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Balance Patch coming Feb 6th

X T D.6458

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Upcoming balance for Feb 6th



Also a post from a dev:

"We are planning PvP/WvW splits, changes to the Confusion condition, regeneration effectiveness prioritization, boon/condition conversion table changes... PLUS MORE!! There are some mesmer changes we're excited about and hope to talk them about in more detail as we draw nearer to the update. Stay tuned!"




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I'm not going to get too excited until i see what is going to happen. If history is any indication, we'll see scourge get adjusted to a point where they will be completely useless, which will also affect reaper and drop them even further into obscurity. Mesmer will lose damage on confusion, but will then get 3-5 more seconds of stealth and maybe the ability to generate 2-3 more clones. Wouldn't suprise me if they give support guardians/FB an invulnerability then shrink warrior bubble radius but up their damage by 20% and let them use hb while moving. Then let eles cast meteor shower while moving but cut the damage by 40%.


Basically, rather than tweak overtuned traits/mechanics they'll whip out the old sledgehammer to fit a square peg into a round hole, then break the table trying to pound it in.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> About time. If i was ANYONE i would be worried about the Mesmer changes they will be either:


> 1) Barely a change, nerfs to things no one uses, buffs to things that are strong already


> OR


> 2) Huge nerf across the board. Gutting the class.


> Anet does buffs or huge nerfs. They dont do balance lol


Yup it's one extreme or the other.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> About time. If i was ANYONE i would be worried about the Mesmer changes they will be either:


> 1) Barely a change, nerfs to things no one uses, buffs to things that are strong already


> OR


> 2) Huge nerf across the board. Gutting the class.


> Anet does buffs or huge nerfs. They dont do balance lol

Or of course nerfs to non-meta builds and skills that makes the mesmer viable for 90% of its players, while not touching what makes it super OP for the other 10% very skilled people on meta builds.


I mean we *know* it's gonna happen. That's always what happen with Anet balancing. They fix like 1 thing the community want and 5 things it doesnt.


I fully expect another Scrapper-esque complete gutting of class mechanics for the glorious sake of "purity of purpose". Or in the mesmers case, "exiting changes".

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This is why I'm an altoholic. Instead of going all-in on gearing out one or two builds in full ascended, I have every class at 80 with everything unlocked, crafting professions leveled, and armor boxes in the bank. This way , I'm bound to have at least a couple of viable builds, and if I don't, I can quickly re-gear into at least exotics for whatever the new meta demands. Jack of all trades, master of jacks**t. But hey, gotta roll with the punches, or patches as it were.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Yup it's one extreme or the other.


yep. Though. As always with Anet "balance" updates. The best part is trying to guess whats an intended change and whats bugged out, what Anet changes but forget to put in the patch notes and of course find the game breaking bugs! Oh the Mesmer fall trait. What a time that was <3 Hahaha


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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> About time. If i was ANYONE i would be worried about the Mesmer changes they will be either:


> 1) Barely a change, nerfs to things no one uses, buffs to things that are strong already


> OR


> 2) Huge nerf across the board. Gutting the class.


> Anet does buffs or huge nerfs. They dont do balance lol


They have never really nerfed mesmer that hard before compared to all the other classes, though. Maybe it's time they get to feel the power of nerfhammer :x

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I bet $1000 gold warrior is going to get nerf hard again. I bet endure pain is going to go from 4 sec to 2 sec and cooldown reduce to 30 seconds hahahahahaa. If so, that nerf is going to kill warrior completely in WvW. And guess what, the [Endure pain bug](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged) will not get fixed.


I also predict more nerfs to Full counter, and the bug where thief steals and interrupts Full counter will not get fixed.

Good job Anet!I just can tell it, i can feel the nerf coming.

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Been playing Ranger in GW1 for 7 years. Been playing Ranger in GW2 since Beta. Between the groups that didn't want Ranger in their Hall of Hero runs, between player groups that didn't want ranger's in The Deep, or Urgoz runs, never in a MILLION YEARS, would I have known and seen that same "ranger suck" attitude from the Commanders on multiple servers, or from my fellow player base in such vehemence.


Gale Gray is the only person I know that plays ranger as a consistent main as an Anet employee. The rest. I don't think I've EVER seen any other arenanet employee with their little icon over their heads on a RANGER. And because of this, I don't think they have a CLUE (by Anet's OWN admission), of how to properly deal with the Ranger Class. Commanders in WvW say, guardian and ele can still pump out better heals than Druid. The only thing anet did with Soulbeast is finally give Ranger's what they wanted was to STOW their pet. Base Ranger's are spat on by commanders in WvW, and told to get on a class that can give something "to the group" as a whole.


I expect the Feb 6th, 2018 Patch, to be nothing more than more power creep for the professions that Anet loves, and more nerfs to those professions that anet doesn't even play as a bloody main. Lets give more DPS. Let's give longer boons. Lets increase the amount of time shields last. The overall Scourge damage SOLO is monstrous. Able to take down up to 5-8 opponants. Wow. What were you people thinking. The warrior Domes, to take down BOONS, I thought was pretty balanced, but then you just gave out a tone of damage for necro's to take down 1/6th of a fricken zerg, and all I could think of is..."Wow...I wish my Ranger could take down 5-8 opponents simultaneously. I mean like...dang. Commander's want them Scourges. They want them Dome warriors. They want them Firebrands to burn hot. They want them Mesmer clone bombs and alacrity. What those commanders don't care for much is some thieves, engineers. And they ....by their own admission...don't ...want.....any....Rangers.


And so far Anet has their head so far up their backside, they continue to chop and whittle Ranger's down from an elongated arrow, to a tiny toothpick only fit for stabbing Strawberry Golems, because that's about the only thing we can deal with according to the Commanders.


Hard being a Ranger in WvW, when your own team believes your class is total and complete garbage. Thanks anet for not listening, reading, or even caring.

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You know there's a milk challenge, and there's a lets put a spoonful of cinnamon in our mouth and swallow it challenege, there's even the ice bucket challenge. Here's my challenge.


I challenge all the ArenaNet employees to play ranger for a solid whole 3 months, non-stop. Because 30 days won't do. 60 Days won't do. I think three months is what'd it take for a whole team of anet employees to take a really long hard look at a class as BROKEN, as spat upon, as detested as Ranger is, in WvW, to come up with a specialization that would ROCK the Guild Wars gaming world. Especially in WvW. I'm pretty sure some of those same Arenanet employees don't play Ranger, because even THEY think the Ranger sucks in WvW. And you can't really fix it, if you believe it sucks, and your UNWILLING TO PLAY THE CLASS. And Arenanet employees, minus one, is unwilling to play the class on a long term basis. Take it from someone whose played ranger main for 13-14 years straight.


Give me....Glass Arrow from Factions. Let me fire off a shot onto a target that just EXPLODES in an AoE. Not like that stupid sigil that's completely worthless. Give me Entangle that works in WATER as if the enemy was entangled with seaweed. Not that 9/10th's of the player base enjoy water combat anyways. Give me a Ranger, that the rest of the WvW player base would RESPECT. I think that's what Ranger's really want. Respect. Want to be seen as dangerous. Tough. Boon sharing up the ying-yang OH YAH reroll TO a Ranger sort of respect. You know what I mean, Vern?

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> You know there's a milk challenge, and there's a lets put a spoonful of cinnamon in our mouth and swallow it challenege, there's even the ice bucket challenge. Here's my challenge.


> I challenge all the ArenaNet employees to play ranger for a solid whole 3 months, non-stop. Because 30 days won't do. 60 Days won't do. I think three months is what'd it take for a whole team of anet employees to take a really long hard look at a class as BROKEN, as spat upon, as detested as Ranger is, in WvW, to come up with a specialization that would ROCK the Guild Wars gaming world. Especially in WvW. I'm pretty sure some of those same Arenanet employees don't play Ranger, because even THEY think the Ranger sucks in WvW. And you can't really fix it, if you believe it sucks, and your UNWILLING TO PLAY THE CLASS. And Arenanet employees, minus one, is unwilling to play the class on a long term basis. Take it from someone whose played ranger main for 13-14 years straight.


> Give me....Glass Arrow from Factions. Let me fire off a shot onto a target that just EXPLODES in an AoE. Not like that stupid sigil that's completely worthless. Give me Entangle that works in WATER as if the enemy was entangled with seaweed. Not that 9/10th's of the player base enjoy water combat anyways. Give me a Ranger, that the rest of the WvW player base would RESPECT. I think that's what Ranger's really want. Respect. Want to be seen as dangerous. Tough. Boon sharing up the ying-yang OH YAH reroll TO a Ranger sort of respect. You know what I mean, Vern?



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Ranger is Meta in all game modes. What are you goin on about KeyOrion?


They're Meta in raids, fractals, do just fine open world PvE, are the 2nd/3rd best solo roamer in WvW and do very well in small man roaming. They can be built to have a semi decent presence in an organized guild WvW group as Minstrel (though yes their group play lacks compared to other WvW behemoths). What more do you want? Viable "Meta" Power Build? Lel, tell that to Warriors, Mesmers, and what was Eng for the last 5 years.

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Yeah rangers are a strong mobile roaming/scouting class. They are looked down on by commanders in exactly the same way that other medium armour classes are, except that there are tons more of them around (as of last year, 13% rangers compared to 8% engineers and 8% thieves). Classes who excel at evades and personal mobility tend to rallybot enemies in blob fights.


If you can reliably 1v1 or 1v2 the enemy then you're an asset flipping camps and scouting. Or get your druid out and act smug that you're meta for raids and fractals.

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> @"FrouFrou.4958" said:

> They have never really nerfed mesmer that hard before compared to all the other classes, though. Maybe it's time they get to feel the power of nerfhammer :x


I am talking in general, when it comes to balance, they go to either extreme and never actually BALANCE its always slight nerf to the point its barely a nerf or over nerf and gut whole specs. they do the same with buffing, either its so tiny that it wont be noticed or its such a huge buff that it makes the class they are buffing god mode :/


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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> I know this is a little off topic, but I'm too scared to post in the pve forum...

> Anyone know if we're getting a Lunar New Years patch this year?

> Dragon Ball is amusingly fun, and the only balanced pvp in this game.


> ~ Kovu


That_Shaman data mined some Chinese New Year decorations, so yes, it is coming.

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i look Forward that Patch to be honest. I made my peace with their way to handle Balance and therefore will make the best out of it.


I really hope that firebrand gets a good nerf. (hopefully the Mantra trait will be buffed, the cdred for the tomes down to 20% and some pass by boons removed from some of the abilites)


A minor nerf to warrior (Enchantment collaps with 0,5 sec internal cd)


A bigger nerf to the Scourge in aoe (something like casting time and some less conditions) Not playing scourge but that is what everyone demands.

On the other Hand some more buffs to the necor in General


A nerf to the hammer dmg of the rev. Though this is really funny if you Play him yourself ^^.


As a Guardian main, i have been happy with most of the changes up until now.



Just stop getting so upset about everything since it will kill your fun of the game.


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