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Darkness dye <3

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Dying is very difficult here. Just like in real life, I wear black ingame (also fitting the profession, but that's coincidence) and Shadow Abyss and Black (grey) are currently my ways to go. Some textures - leather - looks fine with Shadow Abyss (e.g. the Thief's Anonymitiy Maks, you can clearly see the leather texture still), and also the Sneakthief gloves keep their leather look. But everything else is really too smoothed.


I just wonder why a different dye works different? When I dye my jeans into a different colour, it does not suddenly turn into a smooth cotton jeans or something..

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Black or grayish dyes that simply sets the RBG scale down to 0/0/0 and as a result kills any and all textures on the item they are applied to is one of my biggest pet peeves in video games.


> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> I just wonder why a different dye works different? When I dye my jeans into a different colour, it does not suddenly turn into a smooth cotton jeans or something..


It is because each dye also has a corresponding "material" attribute to it. For example, I find that those in the "natural metallic"-category are really good at making the existing texture "pop" rather than smother it.




"Murky Grey" and "Charred" are two of my absolute favourite dyes in the game as a result.

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Darkness looks like Shadow Abyss, but then I went into a basement or attic of an abandoned house for over a decade and either accidentally tripped or some wind got inside and blue a lot of dust and dirt and ashes on me and I'm unable to get it out of my clothing.

![](https://i.imgur.com/aSjaYf6.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/U5SLvyv.png "")


Do have to note though, I really like the look on the boots.

Looks like metallic boots that seen a lot of adventures/fights/battles.

To the point the black paint/polish started to wear and tear and scrape off the boots because of it.

The rest though... all I see is dust and dirt and ash.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Darkness looks like Shadow Abyss, but then I went into a basement or attic of an abandoned house for over a decade and either accidentally tripped or some wind got inside and blue a lot of dust and dirt and ashes on me and I'm unable to get it out of my clothing.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/aSjaYf6.png "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/U5SLvyv.png "")


> Do have to note though, I really like the look on the boots.

> Looks like metallic boots that seen a lot of adventures/fights/battles.

> To the point the black paint/polish started to wear and tear and scrape off the boots because of it.

> The rest though... all I see is dust and dirt and ash.


The second screenshot looks infinitely better than your first - you’ve totally demolished any and all textures/details with that Shadow Abyss.


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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Darkness looks like Shadow Abyss, but then I went into a basement or attic of an abandoned house for over a decade and either accidentally tripped or some wind got inside and blue a lot of dust and dirt and ashes on me and I'm unable to get it out of my clothing.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/aSjaYf6.png "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/U5SLvyv.png "")


> Do have to note though, I really like the look on the boots.

> Looks like metallic boots that seen a lot of adventures/fights/battles.

> To the point the black paint/polish started to wear and tear and scrape off the boots because of it.

> The rest though... all I see is dust and dirt and ash.


Secnd pic looks nicel.y highlighted to me. Frst pic is just a generic, featureless black. Def prefer the second, although the shoulders are too grey with it

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Darkness looks like Shadow Abyss, but then I went into a basement or attic of an abandoned house for over a decade and either accidentally tripped or some wind got inside and blue a lot of dust and dirt and ashes on me and I'm unable to get it out of my clothing.

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aSjaYf6.png "")

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/U5SLvyv.png "")

> >

> > Do have to note though, I really like the look on the boots.

> > Looks like metallic boots that seen a lot of adventures/fights/battles.

> > To the point the black paint/polish started to wear and tear and scrape off the boots because of it.

> > The rest though... all I see is dust and dirt and ash.


> The second screenshot looks infinitely better than your first - you’ve totally demolished any and all textures/details with that Shadow Abyss.



Not unless I'm specifically aiming for this kind of look:

![](https://i.imgur.com/jzE2aWU.png "")


I do like the um.. what was the other called again? Grave?

It got a stone-like texture with it. Can see using it on a Sylvari to make some moving statue characters with it.

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> @"Nikal.4921" said:

> I wish all dyes brought out texture. Seems like all the Rare Dyes should at least, but many don't. I have no use for dyes that obliterate texture, no matter how appealing I find the color. Glossy Black is pretty good, I'll have to check out the new Darkness dye.


I like having both options. In general I prefer the ones that bring out the textures, but sometimes they just don't look right to me - it just looks messy or faded or I specifically want to hide the texture because it doesn't suit the look I'm going for. It's surprisingly hard to find plain clothing in this game, everything seems to have multiple layers and pieces and patterns. A lot of the time that's fine, but when I want something simpler using a dye that hides the pattern is often the only way to get it.

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