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Please adjust "signet of draining"


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Jes sry its just too strong, its 1,1k damage + heal and without ICD. On a thief with headsot its just to much. Thief or Mesmer are already strong in smallscale but with this signet i have 0 chance. So please add ICD 5 sec. Sigil of blood has half of the damage on 5 sec cooldown. You can kill people just with headshot spam with this signet.



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The fact you actually have to Interrupt a cast to trigger it, makes it fairly balanced. Any kind of internal CD on it, will make it drop off the face of the earth, never to be used again. Like someone else said, stop spamming skills mindlessly and try to juke like you're supposed to.

The problem is not in the sigil, it's in the player on the receiving end.

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> @"Kontrolle.3514" said:

> 1k sigil proc is to much for no ICD. If there would be no thiefs then jes it would be balanced but as long as we have thiefs spamming headshot it needs to be adjusted. Half the damage is still ok.


Then nerf head shot, you’re obviously complaining about thieves not the sigil. Stop bashing buttons like you’re playing WoW and start trying to play GW2 PvP which is all about timing and mitigation. How’s that for a suggestion? Too much to ask for, I’m sure.


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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> If other professions can't make use of the interrupts so often, why not just put the ICD on it?


> I think it's probably more broken on necro in larger fights than anything given their repeated ability to fear/interrupt many targets at once and subsequently heal for 5k on no ICD.


One major reason, and this is where the sigil really shines, outnumbered situations, where getting an AoE interrupt + heal is the difference between life and death. This is the kind of gameplay, we need to be promoting, not nerfing. We have so much spammable everything, that the few mechanics still left, that allow for counterplay to mindless spamming and button bashing should be praised not cried about.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> The fact you actually have to Interrupt a cast to trigger it, makes it fairly balanced. Any kind of internal CD on it, will make it drop off the face of the earth, never to be used again. Like someone else said, stop spamming skills mindlessly and try to juke like you're supposed to.

> The problem is not in the sigil, it's in the player on the receiving end.


Not really, this sigil is a fine example of why people laugh at GW2 when people go on about "skilled" gameplay, interrupting a specific skill in a game is skillful (though when you have classes that can spam interrupts, even that "skilled" play is questionable), but this sigil rewards interrupting anything, that is the opposite of skilled play, even more so in a game where the design of the game means most classes are using one skill or another most of the time.

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"Don't spam skills" is weak advice in a game where you need to use your skills (character abilities, not personal competence) to participate in a fight. Whether you're mindful of the ability you're using or not doesn't change the fact its interruptible, and couple of classes have access to an obscene amount of interrupts.

_Of course_ you're going to use your skills, and that's what makes interrupt-heavy builds such a pain in the butt to fight.


~ Kovu

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > If other professions can't make use of the interrupts so often, why not just put the ICD on it?

> >

> > I think it's probably more broken on necro in larger fights than anything given their repeated ability to fear/interrupt many targets at once and subsequently heal for 5k on no ICD.


> One major reason, and this is where the sigil really shines, outnumbered situations, where getting an AoE interrupt + heal is the difference between life and death. This is the kind of gameplay, we need to be promoting, not nerfing. We have so much spammable everything, that the few mechanics still left, that allow for counterplay to mindless spamming and button bashing should be praised not cried about.


No. If a player wins in an outnumbered situation, it should have nothing to do with build except in the case of speccing deliberately to hard counter the entire group, and it should have mostly or everything to do with a disparity in skill, anyways.


Especially when this comes from a generic piece of gear. It has nothing to do with hard-countering anything. It's just broken considering it's already insanely strong in 1v1 and gets stronger not from being targeted by more than one person, but simply attacking more than one person. Considering so much AoE CC is ranged, it's super easy to generate the reward and has very low risk. It also procs on things like pets/minions/clones which aren't even a fair way to assert balance of "multiple foes." CC is already way too common and has been since HoT. It's even worse in PoF. The sheer amount of spammable CC has been a huge criticism of this game's PvP for a long time.


If you want to talk about skilled interrupts, the ICD shouldn't matter because if you're actually using it to specifically interrupt individual skills from specific opponents a la *skilled play*, the multi-interrupt AoE will almost always be specifically targeted to one person's major skill. The minute chance where you have a group of targets all near each other coordinating all of their major attacks at the same time without using stability such that something like an AoE fear can be used to calculatingly interrupt all of them is so negligible that it's not worth keeping the sigil's power to as it is now which rewards mindless spam. Not to mention if the player can beat 5 people at once in this case by being able to process and react so perfectly to a 1v5, and the opponents are so bad as to play that way... that's just the skill disparity thing I was talking about earlier.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> The fact you actually have to Interrupt a cast to trigger it, makes it fairly balanced. Any kind of internal CD on it, will make it drop off the face of the earth, never to be used again. Like someone else said, stop spamming skills mindlessly and try to juke like you're supposed to.

> The problem is not in the sigil, it's in the player on the receiving end.


I agree, if a thief is running that and you can not fight back due to your class/build, then run. People are notorious for finding an exploit, but only the exceptional will find a counter.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> If you're getting wrecked by headshot, you sure it's not pulmonary impact doing the lion's share of the work?


> Is it really the 1100 damage hits?


> You sure?




I think the validity of the complaint here is more about the healing than the damage, which is why I also mentioned necromancers and AoE CC above. PI is probably the primary source of Headshot spam damage. The sigil pretty much ends up being a second/third heal. Worth noting as well that lifesteal effects ignore damage negation like SoS/EP, and for no CD with repeated casts, that's a lot of damage capable of just ignoring key build components.

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