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Damage in WvW needs nerf


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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Yea Mesmer burst damage is ridiculous, and has been for some time. Anet continues to buff their damage while stealth is still unbalanced and broken, power creep is still unbalanced and broken. Balance department doesn't know what they are doing and doesn't care about wvw.


> Mesmer power burst and mirage condi application is way over the top.

> Firebrand healing and sustain is way too powerful.

> Thief still broken because of stealth spam.

> Holosmith damage is way over the top.

> Warriors are still broken in small scale.

> Rev is a poorly constructed class, and power damage is over the top.

> Necro is mostly forced into one poorly designed spec.

> Ele still garbage.


> Stealth is broken as always.

> CC spammed like crazy, like always.


> GG balance department, keep up the fabulous job.


Gave you a thumbs up, but do disagree with you moderately. Holosmith and necro. You probably play necro, as do I, but both reaper and scourge need toning down. Reaper needs either changes to shroud so they don't do good damage while having 2 lives and scourge needs less condi application. Holosmith does ok damage, but no where near mesmer, thief, ranger, rev (hammer) and ele (staff) not to mention the Holosmith moves are massively telegraphed and literally flashing lights at you to dodge. Holosmith right now, is the only fully balanced profession, mid reward but high risk, compared to mesmer very low risk high reward.


Warrior is so nerfed now I love seeing the rare warrior roamer on my rev, engi or necro, gg ez. Ele other than staff is garbage I agree. Rev is ok, but does need work, hammer can do good damage and they can survive a good amount of damage, but that is all. And finally firebrand is fine, my holo can do ok against their healing, but I try not to waste time on the zerg builds and focus the spike damage aoe guys.


I agree with thief and mesmer fully.

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Always nice to get hit like a truck from a 1200 range AUTO attack when you have 2.9-3.0k armor.

And it's nice that walls are useful. Mike O'Brien surely fixed WvW with his overhaul.

This is why I don't play this parody of a game anymore.

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Both forums and Reddit are filled with discontent on the current state of the game. ANet, as a product owner, sold us a product that most of us agree is, shall we say broken (?) in its current state. Many of us agree on the same points, so it can hardly be judged as a false claim, or better yet, a concoction.


They fail to communicate with us, their customers, on a professional level. This attitude projects (not) only ignorance. Speaking bluntly it seems to me as if "here, have this, pay for it, use it but don't do anything illegal and don't come to us if something's not working" applies.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> There are tons of skilled roamers running around, but even the really good mesmers I talk to say they have a macro for that combo. Nothing in game should allow a player to cast that many abilities (up to 6) in the time most classes can cast 1 (maybe 2).


Fully agree with you. That doesn't demonstrate skill when a computer program does something for you. That is considered cheating and should be punishable.

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > There are tons of skilled roamers running around, but even the really good mesmers I talk to say they have a macro for that combo. Nothing in game should allow a player to cast that many abilities (up to 6) in the time most classes can cast 1 (maybe 2).


> Fully agree with you. That doesn't demonstrate skill when a computer program does something for you. That is considered cheating and should be punishable.


It technically is, it's just difficult to catch and everyone knows it.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> There are tons of skilled roamers running around, but even the really good mesmers I talk to say they have a macro for that combo. Nothing in game should allow a player to cast that many abilities (up to 6) in the time most classes can cast 1 (maybe 2).


Hey this is Gw2, it is better look good than actually be good, everything is valid here if ments to cut effort.

Otherwise ANet would take that into account when designing the classes skills and their mechanics.


The faster a class can spam the harder is to notice who even cheats/hacks, this is what gw2 is ment for its spammy and dumb gameplay, if game was built for better pvp combat would be easier to spot those players.

Anet doent like this probably since will make players notice what they dont want players to care about has if game was fine in that.

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"Holosmith right now, is the only fully balanced profession, mid reward but high risk, compared to mesmer very low risk high reward."


Where is the risk in playing holosmith? If they start to lose the fight they have activated invul, passive invuln and stealth with rocket boots to run away.

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> @"Choppy.4183" said:

> > @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > There are tons of skilled roamers running around, but even the really good mesmers I talk to say they have a macro for that combo. Nothing in game should allow a player to cast that many abilities (up to 6) in the time most classes can cast 1 (maybe 2).

> >

> > Fully agree with you. That doesn't demonstrate skill when a computer program does something for you. That is considered cheating and should be punishable.


> It technically is, it's just difficult to catch and everyone knows it.


A majority of people playing games now probably have a gaming mouse. GW2 needs to enter this thing called reality and start designing their game and abilities to take their usage into account.


Look at the solo roaming videos on youtube. Almost all of them are using a mouse macro to do jump dodges to look cool and impress people that don't know any better. :P

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > There are tons of skilled roamers running around, but even the really good mesmers I talk to say they have a macro for that combo. Nothing in game should allow a player to cast that many abilities (up to 6) in the time most classes can cast 1 (maybe 2).


> Fully agree with you. That doesn't demonstrate skill when a computer program does something for you. That is considered cheating and should be punishable.


Just have to wait till one exploits this in pve, then it will get fixed. Looking at you ghost teef yeah.

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The problem is, when you have a game balanced BADLY around BAD players. You are going to get this. They have ALWAYS wanted quantity of player of quality of player. The game is designed around getting money and nothing else. Once they have sold the product. They dont care. That is why EVERY single expansion will be more broken and unbalanced than the last, either you pay to win. Or you die. That is why they hugely nerf previous expansion specs to make sure that you buy it.


Once they have been sold, as long as they have people spending money on gems. Thats it. This game would have been SO different if it relied on Pay Monthly fees to stay good. Because 90% of the rubbish they get away with in this games payment style wouldnt work in a pay monthly game. It would mean they would have to actually WORK and show that they cared about the game and the player base (they dont...)

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I too use a gaming mouse. It's a Logitech G300 (I can only recommend it to anyone. It's great for a budget price.) But what I do not use are macros, in any game. I want it to be me who controls my character, not some program. That's not skill if something else does something for you.


The only acceptable scenario where macros would be allowed are for people with disabilities who can't otherwise execute a sequence but generally this should be solved by game design.


ANet need to step in and make changes to how skills are executed, e.g. add greater cast time to shatters to render macros obsolete because anything that directly influences game play and is not part of the game itself can be considered an exploit and a bannable offense.


Macros allow flawless execution of combos with confidence that nothing goes wrong while in most scenarios even the most experienced players can be taken by surprise, human error can step in and a player may fail to execute the sequence in order by means of pressing wrong buttons or just get the timing wrong and from this perspective macros directly influencing game play should not, under any circumstance, be allowed. Period.

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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > @"Choppy.4183" said:

> > > @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > There are tons of skilled roamers running around, but even the really good mesmers I talk to say they have a macro for that combo. Nothing in game should allow a player to cast that many abilities (up to 6) in the time most classes can cast 1 (maybe 2).

> > >

> > > Fully agree with you. That doesn't demonstrate skill when a computer program does something for you. That is considered cheating and should be punishable.

> >

> > It technically is, it's just difficult to catch and everyone knows it.


> A majority of people playing games now probably have a gaming mouse. GW2 needs to enter this thing called reality and start designing their game and abilities to take their usage into account.


> Look at the solo roaming videos on youtube. Almost all of them are using a mouse macro to do jump dodges to look cool and impress people that don't know any better. :P


Why in the hell would anyone need a macro to do a jump dodge? I it all the time by using my thumb to push the space bar and my dodge key simultaneously. It's not to look cool, it gives you more distance and prevents you from being snagged on uneven terrain.


Also, as noted, using a gaming mouse doesn't mean you should be using macros.

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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Funny thing, my mirage with 1700 toughness/20k hp got killed by a single reaper spin yesterday.

> >

> > Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf!!!!!


> a reaper spin Need 2¾ to get casted. as Mirage you have 100000000000 ways to Counter that by getting invul, teleporting away... if you just stand there 2¾ sec and doing nothing its your own fault.


> a Mirage killing People in under 1 sec out of invis, so you cant see the mesmer comming. a reaper is very slow and you see him all the time. the Mirage also is 10 times faster than a reaper...


> next point is that Mirage is invul WHILE he is bursting you but reaper is very defensless while casting 2¾ sec 1 skill and cannot casting anything else while that.


Also, toughness doesn't effect condi's sadly, so it wouldn't matter if you had 0 or 3k. But this isn't a problem as the many reasons you could have avoided it to begin with, stated above.

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> @"Nevaahe.6308" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > Funny thing, my mirage with 1700 toughness/20k hp got killed by a single reaper spin yesterday.

> > >

> > > Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf!!!!!

> >

> > a reaper spin Need 2¾ to get casted. as Mirage you have 100000000000 ways to Counter that by getting invul, teleporting away... if you just stand there 2¾ sec and doing nothing its your own fault.

> >

> > a Mirage killing People in under 1 sec out of invis, so you cant see the mesmer comming. a reaper is very slow and you see him all the time. the Mirage also is 10 times faster than a reaper...

> >

> > next point is that Mirage is invul WHILE he is bursting you but reaper is very defensless while casting 2¾ sec 1 skill and cannot casting anything else while that.


> Also, toughness doesn't effect condi's sadly, so it wouldn't matter if you had 0 or 3k. But this isn't a problem as the many reasons you could have avoided it to begin with, stated above.


Anet need to make resistance a stat to reduce condi on some armor gear rather than a boon stack gimmick

And maybe condi stats should have resistance instead of toughness, player had to sacrifice on thing for another.


The stat and class system on this game is so messy atm....


It bites me how "professional" game developers cant reach decent consensus in its design, reason gw2 is in this state, there are **TONS** of simple ways to balance the gamemode across all gamemodes yet Anet always choose the worst option, do nothing or tick some values that result i nmore like a pretend balance than anything else.


A bad game with pretty graphics

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> @"cgMatt.5162" said:

> I get these too [17k Backstab](https://i.imgur.com/wsCgbtb.png "https://i.imgur.com/wsCgbtb.png") from stealth on Engi 25k armor.


I wish I had 25k armor :(

All joking aside, when was that pic taken? Was it a daredevil or deadeye? It's probably dd, but not sure if that can be recent. Would like to know though. Did you mean 2.5k armor? What is your hp and gear stat?


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> @"coglin.1496" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > I was running towards the south camp when from out of invis, a mesmer/mirage burst me and did 27K damage in one second. I'm not even kidding about the timing. He just came out of invis and boom I went down.

> >

> > Attached the damage log. I'm not sure if he was using macro, but it was all done in a second. I had 2.8K armor and 25K HP but went down in 1 second.

> >

> > Please nerf. These one-shot burst builds...literally unplayable.

> >

> > https://imgur.com/wyUin9t

> >

> > ![damage logs](https://i.imgur.com/wyUin9t.jpg)


> And what is your build precisely? I ask because it is extremely rellavent to the discussion. If you are running a defenseless glass cannon build and we're caught unaware by a glass cannon build it is an entirely different discussion than a full soldiers style of build.


Build is irrelevant, I play warrior with 3700 armor and i still get hit above 12k+ and my maximum health is 20k.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Anet need to make resistance a stat to reduce condi on some armor gear rather than a boon stack gimmick


Oh god no. We need stats to be reduced, not have MORE stats. Expertise, Boon duration all need to be removed from food, gear, everything. It would make balancing such things as conditions SO much easier. Resistance needs to be changed to a non-removeable effect. This would allow it to be better balanced as they would know the exact duration it would always be without fear of corruptions, removals, duration increases.


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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> > Jump dodges can be easily done without macro.


> 100% jump dodges throughout an entire movie = macro



It means they can hit two keys at the same time and had enough endurance to dodge 100% of the time. It's seriously not complicated, and not worth a macro.

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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > @"Choppy.4183" said:

> > > @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > There are tons of skilled roamers running around, but even the really good mesmers I talk to say they have a macro for that combo. Nothing in game should allow a player to cast that many abilities (up to 6) in the time most classes can cast 1 (maybe 2).

> > >

> > > Fully agree with you. That doesn't demonstrate skill when a computer program does something for you. That is considered cheating and should be punishable.

> >

> > It technically is, it's just difficult to catch and everyone knows it.


> A majority of people playing games now probably have a gaming mouse. GW2 needs to enter this thing called reality and start designing their game and abilities to take their usage into account.


> Look at the solo roaming videos on youtube. Almost all of them are using a mouse macro to do jump dodges to look cool and impress people that don't know any better. :P


Dodge jump gives you a wider Gap, and also is not that hard to perform ( i could still miss it 1 out of 20, but it's definitely not too hard to perform. With a macro however you would have 100% success chance )

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"coglin.1496" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > I was running towards the south camp when from out of invis, a mesmer/mirage burst me and did 27K damage in one second. I'm not even kidding about the timing. He just came out of invis and boom I went down.

> > >

> > > Attached the damage log. I'm not sure if he was using macro, but it was all done in a second. I had 2.8K armor and 25K HP but went down in 1 second.

> > >

> > > Please nerf. These one-shot burst builds...literally unplayable.

> > >

> > > https://imgur.com/wyUin9t

> > >

> > > ![damage logs](https://i.imgur.com/wyUin9t.jpg)

> >

> > And what is your build precisely? I ask because it is extremely rellavent to the discussion. If you are running a defenseless glass cannon build and we're caught unaware by a glass cannon build it is an entirely different discussion than a full soldiers style of build.


> I've been hit by these combos on my warrior with 28-30k hp and about 3.2k armor - fun fact is that their dazes/stuns can also go through warrior bubbles, but deadeyes cannot use their mark and stolen skills through bubble (I tested thoroughly with my deadeye, and with regards to the mes part, I was getting hit everytime I came across this mes while I was inside my bubble with his combos). There was one streamer that even said it's useless even if you went as high as 32k hp cos it'd just drop you anyway with that diarrhea combo lol. Fun times.


WoD blocks only projectiles. Most of a mesmer's burst has nothing to do with projectiles.

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