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Mesmer specialisations don't feel different


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Is it just me or have the 2 elite specialisations for mesmer been really disappointing? I enjoy the gameplay of both chronomancer and mirage but they both feel like they could have been normal specialisations as they don't change the mechanics of the class much at all. I haven't played all of the other classes elites specialisations so maybe it's the same for a lot of others too but what I have watched/read/played make some play a lot differently with their specialisations like herald and scourge. When I saw mirage I was pretty excited thinking they was done with clones and replaced with the mirrors for a different but similar gameplay but instead I found I only see the mirrors like once or twice in a long fight.


So does anyone else feel this way or are you happy with it and also is there any recommendations as what class to play if I wanted to have this diversity I speak of?

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Chronomancer introduces Continuum Split and Wells, as well as Alacrity.


Don't tell me you can support allies with core Mesmer. Ain't happening.


Mirage is a mobile viper. It stings enemies through ambushes and possesses great mobility which core Mesmer and Chrono lack.


As for Herald? It hardly changes Revenant's playstyle. You still get energy, you still get legends. You just unlock a new legend that features upkeep skills. It's literally just an extra legend that's all.


Scourge and Firebrand change the playstyle of both classes significantly. Scourge has, IMO, changed for the worse as there are no longer Shrouds, so your weaponset will always be the same. Firebrand on the other hand has introduced Tomes, or glorified kits that heal, support, and deal damage.


As for ***completely*** changing the playstyle, I don't think there really are any elite specs that do that. Then again, playstyle is subjective and for people like me, they all offer unique gameplay perspectives.

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What can I say, I completely agree with you.

No matter how powerful Chrono & Mirage are, they do not feel like true elite specs to me (especially Mirage). It's disappointing af.

I really hope for some major changes to core mechanics with the 3rd expansion's elite spec.


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> @"Zekvich.6701" said:

> Is it just me or have the 2 elite specialisations for mesmer been really disappointing? I enjoy the gameplay of both chronomancer and mirage but they both feel like they could have been normal specialisations as they don't change the mechanics of the class much at all. I haven't played all of the other classes elites specialisations so maybe it's the same for a lot of others too but what I have watched/read/played make some play a lot differently with their specialisations like herald and scourge. When I saw mirage I was pretty excited thinking they was done with clones and replaced with the mirrors for a different but similar gameplay but instead I found I only see the mirrors like once or twice in a long fight.


> So does anyone else feel this way or are you happy with it and also is there any recommendations as what class to play if I wanted to have this diversity I speak of?


I completely disagree, I really couldn't disagree more, Chrono and Mirage are leagues apart, the only things they have common in their playstyle is clone spawning and shattering which is the core mechanic of Mesmers in general, without those mechanics they wouldn't be as unique as they are so changing or removing those is out of the question.

Lets take a look at the Scourge for example since their core mechanics changed the most out of all classes, sure they are strong and sure they have uses but seriously what makes them more fun to play than the previous specs? Reaper Shroud is the coolest thing they had, you could feel like a badass changing form in a pinch and turning into that monster cleaving your enemies and leaving a trail of bodies behind.. now look at them, they just stand there and pew pew like rangers.. ugh!

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Well the class mechanic is what I was kind of hoping to be changed as it seems a lot of other elites have it to some degree and I don't agree that mesmers whole identity is clones, I see them more as masters of deception and control. chronos extra shatter doesn't really change too much and I did boonshare as mesmer before chrono was out anyway so not much feels different for me for either of the elites really. Perhaps I was hoping for too much but it would have been nice to see shatters/clones changed for example I thought mirage was about having mirrors replacing clones/illusions and running into the mirrors to gain access to powerful ambush techniques and some buffs/effect depending on what illusion/clone skill summoned the mirror, kind of like hiding our strategy from the enemy as they can normally see exactly what phantasms we have out.


Looks like either engi necro or ranger is the closest to having most changing elite specs so i'll have to test them out as alts at some point but it would be better if i could choose one definitely to save the hassle of getting all HPs again so I probably need to do more research or get some more opinions. I know i'll stick to mesmer as main though as I have become too reliant on portal for jumping puzzles.

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Oh I thoroughly enjoy Mirage.


I don't need to shatter spam like I did with Chrono, so there's a nice variety and cadence in attack patterns - dodging, ambushing and shattering.


Also with weapons like axe (by far my favourite weapon in the entire game now) and ambushes for other weapons, it's nice to be able to use weapons for damage rather than relying purely on shatters. So I have more freedom in building, not relying on buffing up shatters with direct damage or condi application so I am free to not take trait lines like Illusions.


Sure on HoT release, chrono was an amazing upgrade and because of that thoroughly enjoyable and a no brainer over core mesmer. But Mirage is totally different and far more fun from a playstyle perspective - I just enjoy the whole flow with it. Yes I still want to land the F1 and whatever, but aside from that it's not played similar to chrono at all.


Also the visual effects of things like Axe 2 are so incredibly beautiful I sometimes just log on into LA to fool around with mirage skills for a while because it's therapeutic. Even the sound effects are good (fortunately astralaria allows me to not have to suffer the horrific rattling sound effect of axe ambush).

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They feel very different to me.

I didn't really like mesmer 'til I picked up the elite specs, tbh. But then i got mirage-a different dodge seperating it from literally every other class + core/chrono, a different way to play that wasn't entirely shatter based, condi damage which esp with recent changes makes it far different from core+chrono. Frankly i could argue in circles about how different playstyles actually are from each other, but mirage is a dramatic change imo. I haven't really played chrono enough to be informed, but the fact it's a support spec unlike core/mirage makes it different enough.

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> @"Zekvich.6701" said:

> Is it just me or have the 2 elite specialisations for mesmer been really disappointing? I enjoy the gameplay of both chronomancer and mirage but they both feel like they could have been normal specialisations as they don't change the mechanics of the class much at all. I haven't played all of the other classes elites specialisations so maybe it's the same for a lot of others too but what I have watched/read/played make some play a lot differently with their specialisations like herald and scourge. When I saw mirage I was pretty excited thinking they was done with clones and replaced with the mirrors for a different but similar gameplay but instead I found I only see the mirrors like once or twice in a long fight.


> So does anyone else feel this way or are you happy with it and also is there any recommendations as what class to play if I wanted to have this diversity I speak of?


I don't know if it's just you, but that certainly hasn't been my experience. I've always loved the concept of mesmer and chronomancer is undeniably a super cool specialization, but in practice I've never enjoyed mesmer until Mirage. I don't know how you could play mirage and not feel the difference!

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