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Why the skyhammer platform change?


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I filed a bug report for the jumping pads because I thought they were broken, but they were just changed to a counterintuitive use. But never mind that for now.


What's up with the controls platform?

Why the walls?? PvP used to be about strategy. Playing a character with CC whose method of winning was not killing, but pushing people off important locations, including the controls platform. Now it's reduced to "kill to win".


It seems like a dumbing down of the map, and honestly, i don't like it all. I don't like it just not a bit, i won't ever vote for skyhammer again knowing one of my favourite combat strategies has been deleted

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I filed a bug report for the jumping pads because I thought they were broken, but they were just changed to a counterintuitive use. But never mind that for now.


> What's up with the controls platform?

> Why the walls?? PvP used to be about strategy. Playing a character with CC whose method of winning was not killing, but pushing people off important locations, including the controls platform. Now it's reduced to "kill to win".


> It seems like a dumbing down of the map, and honestly, i don't like it all. I don't like it just not a bit, i won't ever vote for skyhammer again knowing one of my favourite combat strategies has been deleted


These changes were asked by the community, and ANet delivered. If you don't like it, too bad, but mostly the rest of us are happy with these changes.

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most people like simplify the game, lets get rid of all mechanics and make it a who press 1 faster.


I remember the fun of skyhamer when standing to long on a platform and the floor disappeared.

Is not the purpose of maps to have special interesting mechanics ?


I'm bored how the game get stupefied

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> most people like simplify the game, lets get rid of all mechanics and make it a who press 1 faster.


> I remember the fun of skyhamer when standing to long on a platform and the floor disappeared.

> Is not the purpose of maps to have special interesting mechanics ?


> I'm bored how the game get stupefied

It's not about simplifying. It's about balance.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > most people like simplify the game, lets get rid of all mechanics and make it a who press 1 faster.

> >

> > I remember the fun of skyhamer when standing to long on a platform and the floor disappeared.

> > Is not the purpose of maps to have special interesting mechanics ?

> >

> > I'm bored how the game get stupefied

> It's not about simplifying. It's about balance.


Which balance? People can use CC so you should have at least 1 way to break out of it! Or don't stand near areas/direction of possible death by CC.


The skyhammer map is boring now. No longer that special mechanic.

I loved the disappearing floor! You could use it against the enemy!


And the jump pads... at least increase the height so people can NOTICE it is a jump thing!


Terrible changes (to me, at least).

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> These changes were asked by the community, and ANet delivered. If you don't like it, too bad, but mostly the rest of us are happy with these changes.

Who asked? When? I did not see any topic from community with request "Turn off skyhammer jumping pads" or "Buld the walls at skyhammer capure point"



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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > most people like simplify the game, lets get rid of all mechanics and make it a who press 1 faster.

> >

> > I remember the fun of skyhamer when standing to long on a platform and the floor disappeared.

> > Is not the purpose of maps to have special interesting mechanics ?

> >

> > I'm bored how the game get stupefied

> It's not about simplifying. It's about balance.


So its more balance now that a Scourge or Ele can fill the room with red circles that you have no chance of living through to get to them and no way to get them off the platform? Its more balance that all the problems with Scourge are still going to be there, just amplified in a space were you have to try to kill a hyper tanky, condi spamming player? Its more balanced that now you can't reliably use jump pads on the map to either get away from or get to someone to attack them?


No, the map was reduced to some kindergarten level nonsense because people got angry they didn't do well n the map because of its unique mechanics and wanted it changed to be like every other map. Because, y'know, there aren't enough maps where you have to run around and kill things where CC is only used to interrupt or maybe buy yourself more time before dying.


Can I start requesting that there be places where Deadeye can't climb up to because they can unfairly snipe people while staying invisible for most of the match? You know...for balance?

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I can understand why they removed the glass on the ground (a while ago) because people were abusing it, but these changes really do just dumb down the map. The skyhammer itself was the only place where you could knock someone to their death, and it's only a playable area for a small part of the match. I think this was a really stupid change made to appease a few cry babies.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > I filed a bug report for the jumping pads because I thought they were broken, but they were just changed to a counterintuitive use. But never mind that for now.

> >

> > What's up with the controls platform?

> > Why the walls?? PvP used to be about strategy. Playing a character with CC whose method of winning was not killing, but pushing people off important locations, including the controls platform. Now it's reduced to "kill to win".

> >

> > It seems like a dumbing down of the map, and honestly, i don't like it all. I don't like it just not a bit, i won't ever vote for skyhammer again knowing one of my favourite combat strategies has been deleted


> These changes were asked by the community, and ANet delivered. If you don't like it, too bad, but mostly the rest of us are happy with these changes.


I'm gonna be honest, I have never once heard in chat, or read on the forums **once** that _anyone_ wanted the walls around the platform.

And don't say it's balanced now, because all they did is limit the winning to "who's the last man standing in that small area" where everyone can just blindy throw around AoE's now.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > I filed a bug report for the jumping pads because I thought they were broken, but they were just changed to a counterintuitive use. But never mind that for now.

> > >

> > > What's up with the controls platform?

> > > Why the walls?? PvP used to be about strategy. Playing a character with CC whose method of winning was not killing, but pushing people off important locations, including the controls platform. Now it's reduced to "kill to win".

> > >

> > > It seems like a dumbing down of the map, and honestly, i don't like it all. I don't like it just not a bit, i won't ever vote for skyhammer again knowing one of my favourite combat strategies has been deleted

> >

> > These changes were asked by the community, and ANet delivered. If you don't like it, too bad, but mostly the rest of us are happy with these changes.


> I'm gonna be honest, I have never once heard in chat, or read on the forums **once** that _anyone_ wanted the walls around the platform.

> And don't say it's balanced now, because all they did is limit the winning to "who's the last man standing in that small area" where everyone can just blindy throw around AoE's now.


Exactly! Nobody complained about falling off of skyhammer in at least 3 years and they are still making changes? wow...


The first iteration of the map was terrible, it was too much about CC. But the previous one was completely fine, it took setup and positioning to knock people off. The map feels incasnely castrated and watered down.

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People weren't complaining about knockbacks and falling, but about the fact that the skyhammer cap point is way too small -> abused by aoe heavy classes. And there were an incredible amount of requests to change that.

> @"hgkmaxymus.9321" said:

> Which balance? People can use CC so you should have at least 1 way to break out of it! Or don't stand near areas/direction of possible death by CC.

How to break out of a knockback anyway? You can't avoid near the deadly areas as the point itself was small hence you died in 1 second.


Anyways, fixing the falling part wasn't that necessary with the bigger area change, but nevertheless it's still good. Too many classes are without knockbacks and that's an unfair advantage especially considering how important Skyhammer is in the map mechanic.

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I strongly suspect this was to kill the PvP daily rooms. Nothing more. Skyhammer is the most popular PvP room for dailies because you can farm points quickly. This is done when players tag each other and then jump to their deaths. This patch effectively killed that mechanic and shared cooperation . . . at least in that room.

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I miss the way it used to be. Interacting with the panel, uninterrupted for like 8 seconds. to get the hammer, THAT required strategy. Now its a who can spam AOE/condi fields the fastest, making classes such as scourge (for example) stronger while making CC's weaker. Apparently people dont like to use their brains to think of strats, just mindless fields/AA


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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> Wait a second....someone is complaining you can't knock someone off the skyhammer map now? I remember a time when people were complaining about all of the ways you could fall off the map. My, have times changed.


Well, CC has become a better combat utility since HoT, and i enjoyed using it more in PvP and PvE.

So I'm kind of sad to see that they're trying to wash it out off PvP in favour of Kill or Die strategies.


Same in that harbour map. They placed crates around the far end so you can't knock people off.



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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > I filed a bug report for the jumping pads because I thought they were broken, but they were just changed to a counterintuitive use. But never mind that for now.

> >

> > What's up with the controls platform?

> > Why the walls?? PvP used to be about strategy. Playing a character with CC whose method of winning was not killing, but pushing people off important locations, including the controls platform. Now it's reduced to "kill to win".

> >

> > It seems like a dumbing down of the map, and honestly, i don't like it all. I don't like it just not a bit, i won't ever vote for skyhammer again knowing one of my favourite combat strategies has been deleted


> These changes were asked by the community, and ANet delivered. If you don't like it, too bad, but mostly the rest of us are happy with these changes.


When was that?..source plz? Cuz i never asked to dumb down Skyhammer to favor a more boring gameplay then it is.

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> @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> If no one can fall off the edge at all anymore, can we get the name changed to Floorhammer?

Then I can call it “Floor Ham” instead of “Sky Ham”, which is sounds as unpleasant as the map actually is.


The knock back insta kills with the original design could be frustrating at times, but it was also fun to some degree.


The worst part of this map is just the awkward line of sight and the constant bouncing of the jump pads against people that just try to get up top and spam abilities.

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lmao the rose tinted glasses, who are all these bronze warriors complaining that knocking people off the map shouldn't have been removed? did you forget the skyhammer specific builds and how this map wasn't even ALLOWED by the community to be put anywhere near ranked?


the scorpion wire thieves? the rifle / tool kit engi? the tornadoes, the focus mesmers... etc.

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