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PvP Season Seems DEAD


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PvP became dead to me when ANET refused to revoke titles and rewards that were gained through match manipulation (something that's still happening). Joke game mode with joke support and terribly infrequent balance updates. There's NOTHING run or redeemable about the current meta either. It actually makes WoW PvP look fun.

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Mark costs are too high, gimmick builds are too unfun, and there's too many things to do in PvE. So for too many players PvP has become a waste of time, they have to choose between being fodder to players exploiting boring broken builds or using them themselves., only to be able to pick 1 piece of ascended gear without grinding for marks.


So the pull from shinnies is now so weak that it makes it not worth the trouble for too many players. They'd rather go do fractals. At least there's a chance for mystic coins and ascended gear dropping.

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Its not just about this season. It started in 2016/2017. When world championships ended.

So there's no motivation to play PvP anymore. No goal.


You can spend alot of your time to become the best PvPer in GW2. But is it worth your time?

Looks like people found more valuable things to do.


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Nah, this is bad this season man. The first 3 to 4 days or so, I only had like 5 or 6 people on my contacts/guild list even on the "friends leaderboards" who had 15 games played. Usually by the end of day 1 I have like 15-20 and by the end of 2nd/3rd day I've got like 30 people on the "friends leaderboards". Even at this point, I have like 10 - 15 people during the middle of week 2. That is a highly unusual drop in player activity.

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Season 1,2,3,4 were pretty fine if it comes to the players activity. Ofc there was some problems like bunker meta in season 1. But leagues were pretty new so it wont matter that much. Meanwhile there were guild leaderboard too. And worl championships. It looked like ArenaNet chosen the right directon. There was a feeling that they're supporting this mode.


But all changed with season 5,6 etc etc. 5v5 were deleted. There was no plans for future championships. And PvP slowly started to die.

Right now its just easier to notice it. But its not just about this season. As I said. It all started much ealier.

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I've been pvping since game launch...and before that gw1 pvp since launch. I refuse to touch spvp until they do some significant balance changes. It just isn't fun. The interesting thing is the balance pass that happened right before pof was pretty good. The game felt alright...then pof hit and game over. Seems like after that Anet just said fuck it. Lets focus on raids completely.

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> @"Cynz.9437" said:

> I don't play because class balance is extremely bad. I do not enjoy going to points and seeing sea of red circles that insta-gib me the moment i even get somewhere near them. I literary just want to puke the moment i see scourge/fb/mirage/holo combo in match.


> I am currently spending my money on off-line games i wanted to play for a while now. Class balance in GW2 is pure joke, not worth logging in.


Cluster Kitten is no longer figurative.... its literal. They need to balance the game atleast to the point where people play what they want to play because of the mechanics, not because its the FOTM.

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