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Curious on the new changes on mesmer


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Hi @ANet and @"Karl McLain.5604" !


Just wondering what surprises you have in store for us, since we're just about a week before the new patch hits. If we could get something on Monday when you're at work that'd be great :) . I don't mind good or bad news personally, just want to start a discussion with dev, I think either way it'll mentally prepare players.


Yours Sincerely

A Curious Salad


P.S. also curious if PLUS MORE include weaver buff in PvP :P




For those who don't know what's going on Karl mentioned this

> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:


> We are planning PvP/WvW splits, changes to the Confusion condition, regeneration effectiveness prioritization, boon/condition conversion table changes... PLUS MORE!! There are some mesmer changes we're excited about and hope to talk them about in more detail as we draw nearer to the update. Stay tuned!


> -Karl

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* Shatters now regenerate your enemy target's health

* Distortion now grants distortion to all nearby enemy targets

* Jaunt now applies 3 stacks of confusion on the caster

* Elusive Mind now dazes the player and applies condi clear for all targets (enemies included) in 240 radius.


And that's how they gonna 'fix' mesmer ;)

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I wish for base mesmer weapons update (mainly Staff, Scepter, Focus. I find Scepter and Staff 'meh' compared to Axe, and Focus is bad overall except its pull). It would be nice if they solved Phantasm vs Shatters issue too (yes, I hope for it whenever a new patch is coming, and then get disappointed lol).

Doubt it's gonna happen, but one can dream, right? :tongue:

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I have fear and hope at the same time....and i really hope that my hope is entitled for some staff auto attack changes... but my fear is that we get some "positive changes" that are not good..... (like the mantra trait that they have taken from us...now we always just have 2 charges...also the recharge from the mantras is useless....i still cast it again, instead of waiting this long recharge time...)...

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so when are this update gonna hit us?

and dunno rly how to think about it. honestly believe mesmers are in a good place now so any change might be a bad change, and seeing all the q.q'ing about mirages lately i would be surprised if we werent nerfed in any way..

confusion nerf inc for sure ..

but changes to core mesmer isnt rly something i look forward to

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This Balance Patch (source: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25703/balance-patch#latest ) will hit us on February 6th...when no unexpected issues are showing up....so we just can hope that things just getting better for us...last time i heard something about great changes they forced me into using mirror instead of my healing mantra, since they have taken us the 3rd charge.... well lets see what they will bring us...

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Even if it's too early to know the specific changes going in (stuff might change or get dropped in testing), I always appreciate knowing the goal(s) of the change.


I have a chrono build that I love for WvW roaming, but I suck with every mirage build that I've tried. I've been doing some experimenting with soulbeast and holosmith, and they don't seem as viable for me. This is all just my perspective and from this, it's hard to say what the right change to base Mesmer would be.

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I'm scared to loose my main, careful ANET the mesmer is the most fun and challenging class in the game was it in pve or pvp don't destroy it to calm noobs who keep casting skills when they have stacks of confusion on them. and the evades are essential especially when using mele like axe without that you are a punching bag vs every mele class/build.what i may suggest is to rework the sand shards cos that mechanic isn't that ez to use .

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> @"Lalainnia.3598" said:

> It's either going to be base mesmer buffs like phantasms/weapon changes or a big overhaul to Mesmer shatters or its going to be a nerf to chrono/mirage because those 2 elites are doing nothing but amazing right now.




They **perform well**. They're still designed really badly. Chronomancer doesn't fit the class it is based on, much as I love the spec and especially its fx, and Mirage just showcases why base Mesmer is **terribly ill-implemented**, because it exaggerates everything wrong about Mesmer.


So yeah, they're powerful, but for all the wrong reasons.

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Yeah nerf a class that does normal damage in PvE/PvP but leave the Weaver in PvE(45k+) and i think i dont need to say that in PvP perma evade sword/dagger ele is almost unkillable if played well just like the SpB and the screpter ele just bursts you to pieces , Holosmith runs around with perma 25 stack of might , Deadeye kills with 2 skills form 1,5k range, Scourage wipes teams with condi bombs that cant be even cleared and you cant escape because of the weakness and the slow, Spellbreaker 80% resistance uptime + block + good damage.But Mirage needs a nerf because if some class is strong the proper action is to nerf mesmer.Mirage has average DPS in PvE but it doesnt share any boon on the other hand the other classes share boons and do similar damage...Mirage needs a buff not nerf.That was exactly with chrono too it got nuked to the ground. Other classes cry that they dont have enough damage and what not... Ah its wothless to try to explain this

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I'm gonna cry.. these post are so funny.


I have zero expectations whatsoever.

After reading...

Hopes? None

Wishes highly unlikely but I want that confusion grandmaster minor to change from 33% duration to 33% damage increase like Revs torment and Scourge.




Please dont hit Mesmer too hard. <3

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I can see you don’t want your mains to get nerfed >.>


But both Chronomancer and Mirage are performing way over the top in all content.

Chronomancer - A MUST have in PvE content, due to perma Alacrity and Quickness along with other buffs like Aegis and Regeneration. Ever seen a T4 fractal group or let’s say an Elitist group without a Chronomancer? I didn’t. I don’t want to talk about raids since you all know what’s happening there :lol:


Mirage - Absolutely bursted all of the game after the bugfixes/minor buffs it got. Not going to lie, I abused condition Mirage to get to Plat 3 when the season started. It has winning matchups against all the classes in the game except Spellbreaker, maybe Holosmith if she knows what she’s doing. It’s doing so good in PvP.

Talking about WvW, almost every roamer I see is either a Thief, or a Mesmer at the moment. Mirage’s condition application and defensive abilities (Elusive Mind, Desert Distortion, Permanent Vigor Application therefore having access to chaining evades) are way over the top. Both condition and power Mesmer is too powerful in WvW.

PvE, there’s always a room for a Mirage in Raids&Fractals&Dungeons due to it’s high DPS and not needing to be healed as much as another glasscannon (talking about Elementalist&Thief)


To be honest what I want is, make the damage sustained instead of 20+ Confusion, 10+ Burn, 10+ Torment in a second, or nerf Elusive Mind to a different level. Otherwise Mirage is just fine, I’m really done with people crying about Mesmer being too OP.

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > Chronomancer - A MUST have in PvE content, due to perma Alacrity and Quickness along with other buffs like Aegis and Regeneration.

> > I love how every time new DPS benchmark gets put up on reddit after a patch and the thread is filled with people saying 'the top dps doesn't matter you can play anything 10 necros can clear a raids' but then turn around and act like its literally impossible to even form a group without a Chorno. Don't act like Renegades and Firebrands aren't good enough and demand that our class gets nerfed just because you are petty and ignorant.


> Generalizations I see.. :expressionless: And I’ve never said “The top dps doesn’t matter you can play anything 10 necros can clear raids” Please stop insulting anybody who doesn’t agree with you.


> Let’s be honest here, even if you can form a squad without Chrono, it’s the most optimal around for a long time and I’ve never seen one without a Chrono. Just pointing that out.


Pretending I insulted you is just you deflecting from that fact you just admitted to wanting to nerf a class because it hurts your feelings that its slightly more optimal then the class you want to play.

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > > Chronomancer - A MUST have in PvE content, due to perma Alacrity and Quickness along with other buffs like Aegis and Regeneration.

> > > I love how every time new DPS benchmark gets put up on reddit after a patch and the thread is filled with people saying 'the top dps doesn't matter you can play anything 10 necros can clear a raids' but then turn around and act like its literally impossible to even form a group without a Chorno. Don't act like Renegades and Firebrands aren't good enough and demand that our class gets nerfed just because you are petty and ignorant.

> >

> > Generalizations I see.. :expressionless: And I’ve never said “The top dps doesn’t matter you can play anything 10 necros can clear raids” Please stop insulting anybody who doesn’t agree with you.

> >

> > Let’s be honest here, even if you can form a squad without Chrono, it’s the most optimal around for a long time and I’ve never seen one without a Chrono. Just pointing that out.


> Pretending I insulted you is just you deflecting from that fact you just admitted to wanting to nerf a class because it hurts your feelings that its slightly more optimal then the class you want to play.


Calling somebody “ignorant” is basically an insult, I’m not pretending. But let’s not turn this thread into a typical forum drama.


My Mesmer was my first character in the game, I played Mesmer a lot(most played character on my account), and I don’t want her to be put in the trash bin. But when I log into my other chars, it doesn’t seem fair at all to be honest. It isn’t “slightly more” optimal. It is **mandatory.** I just want it to be tweaked to the place where it is still optimal, but there should be other options to her.

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