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What about addtional action bar?


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We all know there's only skill bar in Guild Wars 2 and we can't customize it totaly like the action bar in other MMORPG games, just can select and order general skills. But in game there are many usable items like foods, toys, especially environment weapons, the characteristic item of this game, what we can buy from merchant. And it's very fuzzy for us to use them. We need open the inventory, find it from dozens of items and then click it. Can we get an additional bar, contain 5~10 slots? Just a simply bar on a side of my screen, won't be changed when the main skill bar changed by weapon shift or event, so we can use these items more convenient with hot-keys we binded.I think that's a good idea to increase the player's interest in using usable item.

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  • 11 months later...

Just wanted to make a topic regarding this, so im bringing this one back to life.


Was thinking litteraly the same thing, we have soo many useful consumable items (rocks, harpy feathers, ash legion spy kit, some matrices(cc), hylek poison, fire elemental poweder etc.), and the main reason for not using them is because opening the inventory (and possibly having it constantly open) to use them is really annoying.

Anet is even introducing more and more with each living story patch (we got some... cannon? thing from ep3, and the turrets!)

We could also put food, potions, tonics,** basicaly everything we can double click in the inventory** in the bar (with some exceptions i guess).

This bar could easily be smaller, and only appear if we wanted it. We could easily have custom bindings like "Ctrl + 1" up to "Ctrl + 0" or something.


I am realy wondering. **Why isn't this implemented yet ??** Alot of these items are REALLY nice to use, yet i dont want to, because opening the inventory while in combat is just gonna get me killed/lose focus.



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I've kind-of done this myself, but in a way which probably isn't practical for everyone. My inventory is sized to a 5 x 4 grid and positioned above the chat box, so I can have it open while playing and the bottom row of the first bag is my 'quick access items'. I normally have the booster, food and utility I'm currently using here along with any gizmos I need (like Treasure Maps or the Brandstone Multitool) or other items I know I'll want frequently/quickly. That works for me because I want my inventory small and in the corner anyway and I don't mind having to scroll through it to find things I need. (Especially since the other stuff I always carry around is all grouped together in the bottom bag.)


I've seen screenshots where some people made a literal bar by positioning their inventory off the side of the screen so only the right-hand column of slots shows and putting things in there they want quick access to.


If there was a more conventional quick-slot system I'd probably use it, but the only thing which would make a big difference to me is the ability to keybind certain items, any UI for it would basically just be a reminder of which item is bound to which key.

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