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Waited over a month to step back into ranked pvp.


did one game, and had a scourge inflict 8 different conditions on me, some of them more than 6 stacks, with one ability that had no reaction time.


Good game. I'm never stepping in sPvP again. Its clearly not balanced when you have a class that kills everything around them simply by pressing 1 button, and

requiring people to play in a circle.


Never again will I step into this game mode.

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Yeah we all know that feel, hope on balance team was lost long ago, it took them like 6 seasons to realize condi was utterly broken and their bandaid fix didnt cut it because problem was "1 class was able to spike conditions" , instead of fixing that class they just adjusted conditions and the same class can still spike conditions lmao.


More people will keep quitting unless they seriously consider nerfing it.

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I think I get it now. PvE team balances PvP and they don't play PvP apparently or don't really know how to play PvP and just change stuff based on statistics instead of first-hand experience. Of course, the latter may end up being biased, but a reasonable mind will make do with good samples of PvP experience. But well... PvP team tries their best and everything that makes this game mode fall into a derelict state even more is more likely on the PvE team's side.


Let's just be real here, either a rework is needed or a massive nerfing across all classes to make games more punishing for mistakes. This won't happen though, so let just this game mode slowly bleed out. It won't die though, it was never dead, it is not dead and won't die. It will endlessly bleed out, infested with the worst sort of people and remembered as a GW2 mini-game.


But the thing that hurts me the most is the feeling of betrayal. I've seen advertisments and read opinion about pvp in GW2 way before HoT, it wasn't flawless, no game is, but it was multiple times better than how it is now. At least I enjoyed a few months of vanilla. However, as a customer who paid for this game and supported it, I also feel deep resentment to those who are responsible for the state of this game mode, both the devs and players, especially on the issue of wintrading which is ignored by one and practiced by the other.


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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Waited over a month to step back into ranked pvp.


> did one game, and had a scourge inflict 8 different conditions on me, some of them more than 6 stacks, with one ability that had no reaction time.


> Good game. I'm never stepping in sPvP again. Its clearly not balanced when you have a class that kills everything around them simply by pressing 1 button, and

> requiring people to play in a circle.


> Never again will I step into this game mode.


AFAIK there's no scourge skill that inflicts you with 8 conditions in an instant. And especially not with some of them having 6 stacks lol. You must've stepped in alot of AOE my friend.

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All the crying about necros is great, its almost like everyone who comes up against them just doesn't plan, its not like you DONT know they are going to inflict a world of hurt from condis on you, but its better to complain on the forums about it,


Seriously sounds like to many players are used to face planting others in PvP and get wrecked when they mash all the skills and die, honestly sounds like a learn to play issue,


I don't see many complaints about certain OP other classes that take 3 players to burn them down, but when the 1v1 fight gets you destroyed your on here in double time complaining, laughable.


The truly sad thing is, anet will probably listen to the few players QQing and nerf the nerco+elite class into the ground.


Its like the players who stand in DH traps, or the people who get spiked in 3 seconds by a thief. LTP issues.

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Waited over a month to step back into ranked pvp.


> did one game, and had a scourge inflict 8 different conditions on me, some of them more than 6 stacks, with one ability that had no reaction time.


> Good game. I'm never stepping in sPvP again. Its clearly not balanced when you have a class that kills everything around them simply by pressing 1 button, and

> requiring people to play in a circle.


> Never again will I step into this game mode.


when u do a pvp game for pve'ers in mind... what were u expecting to find in gw2 "pretend to have pvp"???

It is that or burst the sroucge from range in 3 seconds, it is just called bad designed gameplay, to make every one look efective.


Btw gw2 is know for its awfull gameplay, a cute game but just that, game design and balance is not good to follow up, dont expect much chnages in future next expantion need to bring more spam and aoe and damage output so players have the need to buy the expantion wich will make pvp even worse.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> All the crying about necros is great, its almost like everyone who comes up against them just doesn't plan, its not like you DONT know they are going to inflict a world of hurt from condis on you, but its better to complain on the forums about it,


> Seriously sounds like to many players are used to face planting others in PvP and get wrecked when they mash all the skills and die, honestly sounds like a learn to play issue,


> I don't see many complaints about certain OP other classes that take 3 players to burn them down, but when the 1v1 fight gets you destroyed your on here in double time complaining, laughable.


> The truly sad thing is, anet will probably listen to the few players QQing and nerf the nerco+elite class into the ground.


> Its like the players who stand in DH traps, or the people who get spiked in 3 seconds by a thief. LTP issues.

Yeah sure. Only few people complain about scourge. Press the "<" button and filter how many posts contain "scourge" in it.


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> @"Vag.5682" said:

> Its not only scourge. Mesmer does that as well and is even stronger . eles and dragonunters can stack condis too. theres too much condi spam in this game overall.


> condis shouls have a cap and if cleanse a timer before reapply.


by condis from dragon hunters you mean 1 meaningful condi that can be cleansed in an instant right?

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Scourge is strong, but if you are going up against a Scourge, you know their damage is through condis. Learn to counter play. Stay out of the huge circle on the ground! Bring more cleanses. Don't have more? Switch classes to something that has more cleanses. Do you have a support on your team who can cleanse, fight near them while fighting the Scourge. And if you are running up on them and getting in melee range, make sure you watch out for Ghastly Breach. I have seen so many people just stand in it (and in their shades...) and get pissed when they get annihilated. You have to start learning about other classes and how to fight them instead of getting on the forums to complain about it.

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> @"insaneseagull.7063" said:

> > @"Zackie.8923" said:

> > sounds like how people complaint about dh traps when it first came out


> This.


Not really.


You can deactivate ALL DH traps by dodging / evade frame though them for literally 0 damage. Scourge places shades which hurt you when they're placed, then they can trigger their F skills on demand for massive damage + corruption and when you're trying to cleanse... suprise you get feared. The pressure of seeing a shade in a cap point is already a deterrant on its own, but as you can't spring the shade "trap" to deactivate it, the scourge can hold the point for ransom. If a DH could choose when to activate its traps it would be similar, but current state its just not.


Think before you type dumb comparisons.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> All the crying about necros is great, its almost like everyone who comes up against them just doesn't plan, its not like you DONT know they are going to inflict a world of hurt from condis on you, but its better to complain on the forums about it,


> Seriously sounds like to many players are used to face planting others in PvP and get wrecked when they mash all the skills and die, honestly sounds like a learn to play issue,


> I don't see many complaints about certain OP other classes that take 3 players to burn them down, but when the 1v1 fight gets you destroyed your on here in double time complaining, laughable.


> The truly sad thing is, anet will probably listen to the few players QQing and nerf the nerco+elite class into the ground.


> Its like the players who stand in DH traps, or the people who get spiked in 3 seconds by a thief. LTP issues.


Funny troll. How you think this spec isn't brain dead bs is baffling. Idk what my skills even do, still win games. You can make no mistakes. Throw your shade on a foe at range while accidentally killing the dude next to you you didnt even know was there. Enemy walks out of shade, doesn't matter, throw another because they're unlimited. Every melee is irrelevant because they're perma weakened, Every ability corrupts a boon on top of whatever else it does, Every ability is a giant aoe you can land with a blindfold.

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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> > @"insaneseagull.7063" said:

> > > @"Zackie.8923" said:

> > > sounds like how people complaint about dh traps when it first came out

> >

> > This.


> Not really.


> You can deactivate ALL DH traps by dodging / evade frame though them for literally 0 damage. Scourge places shades which hurt you when they're placed, then they can trigger their F skills on demand for massive damage + corruption and when you're trying to cleanse... suprise you get feared. The pressure of seeing a shade in a cap point is already a deterrant on its own, but as you can't spring the shade "trap" to deactivate it, the scourge can hold the point for ransom. If a DH could choose when to activate its traps it would be similar, but current state its just not.


> Think before you type dumb comparisons.


Pretty much this. Even a bad scourge can throw down a shade and that area becomes a deathtrap. Or the elite punishment skill makes an area death incarnate. In a game mode all about capturing small circles, these circles are way too potent and way too easy to place.

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> @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > All the crying about necros is great, its almost like everyone who comes up against them just doesn't plan, its not like you DONT know they are going to inflict a world of hurt from condis on you, but its better to complain on the forums about it,

> >

> > Seriously sounds like to many players are used to face planting others in PvP and get wrecked when they mash all the skills and die, honestly sounds like a learn to play issue,

> >

> > I don't see many complaints about certain OP other classes that take 3 players to burn them down, but when the 1v1 fight gets you destroyed your on here in double time complaining, laughable.

> >

> > The truly sad thing is, anet will probably listen to the few players QQing and nerf the nerco+elite class into the ground.

> >

> > Its like the players who stand in DH traps, or the people who get spiked in 3 seconds by a thief. LTP issues.


> Funny troll. How you think this spec isn't brain dead bs is baffling. Idk what my skills even do, still win games. You can make no mistakes. Throw your shade on a foe at range while accidentally killing the dude next to you you didnt even know was there. Enemy walks out of shade, doesn't matter, throw another because they're unlimited. Every melee is irrelevant because they're perma weakened, Every ability corrupts a boon on top of whatever else it does, Every ability is a giant aoe you can land with a blindfold.


LOL, clearly you don't know what you're talking...

1) Shades are **not** unlimited... You can have 3 at a time, and they have a somewhat long recharge time. They also only last 5 seconds, so you can't just sit there spamming shades on one place. Not saying that they don't lack counter-play, they do. They should be targetable with a break bar and dissolve when its broken. It keeps them in line with Necro's biggest problem, lack of stability.

2) Range? Shades don't have that much, also can be LoS'd. Scepter is a 900 range weapon. If you actually play at long range you can easily kill scourges.

3) Not every ability is an aoe, but yeah scourge has a lot of splash damage. So what? I'ts his thing, he's awesome vs numbers at close range. Focus him in long range and he's dead.

4) It's surely an easy class to play, but i'm willing to bet that past platinum, it's probably a bit less prevalent. Just like Trap DH was a low tier thing.


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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> > @"insaneseagull.7063" said:

> > > @"Zackie.8923" said:

> > > sounds like how people complaint about dh traps when it first came out

> >

> > This.


> Not really.


> You can deactivate ALL DH traps by dodging / evade frame though them for literally 0 damage. Scourge places shades which hurt you when they're placed, then they can trigger their F skills on demand for massive damage + corruption and when you're trying to cleanse... suprise you get feared. The pressure of seeing a shade in a cap point is already a deterrant on its own, but as you can't spring the shade "trap" to deactivate it, the scourge can hold the point for ransom. If a DH could choose when to activate its traps it would be similar, but current state its just not.


> Think before you type dumb comparisons.


That's true. But it's not like F abilities have 0 cd. They're instant cast,sure,but they have 5,8,15 and 20 second cooldowns respectively. If traited they're 4,6,5 sec,12 and 16 seconds. Plus,they're not unavoidable. You can dodge through their skills but granted that will require some luck/gut feeling.


People act like the shade skills are spammable while in reality it's far from the truth. Most of the builds strength lies in the Curses and Scourge line

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> All the crying about necros is great, its almost like everyone who comes up against them just doesn't plan, its not like you DONT know they are going to inflict a world of hurt from condis on you, but its better to complain on the forums about it,


> Seriously sounds like to many players are used to face planting others in PvP and get wrecked when they mash all the skills and die, honestly sounds like a learn to play issue,


> I don't see many complaints about certain OP other classes that take 3 players to burn them down, but when the 1v1 fight gets you destroyed your on here in double time complaining, laughable.


There's only one class that can counter Scourge consistently... How do you call this balanced?


It may take you 3 people to kill that 1 bunker guy in Bronze tier but I assure you this isn't the case when playing in the top 100.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> > > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > > All the crying about necros is great, its almost like everyone who comes up against them just doesn't plan, its not like you DONT know they are going to inflict a world of hurt from condis on you, but its better to complain on the forums about it,

> > >

> > > Seriously sounds like to many players are used to face planting others in PvP and get wrecked when they mash all the skills and die, honestly sounds like a learn to play issue,

> > >

> > > I don't see many complaints about certain OP other classes that take 3 players to burn them down, but when the 1v1 fight gets you destroyed your on here in double time complaining, laughable.

> > >

> > > The truly sad thing is, anet will probably listen to the few players QQing and nerf the nerco+elite class into the ground.

> > >

> > > Its like the players who stand in DH traps, or the people who get spiked in 3 seconds by a thief. LTP issues.

> >

> > Funny troll. How you think this spec isn't brain dead bs is baffling. Idk what my skills even do, still win games. You can make no mistakes. Throw your shade on a foe at range while accidentally killing the dude next to you you didnt even know was there. Enemy walks out of shade, doesn't matter, throw another because they're unlimited. Every melee is irrelevant because they're perma weakened, Every ability corrupts a boon on top of whatever else it does, Every ability is a giant aoe you can land with a blindfold.


> LOL, clearly you don't know what you're talking...

> 1) Shades are **not** unlimited... You can have 3 at a time, and they have a somewhat long recharge time. They also only last 5 seconds, so you can't just sit there spamming shades on one place. Not saying that they don't lack counter-play, they do. They should be targetable with a break bar and dissolve when its broken. It keeps them in line with Necro's biggest problem, lack of stability.

> 2) Range? Shades don't have that much, also can be LoS'd. Scepter is a 900 range weapon. If you actually play at long range you can easily kill scourges.

> 3) Not every ability is an aoe, but yeah scourge has a lot of splash damage. So what? I'ts his thing, he's awesome vs numbers at close range. Focus him in long range and he's dead.

> 4) It's surely an easy class to play, but i'm willing to bet that past platinum, it's probably a bit less prevalent. Just like Trap DH was a low tier thing.



in high plat.... they are god like and scary as fuck to play against.... on my holo i can stomp on most scourges anywhere in gold and maybe low plat however when you got Naru,Spiritus and a few others that KNOW how to play the class they are a deadly in all areas lol. They are the only class in last season and this current season i have the hardest time with from 1vs1 or 5vs5 they just destroy so much of the melee class at the moment that it kinda makes it impossible to fight them even if u want to "range" them it's pretty damn hard unless your a deadeye/LB ranger.


Just dropping 1 shade alone without even using any other f2-f4 abilities gives out Damage and possibly revert your boons into condi(depending on your trait line) that's from JUST dropping your shade lol. Normally high tier plat players don't spam their f2-f4 like monkeys they time it to actual land =/.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Flauvious.6195" said:

> > > > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > > > All the crying about necros is great, its almost like everyone who comes up against them just doesn't plan, its not like you DONT know they are going to inflict a world of hurt from condis on you, but its better to complain on the forums about it,

> > > >

> > > > Seriously sounds like to many players are used to face planting others in PvP and get wrecked when they mash all the skills and die, honestly sounds like a learn to play issue,

> > > >

> > > > I don't see many complaints about certain OP other classes that take 3 players to burn them down, but when the 1v1 fight gets you destroyed your on here in double time complaining, laughable.

> > > >

> > > > The truly sad thing is, anet will probably listen to the few players QQing and nerf the nerco+elite class into the ground.

> > > >

> > > > Its like the players who stand in DH traps, or the people who get spiked in 3 seconds by a thief. LTP issues.

> > >

> > > Funny troll. How you think this spec isn't brain dead bs is baffling. Idk what my skills even do, still win games. You can make no mistakes. Throw your shade on a foe at range while accidentally killing the dude next to you you didnt even know was there. Enemy walks out of shade, doesn't matter, throw another because they're unlimited. Every melee is irrelevant because they're perma weakened, Every ability corrupts a boon on top of whatever else it does, Every ability is a giant aoe you can land with a blindfold.

> >

> > LOL, clearly you don't know what you're talking...

> > 1) Shades are **not** unlimited... You can have 3 at a time, and they have a somewhat long recharge time. They also only last 5 seconds, so you can't just sit there spamming shades on one place. Not saying that they don't lack counter-play, they do. They should be targetable with a break bar and dissolve when its broken. It keeps them in line with Necro's biggest problem, lack of stability.

> > 2) Range? Shades don't have that much, also can be LoS'd. Scepter is a 900 range weapon. If you actually play at long range you can easily kill scourges.

> > 3) Not every ability is an aoe, but yeah scourge has a lot of splash damage. So what? I'ts his thing, he's awesome vs numbers at close range. Focus him in long range and he's dead.

> > 4) It's surely an easy class to play, but i'm willing to bet that past platinum, it's probably a bit less prevalent. Just like Trap DH was a low tier thing.

> >


> in high plat.... they are god like and scary as kitten to play against.... on my holo i can stomp on most scourges anywhere in gold and maybe low plat however when you got Naru,Spiritus and a few others that KNOW how to play the class they are a deadly in all areas lol. They are the only class in last season and this current season i have the hardest time with from 1vs1 or 5vs5 they just destroy so much of the melee class at the moment that it kinda makes it impossible to fight them even if u want to "range" them it's pretty kitten hard unless your a deadeye/LB ranger.


> I made Just dropping 1 shade alone without even using any other f2-f4 abilities gives out Damage and possibly revert your boons into condi(depending on your trait line) that's from JUST dropping your shade lol. Normally high tier plat players don't spam their f2-f4 like monkeys they time it to actual land =/.


Sure, but then, you don't go in with melee vs a Scourge if you're a good player.

I think the major problem here isn't scourge, it's just that the rest of the game doesn't allow the meta to shift and play more ranged classes to disable Scourge (which is what happens in other games, like League, If a certain ADC is really OP soon enough there will be a rise in a tank or something that can counter that op champion).

I'm hoping that they don't break the class entirely, because it's fun to play. But instead give people tools to counter it's zone dominance (like a way to destroy shades, hopefully with a break bar instead of health)

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