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Tank/Heal/Support Scourge


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So I was lurking around in the Fractal/Raid forum and I saw some one suggesting Scourge as a possible tank, I was wondering where I can find the build. I'll probably never Raid and mainly chill in low level Fractals but I figured this build might be fun for Fractals Dungeons and Open World.


I don't have access to Trailblazers but I figure I could always convert my armor to that Stat that has Condition and Toughness to help pick up aggro, I can maintain decent DPS with my Viper Trinkets and Viper Weapons. So basically I assume this build would work by having me grab aggro while throwing out barriers that keep me up while also splashing barrier support to the 4 other DPS?

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> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

> I think that there are a lot of professions that can take the role of tank but pug are very narrow minded. Also scourge don't provide alacrity/quickness


I'm only talking Fractals, and Dungeons though, either that or I'd like to try something with my Guardian again but I feel my self getting eaten alive on him (I suppose go Hammer with the Meditation Healing trait perhaps.)

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> @"Gandrogh.1530" said:

>Also scourge don't provide alacrity/quickness


Indeed, it fall down to how valuable the support of the tank is in the end. Let's assume that there are other professions to provide alacrity/quickness, will there be a need for more "survivability" in the raid while those professions are around? What is given up?


I may be wrong but chrono, the main tank up to now migth not have a huge dps but it's impact on a raid is quite strong, making him the favored choice. I'm pretty sure that other professions could have a go at tanking if the chrono could keep the support he grant with warrior's level of dps on top of it. Sadly I don't think it's possible.


As for the "survivability" support, it all come down to whether your raid is ready to give up on druid and all the pretty thing he give for barrier. I don't say that using a soulbeast to lay down ranger's spirit and grant spotter is an impossibility but is the scourge support worse the loss? Do you need this support? Is it worse having 4 supports instead of just 3?


That's the whole issue. It sure is possible to complete most of the raids wing with any raid comp, however how much more time will it take you? How much more fail risk are you taking by taking raid comp that are less optimal and never prove to be effective?


PuGs mostly care about what prove to be effective because they don't want to rely on the hypothetical prowess of their teammates. That's why the meta exist and that's why some professions are discriminated and other are highly sought out. Put a hundred video on whatever popular video host site you can that promote scourge as a great support in a specific raid comp and you'll see scourge needed in PuGs.


However, this all need to start from guild's or friend's raid party and need a whole lot of advertising on social media (reddit, GW2 forum, metabattle...). In the meantime, people will assume that what never proved to be good is still underperforming.

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