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[Suggestion] New stat type: Condi Resistance

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Feel like this would be a very useful stat, specifically in WvW and PvP.


Instead of hearing all these players complain about Condi, why not give them a a Condi Resist stat? I wouldn't see much use of this in PvE, but it would allow players to adapt much better in PvP/WvW. It could pretty much replace Toughness except would specifically apply to conditions.

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The Attribute System needs changes, but not in form of just adding only single effect new attributes...

Making our Attributes have finally 2 Effects would significantly help in reducing the Effect Spam by removing obsolete Boon Effects, which would work in a more balanced way for this game, if their Effects would be reworked into Attribute Effects, so that they become part of your individual Character Build and Class Balance.


**Power now =** Increases Direct Damage. In Regard of Class Balance must Anet also get away finally with giving all classes at Level 80 a Base Power of 1000. This value should be from class to class different individually as part of the overall Class Balance!! A Warrior for example should have more Base Power, than a Necromancer for example.

**How it should be instead =** Increases Direct Damage and the maximum Duration in Percentage of your Boons (merge with old Concentration)


**Vitality now =** Increases Maximum Health by ridiculous 10 Health Points per Point

**How it should be instead=** Increases your Maximum Health in Percentage per Point and improves the Efficiency of your Endurance Regenration/or Increases your Maximum Endurance and rework the way how Dodges cost Endurance, but I guess option 1 is much better and simpler to balance (remove/rework Vigor)


**Toughness now =** Decreases your received Direct Damage

**How it shouls be instead =** Decreases your received Direct Damage and reduces the Condition Durations you will receive by Percentage (basically halfway merging Resistance into Toughness in a weakenered form ,and remove then the obsolete Op Resitance Boon which 100 >0s all Conditions and is nothign but just Anets cheap quick fix for the condi spam they aded to GW2 with HoT and briefly before that from the desastrous patch from june 23rd of 2015


**Precision now =** Increases your Critical Hit Chance by Percentage

**How it should be instead =** Increases your Cricital Hit Chance by percentage (slightly lower than now) and Increases your Critical Damage Bonus per Points (merge with Ferocity, remove/rework Fury)


**Concentration now =** Increases your Boon Durations by Percentage.

**How it should be instead =** Increases your Healing Efficiency from Self as like Outgoing Heals by Percentage (differently when outgoing, self is always higher boosted, than outgoing) and improves your Boon Efficiency by Percentage now instead of Boon Durations, which is now the secondary Effect of Power.


**Expertise now =** Increases your Condition Durations by Percentage

**How it should be instead =** Increases your Condition Damage you deal and Decreases your Skill Cooldowns slightly per Percentage (max 20%, so a 50s recharge could get reduced with high Expertise to 40s maximum)


New Added


**Agility:** Increases per Percentage your Auto Attack Speed and decreases per percentage the Chance to be critically hit for you.

**Dexterity:** Decreases Weapon Swap Cooldowns slightly per Percentage and in case of Classes with no Swap the F-Skill Cooldowns and reduces per point the Bonus Critical Damage you can receive

**Wisdom:** Increases Condition Durations per Percentage and raises your Chance by Percentage, that you become more resistant to Boon Steal/Corruption, so that skills with such Effetcs don#t have anymore a 100% guaranteed success rate. its also part of class balance, that skilsl which such effects should not have always 100% success rate in what they can do to you.

**Resistance:** Now reworked into an own Attribute: Decreases the Effectiveness from Hard CCs used agaisnt you by percentage, makign you more resistant against knockdowns, stuns, dazes and the like, while grantign you a more powerul Breakbar, making it harder for CC's to break you so that theres a chance to CC you first, before you become then for a short moment immune against any follow up spammed CC effects. The secondary Effect of Resistance with be Agony Resist, making finally agony a 100% fulyl implemented gameplay effect that is not only part of Fractals, but of the whole game, just only that "agony" per se would be only for Fractals something else additionally, while it would be in general for all modes


General Game Effect = Speed of your Health Degen in Downed State being reduced by Agony Resist, making a very resistant enemy harder to defeat in a downed fight as they could fight longer back if nobody stomps them and rallying up as a resistant charactr woudl become easier as youd not have to fight agaisnt that too annoying health degen so much anymore

while in Fractals also additionally = Damage Reductiond from receiving the Agony Condition there



Thats actually what needs to happen, the Attribute Systems needs to get updated and modernized to a Dual Effect System, because only then will become thr trijity of offense, defense and support more balanced, instead of ANets current outdated 2012er attribute single effect system, that strongly favors only offensive gameplay due to it being designed originally from a game, with no holy trinity in mind and all classes beign balanced aroudn the fact, that you play them most efficiently, if you play them offensively only, because there was left by design no place for any defensive playstyle out of most likely ANets fear, players could think the game allows the possibility of having "tanks" , if the defensive playstyle would become ever equally balanced and effective as like the offensive side.

But by now with Elite Specs and Class Builds being there, like Heal Druids, Scourges, Mirages ect. there needs to be the Attribute System finally updated and reworked, so that the various Attributes take over finaly a more important and impactful role of Class Balance

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@"Orpheal.8263" I like your version of current stats, with some modifications, i'd advise against added stats.


We have to understand that the way stat sets work, there isn't much margin to adding more stats without seriously crapping the whole thing. They've already messed up with adding Expertise, Concentration and Healing, which lead to a barrage of new stat sets, and a lot of broken, useless ones.

What needs to be done is something like @"Orpheal.8263" suggested, but keeping the current stats without new additions, and then rework the enormity of stat sets to first reduce the number of sets so we can do away with the clutter, there's a ton of sets that no one uses, which just act as filler in the loot tables, so basically junk drops that shouldn't be junk.

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Theres a much simpler solition, which requires of Anet just to adapt and reallocate the economy better for the items that eventually have lost their prior usage, to receive a new usage for replacement, so that they won't lose in value to muhc (or in best case, gain in value eventually even)


The final removal of Gear Stats!!! Remove this stupid outdated system and there will instantly not exist anymore ever the isssue of overflooding the game with too many useless stat sets, which feel unreliable, like junk, and not like a reward...

character Progression of Stats should be 100% solely come from only leveling up your character. All Stats you gain over the course of letting your character grow, should come only frm the level up process from getting to Level 80.

Every Level Up a Character should simply gain a certain amount of **Stat Points** in a simply, but classic way, which the player can then freely distribute among all the 10 Dual Effect Stats that are part of your Character Progression/ Character Build then.

And if you think, you did some kind of mistake - **then the player should be able just like in GW1** to reset your Stat Settign for a small Gold Fee of say 50 Silver (in GW1 it was 500 Gold, but back then was 500 Gold like here 500 Copper, cause it was in GW1 was Gold cheaper valued as like now in GW2 with its 3part currency system of Copper, Silver and Gold, where GW1 differentiated only in Gold and Platin, where 1 Platin felt like 1 Gold here) (despite id love to see out of nostalgia resons plation returning, like 100 Gold being in GW2 1 Platin :D that woudl be nice ^^)

So back to topic, if you think you did a mistake, then you reset your Stat Points for that small fee, and simply redistribute your points anew to change this way your build.

Woudl be somewhat of a much better quality of life with this a s gameplay mechanic, than this gear stat garbage, which creates only gear grind to have an artificial economy, which massively limitates at the same time your freedom of build diversity, because to get build divesity you are forced first to grind for your gear, until you have the stats you want on your equipment in the quality/power level of that you want to be competitive in WvW/stay longer alive in Fractals ..or in case of AR, even have a chance to survive xD


The game has currently 9 Attributes with only single effects, wqhich are all in itself not very impactful alone as part of Class balance.

Change this out now with 10 Attributes, which have all two Effects and each of those Attributes instantly becomes alot more meaningful and impactful for Class Balance, Class Builds and the euqality of gameplay styles for this game.

Especially if this change helps in reducing on the other side the Effect Clutter, by removing obsolete Boons, which work better as integrated Attribute Effects, like Vigor and Fury to become a direct part of your Character Build, instead of beign passive ones, which you need to receiver over the course of a combat by usiing eirht actively skills or waiting for passive traits to trigger.

Maybe others will se this proposal rather only perhapsas simplifying the game - I see it more like cutting off finally year long rampant weeds, that have been ignored by our gardener Anet for too long to be cut down, so that our gameplay can look nice again, like it used to be 2012 ...

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> @"Mal.1670" said:

> Vitality/resistance boon and condition removal are already your soft and hard counters to conditions. Technically healing power with heal over time effects mitigate condition damage as well, no need for another stat really.


Additionally, there are foods which will reduce condi duration... Agree that players have counter options at their disposal if they so choose.


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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> The Attribute System needs changes, but not in form of just adding only single effect new attributes...

> Making our Attributes have finally 2 Effects would significantly help in reducing the Effect Spam by removing obsolete Boon Effects, which would work in a more balanced way for this game, if their Effects would be reworked into Attribute Effects, so that they become part of your individual Character Build and Class Balance.


> **Power now =** Increases Direct Damage. In Regard of Class Balance must Anet also get away finally with giving all classes at Level 80 a Base Power of 1000. This value should be from class to class different individually as part of the overall Class Balance!! A Warrior for example should have more Base Power, than a Necromancer for example.

> **How it should be instead =** Increases Direct Damage and the maximum Duration in Percentage of your Boons (merge with old Concentration)


> **Vitality now =** Increases Maximum Health by ridiculous 10 Health Points per Point

> **How it should be instead=** Increases your Maximum Health in Percentage per Point and improves the Efficiency of your Endurance Regenration/or Increases your Maximum Endurance and rework the way how Dodges cost Endurance, but I guess option 1 is much better and simpler to balance (remove/rework Vigor)


> **Toughness now =** Decreases your received Direct Damage

> **How it shouls be instead =** Decreases your received Direct Damage and reduces the Condition Durations you will receive by Percentage (basically halfway merging Resistance into Toughness in a weakenered form ,and remove then the obsolete Op Resitance Boon which 100 >0s all Conditions and is nothign but just Anets cheap quick fix for the condi spam they aded to GW2 with HoT and briefly before that from the desastrous patch from june 23rd of 2015


> **Precision now =** Increases your Critical Hit Chance by Percentage

> **How it should be instead =** Increases your Cricital Hit Chance by percentage (slightly lower than now) and Increases your Critical Damage Bonus per Points (merge with Ferocity, remove/rework Fury)


> **Concentration now =** Increases your Boon Durations by Percentage.

> **How it should be instead =** Increases your Healing Efficiency from Self as like Outgoing Heals by Percentage (differently when outgoing, self is always higher boosted, than outgoing) and improves your Boon Efficiency by Percentage now instead of Boon Durations, which is now the secondary Effect of Power.


> **Expertise now =** Increases your Condition Durations by Percentage

> **How it should be instead =** Increases your Condition Damage you deal and Decreases your Skill Cooldowns slightly per Percentage (max 20%, so a 50s recharge could get reduced with high Expertise to 40s maximum)


> New Added


> **Agility:** Increases per Percentage your Auto Attack Speed and decreases per percentage the Chance to be critically hit for you.

> **Dexterity:** Decreases Weapon Swap Cooldowns slightly per Percentage and in case of Classes with no Swap the F-Skill Cooldowns and reduces per point the Bonus Critical Damage you can receive

> **Wisdom:** Increases Condition Durations per Percentage and raises your Chance by Percentage, that you become more resistant to Boon Steal/Corruption, so that skills with such Effetcs don#t have anymore a 100% guaranteed success rate. its also part of class balance, that skilsl which such effects should not have always 100% success rate in what they can do to you.

> **Resistance:** Now reworked into an own Attribute: Decreases the Effectiveness from Hard CCs used agaisnt you by percentage, makign you more resistant against knockdowns, stuns, dazes and the like, while grantign you a more powerul Breakbar, making it harder for CC's to break you so that theres a chance to CC you first, before you become then for a short moment immune against any follow up spammed CC effects. The secondary Effect of Resistance with be Agony Resist, making finally agony a 100% fulyl implemented gameplay effect that is not only part of Fractals, but of the whole game, just only that "agony" per se would be only for Fractals something else additionally, while it would be in general for all modes


> General Game Effect = Speed of your Health Degen in Downed State being reduced by Agony Resist, making a very resistant enemy harder to defeat in a downed fight as they could fight longer back if nobody stomps them and rallying up as a resistant charactr woudl become easier as youd not have to fight agaisnt that too annoying health degen so much anymore

> while in Fractals also additionally = Damage Reductiond from receiving the Agony Condition there



> Thats actually what needs to happen, the Attribute Systems needs to get updated and modernized to a Dual Effect System, because only then will become thr trijity of offense, defense and support more balanced, instead of ANets current outdated 2012er attribute single effect system, that strongly favors only offensive gameplay due to it being designed originally from a game, with no holy trinity in mind and all classes beign balanced aroudn the fact, that you play them most efficiently, if you play them offensively only, because there was left by design no place for any defensive playstyle out of most likely ANets fear, players could think the game allows the possibility of having "tanks" , if the defensive playstyle would become ever equally balanced and effective as like the offensive side.

> But by now with Elite Specs and Class Builds being there, like Heal Druids, Scourges, Mirages ect. there needs to be the Attribute System finally updated and reworked, so that the various Attributes take over finaly a more important and impactful role of Class Balance


Im not sure how that would work considering Anet removed base levels in the form of the +attributes we got from the old trait system.

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@ Cobra:

What exactly do you mean by that? Do you mean, how these proposed changed attributes should work together with Skills/Traits which boost a specific Attribute?.

These Skills and Traits which do that, as like also Upgrades like Attribute boosts from Sigils and Runes would get reworked and rebalanced as well.

With the Removal of Gear Stats would Upgrades give no Attribute Boosts anymore, they ffects would get changed to direct effects, which actually affect your build, your gameplay and your skills. So Sigils, Runes, Gemstones and all this stuff gets reworked and every Upgrade type from that on would be specialized in specific Mechanics.


Sigils = Offensive Effects only (into Weapons)

Runes = Defensive Effects only (into Armor Gear)

Gemstones = Supportive Effects only that are based on Combat Mechanics, like Dodges, Healing Skill Usage, Utility Usage, Blocks, Reflects (into Accessoires)

Talismans = Hybrid Effects (into Amulet )

Crests = Hybrid Effects (into Back Item)


Every Character should simply start at Level 1 with a Base Amount of Attribute points, which the player can then freely distribute.

Each Class should have also out of Class balance Reasons different Base Values from begin on, so that strengths and weaknesses among the classes are also part of the class balancing process. It was the absolut wrong decision by Anet to give all Classes the same base values among the attributes and makign this way all classes the same, when they effectively shouldn't be all the same in regard of base attribute values.

Lets say all classes begin at Level 1 with a Base Attribute Point Value of 200 Points which you can then distribute among the 10 Attributers as you like.

And Every Class starts at Level 1 with Base Values among the 10 Attributes, which are from Class to Class different, but in the total amount of points for all Classes the same.

Thats what GW2 needs to balance the classes better and to give them strengths and weaknesses more which are presentive to see also among your attributes.



All Characters start with a maximum Base Amount of 2000 Attribute Points, which are after character creation already pregiven differently by your chosen Class

Warrior Level 1 would start with


400 Power

300 Toughness

250 Vitality

250 Precision

150 Concentration

100 Expertise

150 Agility

100 Dexterity

100 Wisdom

200 Resistance


From that Point on the player would receive then with every Level up more Attribute Points, which you can distribute as you like and which you can reset if you like to redistribute them anew, if you think you did a mistake or simply want to change your build, without that you have to grind first ages for any gear for that ,so that you can have your Attribute Build quickly that you want and this without alot less stress and artificial slow downs, practicalyl just same as comfortable as like in PvP, where you can change anytime you want quickly in the lobby your attriburtes and builds, because you get free access to the stats you want there - and this comfortable building of your settign must become finalyl part of this game in all game modes, which can work only, if gear stats finally get the boot and the system gets changed to an automatically character progression that gives you Attribut points as you level your Character Up, whikle having when beign in Pvp from begin on Maximum Attribute Points due to beign boosted to Max Level there., which is good, because then you can test out in PvP early your practical "dream build" out how you think you want to put points into your Attributes, before you actually spent them on the way as you progress with your Pve Character, so that you don't have to waste too much money for correctign made mistakes from puttign eventually points into the wrogn Atttribute and havign to reset it too much, if you basically already know exactly what you want, due to havign tested your build first in PvP when you get free acceess there to Max Attribute points directly from begin on to test out whatever you want instantly without any limitations...



Take this example of a warrior now and think about it, how a Necromancer compared to this woudl start then at Level 1.

Defenetiely with alot lesser Power, but therefore more Expertise, and more Wisdom, but lesser Toughness, thus due to this strength and weakness, resultign the Necronmancer automatically beign more squishy, but they have eventually from begin on more vitality than say a Warrior, but woulld lack therefore in Resistance, cause they are simply less sturdy and battle experienced than Warriors, due to being more the kind of scholar class that they are and no soldiers.

However, the player has the chance then by putting points then into attributes manually as you like to either put points into your strengths of your class and specialize them more - or you put also points into your weaknesses, so that you can lower them for your character if you want and thus individualize your character much more, than it is right now possible with an outdated and limitating gear stat system, which forces you to have only very small build diversity among the attribute sets that Anet allows us to have in the game with their preset tripple or quadro settings , while it puts also Anet into the situation to have to continously add more and more sets, just to please the people, which want to have very very specific combinations of stat sets... which feels frustrating for a player, if you can#t just build the character how you want, only because there doesn#t exist yet the Attribute Stat Combo for your equipment to craft/earn so that you can play truly your characte like you want.


This total build diversity freedom does allow only my proposed change to a dual effect attribute system, where gaining attribute points **is an important part of your complete character progression from the beginning to its end!!** just like how it was so in GW1 !!

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i would much rather see less stats and have a balance around that, the more they add the more they need to balance to more overcomplicated this game becomes.

it's time they simplify the stats, it's currently a broken heap, unbalanced in it's core not to mention half the stats don't even work properly.

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I'm not a fan of the stats on gear thing in the first place. I'd rather see everything but runes and defense go, tbh. With the likelihood we're stuck with the current system, what's one more?


I'm dubious whether a lot of the complainers would be mollified by such a change. To get the new stat, they'd have to compromise their current builds. A lot of the complaints about the existing situation are rooted in that desire. A solution that is another version of, "Change your build to deal with Condi." will not be any more welcomed than using the existing build options is.


That's not to say that outlier condi doesn't need adjustment. I'm just dubious this would work.

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I don't like this suggestion at all. It's far too complicated and implementing it seems like a nightmare.


We already have resistance boon, vitality, heals, many traits and utils which remove condi's, just learn to use them. We also have runes and sigils- do people not know how to spec a class anymore? Do people not switch weaps/armour/traits/utils depending on what they are doing? I cannot understand why people have so much hate for condi's which have more means of being dealt with than direct damage (dodge, block/invuln, evade) which also work against condi's applied from skills. We have universally one skill, two stats and three boons which counteract direct damage- the heal skill, toughness and vitality, and the regeneration, aegis and protection boons and guess what- they also counteract condi damage (toughness and protection/aegis reduce the direct damage component of condi skills, which is usually weak anyway).


Some classes are inherently weak to condi's and THAT'S OK.

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I think it would further polarise players into specialist roles.

You'd see people specialise to take on the proliferation of invincible scourge roamers that plague WvW, but they'd be annihilated by mara mesmer/thieves because they'd have to trade something to specialise, whereas the stealth classes get to pick their fights so they can avoid fights they're not specialised for (i.e. scourges) while at the same time stacking damage stats.

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