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[Suggestions] Favorite Mini Pets and Options

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I'd be cool if you could pick favorites for Outfits, Miniaures, Finishers, Mail Carriers and Gliders, then have both a "Random" and a"Random favorite" option in each of these.


Favorites would appear at the top of the list so you can switch to them faster. And that in itself would be nice.


But if there was also the random favorite option, This way you could make it so every time you use a glider it may be randomly one of the Wings, or one of the two super adventure gliders, or one of the 4 elemental gliders (bubble, fiery wings, electromagnetic, geomacner).

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I like all these ideas.


I've often wished there was a way to sort or filter minis or to search by something other than the name. Keyword search would be good for me, so for example I could search for quaggan minis and it would include Droobert's Ghost and Peggellegg the "Pirate" even though they don't have quaggan in their name, but I suspect that would be a lot of work, and it could be difficult to come up with keywords which make sense to everyone.


The sorting options in the OP would be a good compromise. I'd especially like 'seldom used' (although that could be the same as recently used - just scroll to the bottom).

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I would also like to see some control over the mini pet panel. (I was about to make a new post, but we have a working SEARCH now! Yay!)


I received a birthday gift mini pet that I don't care for. I don't mind that I can't sell it on the TP, but I don't want it cluttering up my Mini Pet Panel. (It was automatically added).


Today's "Bug Fix" update notes say _"Updated a number of miniatures to be properly account bound upon acquisition."_ I sure hope this doesn't mean that they are also being automatically added to the mini pet panel! Letting us select "favorites" in a manner similar to selecting our favorite dyes would probably alleviate this issue. _Especially_ if (like dyes) it is character-based, since my different characters tend to use different minis. (My Asura like the golem minis, my Necro likes the "creepy" minis, etc.).


(I was going to suggest the ability to "Remove from Collection", but advanced sorting could probably help make unwanted mini pets stay out of my way without the possible problems removal could cause.)

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  • 1 year later...

I hope Anet see's these posts. I agree with the previous comments on improving the mini-pet panel. I have so many mini's that I can't find the ones I want...and the name of the mini is beyond remembering at this point. I'd also add another option on the panel to organize by special event...Halloween (Mad King), Christmas, etc. Some mini's aren't specifically associated with an event, but I'd like to tag them. For example: there is a mini-bat that isn't specifically related to Mad King event, but I'd like to tag the mini as "MK". A second wishful change - I'd like to define my own "tag's" (similar to how guild's create ranks within the guild membership). This way I could group "cats (tigers, kittens, etc.)", "dogs", "monsters (", "bad-guy names (i.e. Teq)", "ally names (Eir) and so on. I know this is huge request, but throwing it out there.


The biggest problem I see now are scrolling past all the versions of min griffon hatchlings, etc. That has really clogged down the mini panel.


Pretty please, Anet. Any of the improvements mentioned by everyone on this forum line would be fantastic!

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