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What happens when you report a player?


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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> Reports have been acted upon but I think the team is taking more of a silent approach and focusing on ban waves then the grandiose that they used to do.

> Like this guy who was hacking in WvW [https://kotaku.com/hackers-mmo-character-publicly-stripped-killed-banne-1702670398]

> Or the ones that decided to find an exploit [https://kotaku.com/5940005/guild-wars-2-bans-over-3000-people]


> Over all, reports do do something, however it's the amount of reports that do it. Want to see a change in toxic behavior in pvp? It all starts with getting people to actually report it and to do concise reports. Fill out the box stating what was going on. As someone who used to review reports for a smaller game, getting a report of 'they did this toxic thing and then having to sift through the chat of a 45 minute match upped the chances that I'd miss the infraction.' Reports of 'they told this person to kill themselves at XX:XX, became toxic at XX:XX and did this at XX:XX' gave me an exact place to start and review the report.

> If you aren't sure you can remember when what happened, screenshot it. That way you can go in after the match to do the report. Change won't happen though, if you are the only one reporting while everyone else goes 'nothing happens why should I bother?' That attitude is the one that helps foster why people see pvp the way they do.


Sadly, there's no option to give context in the report interface. Nor can you attach screenshots like in the big report system

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I always write these things off and move on. My experience in these matters is that nothing happens, but not for the reasons you might think. I don't think its due to money/business aspects, to me its more about what Gaile said to begin with....




Plain and simple, we are human beings... as such, we tend to take the path of least resistance.... whats less resistant then looking at a complaint and thinking "man... do I really want to go dig up all this crap and waste an hour reporting on this, or do I just swipe left and keep moving and collect my paycheck with the least amount of hassle possible?"


my money is on laziness.... ive seen it happen before... I see it happening now, and as long as the process is run by humans, it will always be a large factor. Anyone who tells you different is just trying to throw you off the trail.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"MarkoNS.3261" said:

> > I dont believe anything is being done to wast amount of reports, so many reports in pvp and same people that are reported are constantly playing every day can you explain that @"Gaile Gray.6029" and for example players that get kicked out of a party then start spamming lfg so no one else can join the same party is anything being done to them ?


> I do not know how that situation is handled. I suggest you submit a ticket, with full details, and inquire of the Customer Support Team.


> > @"Rajani Isa.6294" said:

> > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > I wish we had a better way to get a player's name quickly. This is mostly with respect to the teleport-gather abusers (which I haven't seen in a long time, but have cropped up again in great numbers). I saw two today in Blazeridge. Sometimes I'm quick enough to target them and add them as a friend before they take off, but it's a pretty hard game of whack-a-mole.

> > >

> > > What would be nice is if we could either get a function that will add everyone in the immediate area as a friend or the targeted player, with an associated keybind. It would be easier to friend them before they take off again so we have their information to report them.

> > >

> > > I didn't get either of the two this morning. :(

> >

> > Submit a report. Probably doesn't hurt to use the screenshot feature to show where the node is/was. Give them the time if you caught the exact minute.


> I agree. Submitting a ticket really helps, and if you have screenshots, you can then include the name(s) involved, the date, time, time zone, and game world in your report. You also can mention that you have screenshots and if the agent wants/needs to see them, they'll make it possible to send them in.


tickets dont do anything i would either get a non response that doesnt provide any real answers or it would get completely ignored.

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I just got done watching a series of videos where a long time player tired of seeing hacks used in PvP and WvW and tired of not getting any resolution to those reports went out of his way to both use the same hack and beg people to report him over a three month plus period. In that time his account was never once banned after countless reports. I believe Bik even had a bunch of his stream followers report this guy, and absolutely nothing. Then to test this out the same guy bought gold from a seller and boom, a ban (but not permanent). He then sent them links to the video he made of him using the hack with the info blurred out to limit people DLing it and asking what recourse people had and for anet to fix the issue, and only after some time and a set of ridiculous responses was his account FINALLY banned. A week later he used a free account to see if anything was done about the application/hack and nope. He was able to launch it and use it in game.


In short, no unless it directly affects their bottom line Anet won't take action. Its going to take their entire serious playerbase walking from the game or using those hacks before they will seem to act on it. And since this player wasn't the only one I've seen do something like this since this game launched I think its safe to assume that this is SOP for Anet and not an anomaly.

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> @"Sombra.3246" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/351/how-to-report-cheaters-or-exploiters


> Lol, I know how to report, my question was what happens to the reports? How do players know that they have seen the report or have dealt with it in any way? These are questions i think need to be addressed, I was just wondering if more players agreed with me.


They don't, and they shouldn't. You did your part by reporting, Anet will do what they think is best. No matter what, you have no right to know a private matter between the company and their customer. If you continue to see the same player, and they continue to cause reports, then there is reason to worry, but I expect that doesn't happen very much.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> I think Gaile is telling the truth, because I've seen accounts I reported logged out in the middle of a skill. I assume that meant it wasn't voluntarily.


> GW1 used to "Dhuum" people: a giant avatar of the god Dhuum would, well, doom your account with a huge sweeping arc of his scythe.


> **Gaile**, I think it would be a good idea to give players a summary of actions. No details (which could compromise security), but just something like:


> Reports received this month/year/quarter/whatever: W

> Investigations resulted in suspensions: X

> Investigations resulted in perma-bans: Y

> Average time between report and suspend or ban: Z days/weeks/months, etc.


> No details, just the raw numbers. Maybe even include appeals and reinstatements (which would show how well appeals work).


> I would expect the number of reports to be far higher than the number of suspends and bans. But, just seeing that action occurs would be helpful.


The risk with what you propose is that, because we like to draw meaning from numbers, players align those numbers with the game’s financial situation. I am a proponent of transparency, but in this case I think it would cause more problems (particularly with speculation and conspiracy theories) than it would solve.



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I've felt for many years now (been playing Guild Wars 2 for five years) that the reporting system is unsuitable for reporting the majority of abuse that I come across and have to deal with on a daily, often hourly basis because I enjoy role-playing. Much of the time I have to deal with verbal abuse (reportable) but also with unreportable abuse such as players (a) targeting me with effects which act to impede my movement and slow down my and others graphics on a laptop due to what amount to particle spamming) (b) spawning items either in my immediate vicinity or following me around spawning items just to be intimidating. © acting in a way which can best be described as childish, such as standing inside my avatar and moving as I do, or more recently doing the same with mounts in order to both irritate, intimidate and conceal my avatar from view. I proposed and have re-proposed at least three times now the idea that we ought to have a button which when a abuser is targeted allows us to render them invisible - simply by telling our client that they, their effects and everything associated with them is no longer to be rendered (drawn). The same would be true on their client the moment they are blocked the person they are abusing also vanishes - they are no longer rendered. With nothing to cause offence this would cut down on pointless 'reporting' of players for what amounts to aggressive antisocial activities and outright intimidation for the amusement of the abuser at other peoples emotional expense. The last time I posted this suggestion the abusers came out of the woodwork, "it will never work" "you cannot program that" - amusing, because it would instantly render their abuse meaningless and they could no longer abuse anyone. I have a zero-tolerance towards any sort of abuse in-world and actively work with other gamers and gaming companies to bring about peaceful solutions to prevent bullying in games and this method works well.

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I think it would be good to know how they accumulate? If someones rude/offensive then I'm not expecting them to get banned just warned (depending on what they say), so many strikes/ then some sort of account suspension. If 6 people report the same incident its only one infringement etc. I think what people find infuriating is some people are persistantly offensive and reporting them seems to have no effect.

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A lot has been talked about in PvE situations; and not a lot about **WvW**, so I'll address my concerns regarding WvW since that's what I know best. IMO, I don't believe the ANET employees that review WvW reports for cheating or "botting" are well trained. I don't think they know how to recognize what is really abnormal for WvW, and/or just plain impossible in a normal WvW situation.


For example, I am current on YB, and just **yesterday** there was a Thief (from a server whose name is associated with a music medium) inside our Keep in EBG, teleporting long distances at will and killing siege. At one point, there was a dozen guys chasing after him, but could never catch him, as he would simply teleport long distances, or disappear. This went on for at least a hour. Our Keep was contested the entire time due to this guy. I even once saw him outside of our Keep, then a few seconds later spotted him inside our Keep. Our Keep was T3 and all walls/gates were 100%, and has been that way for a long time. A person not familiar with WvW can make the argument that maybe the Thief was hiding inside our Keep since Reset and hasn't slept for days, and just now decided to teleport, outrun, and successfully evade a dozen guys for in excess of a hour. But anyone who is familiar with WvW at all, would know that this is really not possible. Nor, would it be possible for him to jump in and out of the Keep.


**Given the above, anyone who has played WvW for any length of time knows that this Thief was doing the impossible.** But that is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that this same Thief was reported by "over hundred times" sometime last year when YB played against this same server. It was the same character doing the same thing. He was repping the same Guild (a 4 letter word of a color that is usually associated with women). I don't even bother reporting such characters anymore since nothing seems to happen to these guys.


I do have to say that such instances are rather rare in WvW, but it does happen from time to time. **And in my experience, anything short of video proof comes up empty for reporting purposes.** You can give the account name, time, and place, with a description of what was done and why it would be near impossible, and nothing seems to happen with it. I can also make a similar argument for "**Griefing**" (not cheating). When someone builds 30 pieces of siege, draining the keep, and placing them in obvious places that have no impact on the Keep's defense, placing them on top of supply depots, and tactivators, and on top of npcs, and other places that make no sense. If there was an Anet employee that regularly plays WvW, AND that also reviewed reported cases, maybe this sort of thing would immediately make sense as not making sense. And action can be taken.

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> @"calb.3128" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > I think Gaile is telling the truth, because I've seen accounts I reported logged out in the middle of a skill. I assume that meant it wasn't voluntarily.

> >

> > GW1 used to "Dhuum" people: a giant avatar of the god Dhuum would, well, doom your account with a huge sweeping arc of his scythe.

> >

> > **Gaile**, I think it would be a good idea to give players a summary of actions. No details (which could compromise security), but just something like:

> >

> > Reports received this month/year/quarter/whatever: W

> > Investigations resulted in suspensions: X

> > Investigations resulted in perma-bans: Y

> > Average time between report and suspend or ban: Z days/weeks/months, etc.

> >

> > No details, just the raw numbers. Maybe even include appeals and reinstatements (which would show how well appeals work).

> >

> > I would expect the number of reports to be far higher than the number of suspends and bans. But, just seeing that action occurs would be helpful.


> The risk with what you propose is that, because we like to draw meaning from numbers, players align those numbers with the game’s financial situation. I am a proponent of transparency, but in this case I think it would cause more problems (particularly with speculation and conspiracy theories) than it would solve.



You may be right, but I think it would be worth trying for a while, and then seeing if there are consequences such as you suggest.

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Here's the thing about "nothing getting done". You assume that. That is all. Review of logs, data, communication may find nothing more than the player is just a good player and you the other player is just salty that they are cheating. I played one season of PvP and a gold player that seemed to be hacking and jacking well....disappeared from the leaderboards. The only way to disappear in a season would be a ban? Just my opinion :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

We are in no position to request communication from the CS team for a summary of what happens after a report of any kind is sent. You've done your best by sending a report. That's where your part of the process ends. Let them do thier job. And for grenths sake, don't overload them they are probably overwhelmed as it is. All I can imagine is the I love Lucy episode where they are in the assembly line making candies. Lol

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > (snip)

> > >

> > > Now with all of that being said there is the business aspect of it. Someone gets reported for AFK farm or maybe said a bad word in chat. A review of the account...whoa! he/she dumps $200 plus a month into GEMS. Do they take this into account? I reckon they would almost have to depending on the severity of the offense. Ban him/her and they take a few other spenders with them and go play a new game. I AM NOT saying this happens but it is plausible if you are the conspiracy theorist.

> >

> > Hey, I don't take offense that you asked the question and I've know a few conspiracy theorists in my lifetime, so I'll be happy to answer the question as I see it. I know some businesses have a "keep an eye on the money" mindset, but I've personally not seen a "big spender" being given more consideration than someone who plays the game for free, or who has never spent any money in the Gem Store. I don't have access to that information through forum data, so certainly spending doesn't impact what my team does. In order for a CS Agent to pull that data, they'd need to (1) be given access to that information and (2) take special steps to access it. I had an occasion once several years ago to look at a player's account in relation to spending (at the player's request), and at that time, anyway, getting to the data was not a hop, skip, and a jump off the main account pages -- it took steps and some matter of digging.

> >

> > Given the number of tickets that our agents resolve, and the focus they're assigned in doing so, I feel confident that no one gets a "Get Out of Jail Free" card because of their financial support of the game. :)

> >

> > Edit to add: I want to emphasize I'm not a Customer Support agent, nor a member of that team. I'm sharing based on my observations because I thought it might be helpful.

> >


> So tl;dr all you say is your personal view on the case and is in no way an official statement from the company.


Gaile is ArenaNets Communication Specialist. She answers questions here and in game. She is our point of contact for ALL the departments.


And yes her statements are official when they need to be deemed so. Otherwise, she is doing her job "communicating with us"...

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > > @"usnedward.9023" said:

> > > (snip)

> > > >

> > > > Now with all of that being said there is the business aspect of it. Someone gets reported for AFK farm or maybe said a bad word in chat. A review of the account...whoa! he/she dumps $200 plus a month into GEMS. Do they take this into account? I reckon they would almost have to depending on the severity of the offense. Ban him/her and they take a few other spenders with them and go play a new game. I AM NOT saying this happens but it is plausible if you are the conspiracy theorist.

> > >

> > > Hey, I don't take offense that you asked the question and I've know a few conspiracy theorists in my lifetime, so I'll be happy to answer the question as I see it. I know some businesses have a "keep an eye on the money" mindset, but I've personally not seen a "big spender" being given more consideration than someone who plays the game for free, or who has never spent any money in the Gem Store. I don't have access to that information through forum data, so certainly spending doesn't impact what my team does. In order for a CS Agent to pull that data, they'd need to (1) be given access to that information and (2) take special steps to access it. I had an occasion once several years ago to look at a player's account in relation to spending (at the player's request), and at that time, anyway, getting to the data was not a hop, skip, and a jump off the main account pages -- it took steps and some matter of digging.

> > >

> > > Given the number of tickets that our agents resolve, and the focus they're assigned in doing so, I feel confident that no one gets a "Get Out of Jail Free" card because of their financial support of the game. :)

> > >

> > > Edit to add: I want to emphasize I'm not a Customer Support agent, nor a member of that team. I'm sharing based on my observations because I thought it might be helpful.

> > >

> >

> > So tl;dr all you say is your personal view on the case and is in no way an official statement from the company.


> Gaile is ArenaNets Communication Specialist. She answers questions here and in game. She is our point of contact for ALL the departments.


> And yes her statements are official when they need to be deemed so. Otherwise, she is doing her job "communicating with us"...


But she said in her very post that she's not support agent and it's how she sees the case.

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Nothing. Been reporting people for abusive chat/raging, insulting, harressment and even worse.

_"Thank you for your report!"_


Yeah that's so bs, ANet. Keep seeing these jerks days, weeks and even months later while alot of people has indeed reported them.

Shall I even talk about bots/hacking tool users?

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I was about to get back to game and then I saw a YouTube video where a guy was showing a hacking tool that is scourging the entire game. From the multiple topics here on the forum I understand that this is a large scale issue, and from further searching the forum I see no ArenaNet reaction to it.


So I'm asking directly,

Dear @Arenanet,


Are you taking some steps to stop the hacking tool? I do not believe that just reporting of the hackers is the right solution. Especially since these hackers are often not even being banned.


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