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Are you going to purchase the 3rd expansion?


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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> Your missing the maybe option

I was originally intended to put a 3rd option of the poll as ''**Other**'', (_maybe/explain/etc_) but then I changed it to Yes/No poll ft. only anonymous so for those who want to add a comment are free to do so.



Interesting points and opinions. :)

I would personally not purchase the 3rd expansion if it will turn up similar to PoF. Sure it was a great thing and hyped to get back to Elona but the whole concept of an expansion for me is not still there. I purchased PoF mainly because ''_why not?_'' ''_Just because._'' And ''_we're heading back to Elona._''


**If** we're even getting a third expansion, because.. who knows really? 2 years from now? 3 years?


It's cool to see so many different people based on their gamemodes. I am only for PvE as some of you are only into PvP and/or WvW aswell, so I completely see the point of not getting content for your gamemode. I am already bored and have been ever since November, and if we have to wait for atleast 2-3 years for the third exp... well then... :persevere:


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No way...

Given the transition to vertical mazes and meta-events, I can only imagine what garbage will be introduced next. Vertical meta-events? Meta-mazes?

How did a good game sink to these depths? Zerg or die? Cross-reference everything you do and everywhere you go to the wiki? This is supposed to be fun? To whom? Masochists and sadists?

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i'd defenitly buy it.


while HoT and PoF both had a flaw (aka the spam of knockdowns/knock backs) they both added their moneys worth of content easily.


and the story is great, specially loved PoF how they twisted the story to have new elements to it (the judge part)



while i do VERY MUCH wish we would have more story like the Asura lv 1-30 or the char lv 1-30 (and revisit my krew or warband). i've accepted that the most i can hope for there is the opportunity to replay those someday.



and of coarse theres alot Anet could rework to make appealing again (dungeons).



but all in all, GW2 is the game i keep coming back to (and i've tried ALOT of games), with the best consumer friendly pricing and practices. so yeah. i'd buy it

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"jihm.2315" said:

> > i want something not so action oriented


> I suggest you to try the Thief elite spec DeadEye.

> Press 5 and you will find yourself with a not so action oriente class.


nah i dont wanna play a sniper in an mmo lol

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Maybe. It's highly likely I will (so far I've pre-purchased the Deluxe edition of the base game and the Ultimate editions of both expansions), but I couldn't say for sure until I know what's in it and what it costs. And when it comes out, it might be that it's a really bad time for me when I don't have time to play/money to spend on it, or maybe I'll have lost interest in GW2.


I don't do blind product loyalty. One of my favourite bands recently released a new album. I loved their first one, I'm friends with one of the members and talk to the others on social media and at gigs, and I was really looking forward to their 2nd one coming out. But I still listened to it on Spotify before deciding to buy it (turns out I do love it, and I can't wait for my copy to arrive, but it's important to me that I know that). Same with anything else - I wouldn't buy a new phone just because it's the same manufacturer as the one I have now, and I wouldn't buy any game or expansion just because I like previous releases from the same people. I want to know what I'm getting first, instead of assuming it will be just like what I've got before.

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Well yes. Because I love this game.... sure it has faults, but I still enjoy it. I really did enjoy both expansions. My main motivation to play is story, so do not want to miss any part of it.

I am a veteran from GW1 too, but I don't compare the 2 games too much... if I do it is mostly just the lore... which really is more of the same, with additions.

I don't really have super high expectations of some concept of perfect, I just expect a decent number of enjoyable hours, at a not too outrageous price.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> I have honestly no idea at this point. There are just way too many factors involved. Also, there's no way i'll be deciding completely blind, without knowing anything about the expansion.


> So, the answer is a definite maybe.


I totally respect this answer, for me, however, it's been a evolution,. Pre-HoT, I loved the game, bought the largest pre-order expansion pack they had because I had total faith in the company, in fact, I bought it for a friend as well, because I knew it was going to be a GREAT!


Well.. After HoT I took a break...


When PoF came out, I asked around, and flip flopped on the purchase, I got a lot of positive comments from people who played like me, and I even did the beta-test thing, to check it out myself, but, others made me question if it was going to be worth the money, in case they had maps like HoT. So I held off, and finally bought the smallest pack they had.


Next expansion... we shall see.


And sadly... I don't think I was alone in that little falling out with trust in Anet.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"jihm.2315" said:

> > i want something not so action oriented


> I suggest you to try the Thief elite spec DeadEye.

> Press 5 and you will find yourself with a not so action oriente class.


My Deadeye is very mobile. Between dodges and teleports he can get around quite nicely, even while crouched.

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There are things I want to see, that they are never going to add. PoF meant little for me and I just did not care, I had assumed it would of been better than it was but all I Felt the entire time was a sense of "I dont care" about the entire thing. I did the stuff I Wanted to do and did not go back, I doubt they could give me enough incentive to continue my journey... but then the only reason I got PoF was to kill balthazar.

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Definitely missing at least a "Maybe" option, or even several in-between

Aside from "Yes" and "No", the pol could use options like

"Unlikely, but if the right features are added",

"Likely, but not sure" and

"Depends on where it's located".


Personally - as long as I'm still playing (likely) and it doesn't seem totally outside my comfort zone difficulty-wise, I can't really see myself *not* buying it. I might very well not go all in as I did with PoF, if the features seems lackluster or a bad fit for me.

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Just for fun, here’s the things Anet need to do so that everyone who has said they would buy the expansion if Anet does/does not do one or more things would be willing to buy it. I’ve grouped them by the type of request, and obviously paraphrased rather than quoting (because that got too messy). Where one request contradicts another that’s usually (but not always) because they’re from different people.


Must cost less than $50.


Add more than 5 new maps, but don’t split the population up any more than it is already. And strike a balance between hardcore content and accessible content and make sure the expansion is solo-friendly and the maps don’t have too many enemies. Make sure there’s plenty to keep us coming back to the expansion maps.


Make it absolutely nothing like HoT – no hard to navigate maps, or masteries or meta-events required to progress, but don’t make it ‘lacking’ like PoF or too similar to PoF in general and include plenty of meta-events like HoT.


The story must be about the Commander being a hero, not following along with other people, but should bring back more characters from previous storylines. No more saving innocents or world leaders, it should focus on us defeating enemies. But not too quickly or easily, and they need more build-up. The story must also be more mature, but not too dark or serious.


More focus on PvP/WvW (or just bring more people back to those game modes). Also make all game modes more accessible.


More elite specialisations, and they must be worth playing, but no better than anything we’re already got, including core specs. Also not too much focus on AoE damage or boons, or knock down/back. And revert the condition meta. Also fix the balance. And make game mechanics more complex, but without gimmicks. And reduce the number of visual effects on skills. And stop adding masteries and elite specs.


Add a new playable race.


Better reward structure.


Re-work crafting.


Underwater maps. But no underwater content.


Fix the lag and FPS first and include a system upgrade.


Improve existing content first, in particular make dungeons appealing again.


Focus on listening to players.

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