gimping your team noticably. why do u think i reffered to the ''good build'' section. it's filled with tons of builds send in by those that found it working in solo queu.

> >

> > 4 Not sure if u trying to be witty here with the whole implication that i take it. personally but it shows once again that u are nothing more then a person who refuses to actually have an open mind. ''Well he is responding, so clearly he must be offended, well that will get him''

> >

> > nothing more then a one track mind. But it is as I said. U are not here to actually do something to better the community. not that u are mandated to do so in the first place or anything, projecting that players are never gonna share thier builds, refusing to talk about builds, trying to one up me with a witty comment, implicating i'm taking it personally hence i responded. Honestly just admit. it. Just admit that u are not here to add anything constructive or helpfull to the community. U just want to say ''GIT GUD BRAH!'' that's it.

> >

> > if u and other likeminded like yourself found a build that worked for themselves. But didn't go on this whole ''GIT GUD BRAH!'' tangent. I'd have no issues if u kept it to yourself. But here u are barking at other to not be as salty and simply try harder. then u admit u refuse to share that super duper ''1680-1700'' build. and then once double down on why others shouldnt be doing it either.

> >

> >

> >


> so GIT GUD BRAH!!!



you don't have to be rude, arrogant


I encourage you to read this



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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > > I never get the fact that players are actually bieng counterintuivitive to the competetive aspect of the game by defending a-net and arguing that it's just the players fault, and paint some heavily distorted picture of the playerbase. it's always the same type of player that refuses to learn or do anything. and just enters pvp match to do litterally nothing. Always some nonsensical halftruths.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ''it's always the bronze-gold players that complain''. and everybody in plat to pro never ever had an complaint or ever quit the game due to those reasons.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There is a second option. U can be a player that likes pvp and wishes to improve in the game and still have major issues with the game, point them out, in hope of improving the experience.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > funny enough the very same players who make a thread, to just get better, generaly barely give any advice or show thier ''super secret off-meta meta killing build'' to anyone.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In cases of of the latter I could understand if somebody had an viable of meta build and tried to keep it a secret due to poor balance descisions that affect diversity. but then u sure as hell have no right to talk about just trying harder. Because appearantly even u don't have enough faith in A-net to go public with such a build.

> > > > >

> > > > > i need to share all my builds in order to have "faith"? I mean have posted a few last season and i even posted one on Meta battle.... that alone should show my faith in my personal builds that works for me, however if your expecting me to share my exact build that kept me in the 1680-1700s rating then no i won't share because again... like every other person who does their own testing and builds that benefits their play style shouldn't have to be shared and copy to the bones just so someone can "feel good" about themselves.

> > > > >

> > > > > If an individual lacks the effort or time to test things out in this game then why should I or anyone else who figures things out by using up their time to test what works best and what doesn't to be given to a casual who just wants everything handed out to them? If you want a free hand out on what to play and what works then go straight to the meta battle page and look around their enough standard builds that work perfectly well for anyone that wants to pick up a class and figure things out from there. You're already given the standard foundation to something from meta battle or whatever you want to call meta for a build the only thing anyone else needs to do is apply some effort into what works best for certain match ups, and certain play styles that fit best for you.

> > > >

> > > > I was not mentioning u per se but in a more general sense. if u did try to contribute then u get some credit. Oddily enough your response regarding ''the build'' that kept u in the 1680's and 1700 and your second paragraph is what my post was more adressing, the mentality behind it. so u ommit that special build of yours. which is your given right, sure. but then once again. your argument revolves around an individual who doesn't wanna put in the effort, or is a mere casual so that they can feel good about themselves. and tell them to go look at metabattle. while it's metabattle that clearly spreadss the meta, spreads the scourges and mirages. and metabattle that doesn't offer the offhand ''special'' build that allows u combat the meta. u are telling others to go look at metabattle for meta killing builds? almost all builds not in the meta category are incapable of dealing with the meta comp, and those few who do pose a counter have so many kitten hardcounters and bad synergy with the team that it is sometimes not even worth it. if u are gonna say try harder and then reason that those that hold the same opinon shouldn't have to contribute. then u have no right to speak. u assume only casuals without an ounce of trying complain which is simply wrong. streamers, veterans and players who place at the leaderboard complain as well, they complain and some even left. yet u and others like u come here. and tell others to get better and when push comes to shove u argue they shouldn't even try to share thier solutions? what kind of nonsense is this?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > and like i stated Putting SOME effort into trying things out and putting in the time to test things out on your own comes a long way you can't expect things to be given to everyone if others aren't taking time to do it themselves. I also stated that the meta page is a great source for a foundation if you simply can't comprehend that then what else are you really trying to argue besides the fact the it's the same ol thing over and over? Vet players leave but come back another season, and the same for players who place in leader-board they come and go just like myself but that doesn't mean they are complaining so much about the "meta" it more of a complain about match making and match trading that has been going on for a while a majority of the top rated players that actually try and continue to stay on the leader boarder are getting wrecked due to the points lost and gain not being fairly even at all.

> > >

> > > It's as straight forward as possible just LIKE any other game IF you simply want to be above average then you NEED to invest some time in testing things out on your own and picking up on things such as how other classes play and abilities work (so you can learn to fight against it). ANY legit player that actually tries to be decent or above that adapts to the "meta" fairly easy and it's not that hard to do at all... The less amount of energy spend on complaining and crying isn't gonna help said person skill if they are just looking to be toxic about everything possible and complain about x class being to "op".

> >

> > And again it's nothing more then a badly formulated half truths. U got no right to accuse me of repeating the same thing.

> >

> > 1 U refuse to even accept even top 250 players, streamers, pros have complained about the balance. do u think everybody in this forum is a bronze-gold player? I mean u litterally just said that u are in the 1680-1700, now think further.

> > 2 U refuse that players in some cases are simply incapable of doing so. there is a reason u have divisions. and untill u accept that fact, players such as yourself ommiting builds simply cause they are too casual is not helping the cause. U cannot have everybody be above average, that is stastically impossible.

> > 3 Metabattle lays a foundation for builds commonly used, and that's it. However creating off meta builds that somehow wreck meta builds but at the same time do not actually suffer from either a plethora of weaknesses or lack enough of a role to contribute to a team is exactly why there is such a large list of ''good rated builds'' and none of them compare to the meta. at best a few of them might beat a few of the top rated in 1 v 1's and that is me bieng very generous. now assume they are more players actually trying to create builds. but simply fail. what do u think new players are doing in unranked or hotjoin?

> >

> > I will say it again. u make no sense here. this thread is nothing more then one of many players not happy with people complaining.


> This ^^. Almost every build revolves around meta, and nonmeta builds that will simply wreck metabuilds? Dude, this is so unreal.


> > @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > > > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > > > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > > > > > I agree with you @"zoopop.5630". I think they should try those mobile MMOs with auto combat instead. All they have to do is get good gears which is just one purchase click away (if they prefer the fast way), press "auto combat" and lean back, watch some tv and feel like a god when the match is won.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If they are not happy whith a game where they have to use their brain to make a progress, they should not play it. Nerf this, nerf that cause it's too hard. Yes, i have some trouble with scurages too but that is always my own fault doing lethal misstakes, playing too "bravely", noticing the aoes too late, etc. I see alot of people that like blindfolded diving into the arms of a scurage and his homies in the mid point. I've seen myself do it too ? But ofcourse they will get condi spammed to death and maybe go whine about after to the balance team, all because they didn't look back and reflected over why they lost and how they could have done better.

> > > > > > Im also having alot of trouble killing a bunker druid in 1vs1, sometimes i have to wait and hope for another team member to come help. But heck, isn't that the point of being a bunker?

> > > > > > And then we have the mirage, also whined about for being op, right after everyone whined about it for being totally garbage, out of meta, another 0 dps spec for mesmer, worthless and so on. People are never happy with anything. I don't have that much trouble killing mirages, not more than any other professions that are on my skill level. I also don't have much trouble surviving it but i play as mirage myself so i know how it works.

> > > > > > Learn how to play the profession you have trouble with. Know your enemy. Stop whine and get good instead.

> > > > > > Im not saying that im good but im definitely working on it ;)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But seriously, people should take a break, sit down and only think about their own playing. What they did wrong and what they did good. What they could have done to prevent that or compensate for this. Stop blame everything on the surroundings and situations, whatever it could be. Record your games and watch your play and actions with a constructive view. Don't mind so much on how others play, unless you can learn something good from it whether it be from their misstakes or their shining moments. It's a really good way to actually see how you play and realize your true skill level what if you want to improve.

> > > > >

> > > > > Same bla bla bla.

> > > >

> > > > Well it's true. Playing meta or not, you still need to know what you are doing and when to do it if you want to get better than average. When meeting a much skilled player than yourself the meta wont save you. No matter if you happen to play as the most considered op profession at the time.

> > > > Being so sure that every good player plays the meta is being kinda naive. I bet alot of people have made their own builds that is much better than the meta is for their playstyle and just simply don't want to share it with you and other people.

> > > > **If some profession happens to get off balance, Anet will fix it**. No need to cry about it, we can't do anything about it anyway except from making the best of the situation. It's not like scurage is on god mode, just a bit overwhelming sometimes. Learn how to beat it and you gain some skill points when it's fixed.

> > >

> > > Let's face the fact folks, most people who are top 250 plays meta. Yeah, there are non meta builds better than the current meta, because this game's current state doesn't resolve around meta. About the bold text, dude, no offense but, get real

> >

> > No I think you should get real and start to think outside the box instead.

> > If they run meta builds, good for them but who cares? That's not the point.

> > If Anet thinks a profession is too op they will fix it, it's their game so they decide how they want it to be. If you and other people can't handle it, it's your problem. It's up to each one of us if we want to impove or camplain til we get spoon fed. Those who don't want to admit that they need to improve or are too lazy, they will look for others to blame and keep complain about things being too hard. Just face it, dude.


> No man, you are the one who needs to get real. Anet is just perpetuating a sick cycle of "who's gonna be op next balance patch" and it wont change. They don't fix anything, if you think this is how they fix it, well that's a really lame opinion but still fair so I don't condemn you. Now if "getting real" was a thing, balance patches wouldn't be necessary considering just how Anet handles the game's balance. But it's okay to get real: make your own non-meta and go play competitive in unranked LOL.



You just sound bitter but thats okey, i get it. There's nothing we can do about it. It is what it is so deal with it or don't play. What's the point of sticking with something you are unhappy with? I get it, you don't like non-meta builds but c'mon, no need to be imature about it. Just because non-meta builds doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's the same for everyone.

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> @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > > > > I never get the fact that players are actually bieng counterintuivitive to the competetive aspect of the game by defending a-net and arguing that it's just the players fault, and paint some heavily distorted picture of the playerbase. it's always the same type of player that refuses to learn or do anything. and just enters pvp match to do litterally nothing. Always some nonsensical halftruths.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ''it's always the bronze-gold players that complain''. and everybody in plat to pro never ever had an complaint or ever quit the game due to those reasons.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There is a second option. U can be a player that likes pvp and wishes to improve in the game and still have major issues with the game, point them out, in hope of improving the experience.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > funny enough the very same players who make a thread, to just get better, generaly barely give any advice or show thier ''super secret off-meta meta killing build'' to anyone.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > In cases of of the latter I could understand if somebody had an viable of meta build and tried to keep it a secret due to poor balance descisions that affect diversity. but then u sure as hell have no right to talk about just trying harder. Because appearantly even u don't have enough faith in A-net to go public with such a build.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > i need to share all my builds in order to have "faith"? I mean have posted a few last season and i even posted one on Meta battle.... that alone should show my faith in my personal builds that works for me, however if your expecting me to share my exact build that kept me in the 1680-1700s rating then no i won't share because again... like every other person who does their own testing and builds that benefits their play style shouldn't have to be shared and copy to the bones just so someone can "feel good" about themselves.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If an individual lacks the effort or time to test things out in this game then why should I or anyone else who figures things out by using up their time to test what works best and what doesn't to be given to a casual who just wants everything handed out to them? If you want a free hand out on what to play and what works then go straight to the meta battle page and look around their enough standard builds that work perfectly well for anyone that wants to pick up a class and figure things out from there. You're already given the standard foundation to something from meta battle or whatever you want to call meta for a build the only thing anyone else needs to do is apply some effort into what works best for certain match ups, and certain play styles that fit best for you.

> > > > >

> > > > > I was not mentioning u per se but in a more general sense. if u did try to contribute then u get some credit. Oddily enough your response regarding ''the build'' that kept u in the 1680's and 1700 and your second paragraph is what my post was more adressing, the mentality behind it. so u ommit that special build of yours. which is your given right, sure. but then once again. your argument revolves around an individual who doesn't wanna put in the effort, or is a mere casual so that they can feel good about themselves. and tell them to go look at metabattle. while it's metabattle that clearly spreadss the meta, spreads the scourges and mirages. and metabattle that doesn't offer the offhand ''special'' build that allows u combat the meta. u are telling others to go look at metabattle for meta killing builds? almost all builds not in the meta category are incapable of dealing with the meta comp, and those few who do pose a counter have so many kitten hardcounters and bad synergy with the team that it is sometimes not even worth it. if u are gonna say try harder and then reason that those that hold the same opinon shouldn't have to contribute. then u have no right to speak. u assume only casuals without an ounce of trying complain which is simply wrong. streamers, veterans and players who place at the leaderboard complain as well, they complain and some even left. yet u and others like u come here. and tell others to get better and when push comes to shove u argue they shouldn't even try to share thier solutions? what kind of nonsense is this?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > and like i stated Putting SOME effort into trying things out and putting in the time to test things out on your own comes a long way you can't expect things to be given to everyone if others aren't taking time to do it themselves. I also stated that the meta page is a great source for a foundation if you simply can't comprehend that then what else are you really trying to argue besides the fact the it's the same ol thing over and over? Vet players leave but come back another season, and the same for players who place in leader-board they come and go just like myself but that doesn't mean they are complaining so much about the "meta" it more of a complain about match making and match trading that has been going on for a while a majority of the top rated players that actually try and continue to stay on the leader boarder are getting wrecked due to the points lost and gain not being fairly even at all.

> > > >

> > > > It's as straight forward as possible just LIKE any other game IF you simply want to be above average then you NEED to invest some time in testing things out on your own and picking up on things such as how other classes play and abilities work (so you can learn to fight against it). ANY legit player that actually tries to be decent or above that adapts to the "meta" fairly easy and it's not that hard to do at all... The less amount of energy spend on complaining and crying isn't gonna help said person skill if they are just looking to be toxic about everything possible and complain about x class being to "op".

> > >

> > > And again it's nothing more then a badly formulated half truths. U got no right to accuse me of repeating the same thing.

> > >

> > > 1 U refuse to even accept even top 250 players, streamers, pros have complained about the balance. do u think everybody in this forum is a bronze-gold player? I mean u litterally just said that u are in the 1680-1700, now think further.

> > > 2 U refuse that players in some cases are simply incapable of doing so. there is a reason u have divisions. and untill u accept that fact, players such as yourself ommiting builds simply cause they are too casual is not helping the cause. U cannot have everybody be above average, that is stastically impossible.

> > > 3 Metabattle lays a foundation for builds commonly used, and that's it. However creating off meta builds that somehow wreck meta builds but at the same time do not actually suffer from either a plethora of weaknesses or lack enough of a role to contribute to a team is exactly why there is such a large list of ''good rated builds'' and none of them compare to the meta. at best a few of them might beat a few of the top rated in 1 v 1's and that is me bieng very generous. now assume they are more players actually trying to create builds. but simply fail. what do u think new players are doing in unranked or hotjoin?

> > >

> > > I will say it again. u make no sense here. this thread is nothing more then one of many players not happy with people complaining.

> >

> > This ^^. Almost every build revolves around meta, and nonmeta builds that will simply wreck metabuilds? Dude, this is so unreal.

> >

> > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > > > > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kalli.4506" said:

> > > > > > > I agree with you @"zoopop.5630". I think they should try those mobile MMOs with auto combat instead. All they have to do is get good gears which is just one purchase click away (if they prefer the fast way), press "auto combat" and lean back, watch some tv and feel like a god when the match is won.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If they are not happy whith a game where they have to use their brain to make a progress, they should not play it. Nerf this, nerf that cause it's too hard. Yes, i have some trouble with scurages too but that is always my own fault doing lethal misstakes, playing too "bravely", noticing the aoes too late, etc. I see alot of people that like blindfolded diving into the arms of a scurage and his homies in the mid point. I've seen myself do it too ? But ofcourse they will get condi spammed to death and maybe go whine about after to the balance team, all because they didn't look back and reflected over why they lost and how they could have done better.

> > > > > > > Im also having alot of trouble killing a bunker druid in 1vs1, sometimes i have to wait and hope for another team member to come help. But heck, isn't that the point of being a bunker?

> > > > > > > And then we have the mirage, also whined about for being op, right after everyone whined about it for being totally garbage, out of meta, another 0 dps spec for mesmer, worthless and so on. People are never happy with anything. I don't have that much trouble killing mirages, not more than any other professions that are on my skill level. I also don't have much trouble surviving it but i play as mirage myself so i know how it works.

> > > > > > > Learn how to play the profession you have trouble with. Know your enemy. Stop whine and get good instead.

> > > > > > > Im not saying that im good but im definitely working on it ;)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > But seriously, people should take a break, sit down and only think about their own playing. What they did wrong and what they did good. What they could have done to prevent that or compensate for this. Stop blame everything on the surroundings and situations, whatever it could be. Record your games and watch your play and actions with a constructive view. Don't mind so much on how others play, unless you can learn something good from it whether it be from their misstakes or their shining moments. It's a really good way to actually see how you play and realize your true skill level what if you want to improve.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Same bla bla bla.

> > > > >

> > > > > Well it's true. Playing meta or not, you still need to know what you are doing and when to do it if you want to get better than average. When meeting a much skilled player than yourself the meta wont save you. No matter if you happen to play as the most considered op profession at the time.

> > > > > Being so sure that every good player plays the meta is being kinda naive. I bet alot of people have made their own builds that is much better than the meta is for their playstyle and just simply don't want to share it with you and other people.

> > > > > **If some profession happens to get off balance, Anet will fix it**. No need to cry about it, we can't do anything about it anyway except from making the best of the situation. It's not like scurage is on god mode, just a bit overwhelming sometimes. Learn how to beat it and you gain some skill points when it's fixed.

> > > >

> > > > Let's face the fact folks, most people who are top 250 plays meta. Yeah, there are non meta builds better than the current meta, because this game's current state doesn't resolve around meta. About the bold text, dude, no offense but, get real

> > >

> > > No I think you should get real and start to think outside the box instead.

> > > If they run meta builds, good for them but who cares? That's not the point.

> > > If Anet thinks a profession is too op they will fix it, it's their game so they decide how they want it to be. If you and other people can't handle it, it's your problem. It's up to each one of us if we want to impove or camplain til we get spoon fed. Those who don't want to admit that they need to improve or are too lazy, they will look for others to blame and keep complain about things being too hard. Just face it, dude.

> >

> > No man, you are the one who needs to get real. Anet is just perpetuating a sick cycle of "who's gonna be op next balance patch" and it wont change. They don't fix anything, if you think this is how they fix it, well that's a really lame opinion but still fair so I don't condemn you. Now if "getting real" was a thing, balance patches wouldn't be necessary considering just how Anet handles the game's balance. But it's okay to get real: make your own non-meta and go play competitive in unranked LOL.

> >


> You just sound bitter but thats okey, i get it. There's nothing we can do about it. It is what it is so deal with it or don't play. What's the point of sticking with something you are unhappy with? I get it, you don't like non-meta builds but c'mon, no need to be imature about it. Just because non-meta builds doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's the same for everyone.


Depends how "offmeta" they are. Not like changing one trait here and there will make a big difference for meta builds but I do know how your arguments fail, no need to point them out because it's useless and will get us nowhere. GL HF

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