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Would you like to see underwater content in the next LS/EXP and why (if they rework combat system)?


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> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> I'd love to explore such maps.


> 1. New enemies

> 2. Possibly new race

> 3. Bubbles?

> 4. Underwater mounts and mechanics to travel with currents?

> 5. Love the visuals of the legendary underwater weapons

> 6. Something new

> 7. Pirate ships battles

> 8. Submarine Battles

> 9. Mermaids?

> 10. Underwater caves with legendary monsters and unknown treasures?

> 11. Riding a shark?

> 12. Dolphins race?

> 13. Bubbles?

> 14. Areas I haven't been/heard before

> 15. Giant octopus meta event with 8 grps for 8 tentacles to defeat?

> 16. Bubbles?

> 17. Vertical exploration?


If I never see another underwater encounter in GW2, I'll be thrilled. Underwater combat is the HERPEST DERPEST crap in the game.

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I'd like to see underwater combat can an overhaul, but... I don't think it should be a priority for ANet.


First, it's obviously a lot of work. In effect, they'd have to go back to the drawing board and revisit the entire set of mechanics (including whether UW becomes a fourth game mode, with its own traits/runes etc), the skills, the builds, and movement.


Then, they'd also have to redo all the existing underwater zones so that it fit the new mechanics. And then they'd have to provide so much new content so that it would be worth the effort above.


That's a huge diversion of game resources for something that only appeals to a subset of players in the first place.


tl;dr seems like a great idea for GW3, not for GW2.

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> @Panda.1967 said:

> Only because underwater combat is abysmal and after years of requests they have made zero effort to improve it. Many professions are heavily restricted on what skills they can use underwater, some of which only have 1 heal & elite available. If they make a legitimate effort to improve underwater combat then sure... and such an effort includes adding more underwater weapons.


Pretty much this yes is why im going to say no.

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I'd like to see every class get an overhaul for UW. (especially revenant..... I mean... They make the spear great, then gimp half the legends?)


Secondly, add a dive knife mh/oh and oh net. And allow the net and dive knife to be equipped as oh with the spear and trident, replacing the 3,4,and 5 skills.


Traits, quick bars, utilities and weapons should be unique to UW. (should have a 3 sec internal CD to switch trait lines to prevent CD reset abuse in WvW)


Add Kodan as playable. (we already know they swim, and most norn sized armor will fit with minimal graphical work.)



Add elite specs that work UW, based on race rather than class, each designed to do something specific. Add race change paid item to the gem store to make this a smoother transition.


Add maps that are as deep as some maps are long.


Conditions could interact with UW state to make it much more interesting. (burns cause steam, bleeding enrages enemies, poison spreads through the water in aoe. Torment does less damage swimming downward, but more damage swimming up. Chill causes slow in aoe...) clearly this would be a massive overhaul.


But I want a massive overhaul. This could be insanely cool. And we could have UW pvp maps. Oh, now I've got myself all excited.

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I always see people ragging on underwater combat, but never anything specific. It's hard to tell what's genuine and what's circlejerk. To me, I feel less powerful underwater - i cant use some of my AOE skills, I feel slower, and my weapons don't seem to be doing that much damage (Even though using a dps meter I can see that's not really that true). If you want Anet to improve underwater combat, you should inject your opinion on where they should start.


In response to the question, I'm more interested in what can be done atop the waves rather than beneath them, with ships being sailable and naval combat being a potential feature of the next xpac.

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I usually love underwater, I really do. I spent most my time underwater with my Iksar in EQ2 and even went so far to build an underwater cave and entrance in that game with the housing they provide. My favourite game growing up was Ecco the Dolphin, and one of my most recent favourites has been Abzu. So yeah, I adore underwater environments and swimming around in them... but not in this game. It's the underwater combat in this game that made me say no. I just can not stand it. We're forced to use weapons that are a lot of the time sub par or have awkward skills, we're outright missing or unable to USE half our skills, etc. Underwater combat is something I actively avoid in this game, and I dread every time I have to actually go into the water for a quest that involves killing anything. Fix that and I maybe could support a more aquatic expansion, but until then I definitely vote a hard no.

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Until the outdated underwater combat is fixed for many classes this merely means a zone that player will avoid like the plague. Need a reminder of how bad underwater combat is go take on the Bloodstone Shark in Frostgorge Sound. It's frustrating poorly tuned and ineffective with many traits, plus let's not forget at least two classes are stuck with one elite underwater, not to mention many have a highly stripped skill selection. Then there's the weapon selection/skills they are poor at best and completely forgotten for many.

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How I feel about underwater combat in the next expansion: very positively, because I want the next expansion to bring us to Cantha. Primarily, of all the regions of Cantha, I want to revisit the Echovald and Jade Sea the most. Since the curse of Shiro has worn off by the time of Guild Wars 2, this means the Jade Sea would be water again, and therefore all the boats and repurposed boats that sat in jade during Factions would now be floating atop a sea of water. This makes for an excellent opportunity to come back to underwater content and totally revamp it. You could even have an underwater mastery line, which could include some pretty cool stuff; maybe make it Core, so that it can be used even in old underwater content. Add some underwater mounts. The Cantha expansion could really be a natural time to go back and Make Underwater Great Again.

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you know you are tired when you read it as underwear content.... xD


I think it would be cool to have an expansion where we go to an under water Atlantis style region that has a lot of emphasis and lore about the forgotten, where there will be some areas with water combat while others are like giant air-like bubble domes using some old forgotten tech. It would definitely be an interesting approach when we have to deal (not necessarily kill since that is bad now) with the Bubbles the dragon.

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