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Pet does not spawn on Ranger Dismount

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pets not coming out when diving or using 1 skill is really annoying. Nothing like going into combat, and your pet is still stowed. Particularly when "toggle action camera" is on and you have to undo the toggle, recenter mouse, select and click on "activate pet", then re-enable "toggle action camera". Painful, and usually deadly to ones self.

This is counter to every other ranger attack skill, where the pet activates on skill usage. Should be consistent stow/activate usage between mounted and dismounted. Alternatively a stow/activate key-bind would be helpful, similar to mount/dismount key-bind, again should be consistent usage.

Pets "still in combat" preventing you from mounting, is annoying especially when the pet is running alongside of you, while everybody else is mounted and gone after a fight.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

So, apparently, we un-meld when we mount up - as I shout "ONE BECOMES TWO" whereas all I do is mount the raptor. Also, far as I can tell, whenever I dismount rather fast after mounting or if there are less than a few seconds between to dismounts I THINK the game thinks I'm on cd and spawn my pet un-melded.


It is better using my second pet as my main pet - still, melding / un-melding thing is an annoyance. This kind of makes me think that the melding mechanic is not playing well with the mounting giving you a new bundle. Dunno, can2t claim to have any knowledge of what's going there under the hood but it might be that Anet had to jiggle things into place and engine won't let them fix this easily. So, some Dev input would be lovely.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Mounts and ranger pets have had a bugged interaction since the introduction of mounts to the game.


(1) Mount engage skills frequently leave the pet in a stowed state, rather than returning them to their previous state.

(1b) Even a merged soulbeast will often become unmerged (with pet stuck stowed) after a dismount.

(2) Stowed pets normally activate as soon as combat starts, but pets in this bugged stowed state often remain stowed in combat and can only be used by manually clicking the tiny activate button on the UI (with no keybind option), which can be dangerous in the heat of combat.

(2b) For soulbeasts, the bug may require re-merging with their pet.

(3) In addition to being awkward to execute, these fixes place pet swap on cooldown, preventing the ranger from swapping when they would normally be able to.


Because of ranger character lower base stats, they rely on their pets to stand on par with other classes in the game. With pet access so frequently hindered by this bug, this is a significant annoyance and nerf for rangers who use mount engages often.


This bug has been plaguing open world rangers for almost two years now. An official response would be appreciated.


(This bug occurs on both primary and secondary pets. I've been unable to identify any factors that increase or decrease likelihood of it happening, but I do wonder if it could be related to network latency.)

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  • 8 months later...

So.. this bug just started happening to my ranger.. and my build is a glass cannon and i need my pet to take a hit for me.. when playing on my own.


Seeing as I've been playing for a month or so no issue and now this has started just over the last couple days i'm sure it's a bug.. and I really hope it gets fixed soon.

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> @"Skye.7938" said:

> So.. this bug just started happening to my ranger.. and my build is a glass cannon and i need my pet to take a hit for me.. when playing on my own.


> Seeing as I've been playing for a month or so no issue and now this has started just over the last couple days i'm sure it's a bug.. and I really hope it gets fixed soon.


So I felt the need to add on to my last comment after dying.. idk 5 times or so trying to get my damn pet out and the seconds it took to soulbond and un-soulbond while getting attacked by mods.. wasn't quite short enough to keep me alive... fix it.

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This bug is particularly noticeable (and easily reproducible) on the Auric Basin (Tarir) meta event on the west lane, where (firstly) transforming into a mushroom has always caused your merged pet to unmerge, and then secondly, when you explode the mushroom on the octovine, this action puts you straight into combat (due to the stacks of applied poison). This now (post-patch) results in your pet becoming 'Stowed' and you are unable to activate it until you can get out of combat, so you can't make use of either the pet or the merged skills.

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Yup, with the latest patch you cannot even manually summon your pet if you do a pounce dismount (skill 1 on mount) on enemies and are in combat mode. So the latest patch does not only disable pet swapping, merging and unmerging in combat, but also makes the pounce dismount unuseable. Things like that happen when a company does not care about bugs that are in the game since the introduction of mounts which was in** September 2017**. Chapeau!


Apart from that this is also a good example why competitive game mode balancing should be strictly separated from PvE/Open World balancing. As far as I am informed, a huge part of the latest patch is done by a former PvP hardcore player. So the person in question probably didn't even know about the mount pounce / dismount bug that despawns minions and pets. So the situation rangers find themselves in now is entirely Anets fault, not the guy who did the balance patch. And it was so foreseeable. That is bugging me the most. And I don't even play ranger as main.

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