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(Suggesions) Ranger pets and gemstore items

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Ever notice that not very many people like having the polar bear as a pet? Or how about the Eagle? I think it's because these two animals do not look like most people would want them to. The Polar bear should be just like the adults, I know it isn't supposed to irl but it could be like the brown bear, smaller juveniles. As for the Eagle, it looks almost identical to the hawk from a distance. You'd expect the white head or something else. Again I realize this doesn't reflect irl but this is a game. I know I'll likely go ignored but those two changes would make those two pets far more popular and more pleasing to the eye.


For the gemestore items suggestion, also regarding ranger pets, there should be a way to pay for the unlock of the Black Moa, White Raven, and Black Widow Spider. Yes I know it is a reward for playing GW and such but not many people are going to be willing to do all the work of going through GW just for 3 pets. You could make just as much if not more profit this way and make a lot of people happy. It could be seen as an alternative way to acquire the pets. Just make it expensive or something like that. I personally didn't really like much about GW and have little to no desire to go through the painful work of going through the whole thing just for 3 pets. It isn't really giving an advantage that you can't already acquire by other means so it wouldn't be totally unfair.


If for whatever reason you didn't want to add those three pets to the gemstore for unlocking perhaps you could add them in-game? At this point, it isn't a total loss to do so and would make things more fun for those of us unwilling to go through the headache of GW1.


Anyway, this is just a thought that's been running through my head.

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I use pets entirely for their value in combat (or occasionally, for farming). I don't use the polar bear or eagle because they don't have the functionality I'd find useful.



I can't agree with you in the least that ANet should **ever** offer the Black Moa, White Raven, and Black Widow in the gem shop. These were promised as rewards for dedicated GW1 players and should remain as such. The rewards are available to anyone who wants to put in the same effort. In fact, it's largely easier now, since there are so many people willing to offer help and resources for people to reach HoM scores of 30.


Nor should these skins be available in GW2. These are rewards for GW1 players, not for GW2 players.



I think ANet could probably make some coin by offering other reskinned pets, but ... that has turned out to be problematical for the pets above. Apparently, the Black Moa is treated as distinct from the Pink, the White Raven is different from the Black, and the Black Widow isn't like its corresponding spider. When ANet updates ranger & pet skills, someone has to manually ensure that each of these pairs is identical... and in the past, that's only happened some of the time. That results in major headaches, because that has to be treated as a bug, with its own set of policies and requirements to patch.


In other words, it's probably not as good a deal to ANet as it sounds to us, when weighing out the total, life-time costs against the total life-time rewards.


And they certainly can't offer pets in the gem shop that aren't available in game, not while keeping to their "cosmetics & convenience items only" promise.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The rewards are available to anyone who wants to put in the same effort.


Unless their computer is a Mac, because there's no GW1 Mac version. But don't mind me, I am perfectly happy to let GW1 players have their special rewards. I just reserve the right to grumble whenever the subject comes up. :D

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The rewards are available to anyone who wants to put in the same effort.


> Unless their computer is a Mac, because there's no GW1 Mac version.


Right, fair point (although there are emulators for running or booting Windows on a Mac, that's not exactly realistic for every Mac user).


> I just reserve the right to grumble whenever the subject comes up. :D

Yup! It's absolutely appropriate to grumble.


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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The rewards are available to anyone who wants to put in the same effort.


> Unless their computer is a Mac, because there's no GW1 Mac version. But don't mind me, I am perfectly happy to let GW1 players have their special rewards. I just reserve the right to grumble whenever the subject comes up. :D


The person I played with and who also got GWAMM and 50/50 in HoM used a Mac and that was in 2011. I’m sure there are still programs that allow Mac to be used in 2018.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> The person I played with and who also got GWAMM and 50/50 in HoM used a Mac and that was in 2011. I’m sure there are still programs that allow Mac to be used in 2018.


Well. I was going to mention the fact that the copy of Parallels I used to own required an additional purchase of the Windows operating system before I could even try a Windows game, on the off chance it would actually work, when I decided to research if anything had changed since then and found this article...


...coincidentally using Guild Wars as their test example.


You may have just destroyed my right to grumble...


EDIT: It seems that trying to install the program that installs the other program that actually runs Windows apps causes a ton of warnings and error messages , to fix which requires more knowledge of editing things from the command line terminal than I am willing to acquire just to play a game so I can get something in another game.


Grumbling rights reclaimed!

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