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The quest of Cantha


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Greetings adventurers !



For a long time, many players have been waiting for Cantha to return into GW2. I'm not saying the majority wants it, because I don't know, but different supports and websites talk about it. To me, Factions was the first part I played and I'm very attached to this universe of GW.


As far as we know, there is no expectation for any developement about it today. I just want to share my thoughts about the advantages of having Cantha as the next expansion.


(This post is not a copy/paste about The Cantha Thread and I hope everyone will understand my english).




# **Cantha : Forgotten Land, Promising Lore** #


We don't know a lot about Cantha. Called Empire of the Dragon, oldest known human nation, Zhaitan came and *boom* signal lost... Well here is an interesting point : Dragons. It's an important part of GW2 lore. Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Aurene, Kralkatorrik, there is always a dragon ! So, are you not entertained about a land called Empire of the Dragon, like a cradle ?


With Path of Fire, we've come back to Elona. In my opinion, this expansion is pretty rich and successfull. On one part Arenanet brings back nostalgia : a large part of the community has played to GW1 and the memories of Elona, Vabbi are present today. On the other part, it's a whole new universe for new players who discover this side of the map.


If Arenanet gives us Elona, they can give us Cantha someday. Not as a simply living story, because the opportunities of gameplay are great into it.





## **Tengus : The Secret behind the West Door** ##


There are so much questions about them : why are they here if they don't want to share with us ? What do they keep ? What is behind the door and when will we be able to complete this square on our map ?!!


Now imagine something like this :


_Tengus break the silence about the situation in Cantha. They've seen the commander save many times Tyria from big bad dragons. They're confident about him and let him enter behind the west door of Lion's Arch. There, the commander talks to their leader who explains the situation in Cantha (like a big dragon causing troubles or something like that). The commander takes an airship and we're going South, to Cantha !_


Well it seems a bit summarized but you have the idea. Plus, PoF has 4 main areas. Cantha could have Shing Jea Island, Kaineng City, Echovald Forest and The Jade Sea. A great opportunity with different landscapes.


Well I can't finish this part without talking about Tengus as a playable race (I voted yes). With HOT, we got gliders and Revenant. With PoF we got mounts. What will we get in the next expansion ? (build templates \o/) Indeed we could imagine Tengus as a playable race. We could have the choice between starting a new character lvl 80 in the west door area, or to continue with our mains like I said before.


Cantha could bring to us more than a playable race.


### **Kurzicks VS Luxons : A Living World into a Competitive Area** ###



It's a sad time for guilds and PvP. They seem forgotten behind raids, fractals and living story. And for sure : can we all agree that GW2 has given us the idea of Living World ? Events are the key of this living world, they are the landscapes of the maps. They choose between a friendly area or a dangerous place where you're not welcome.


Now imagine both combined : a competitive place into a changing world. Here is the AVA from Guild Wars 1. It took place in Factions between two sides : Kurzicks from the Echovald forest and luxons from the Jade Sea. The map changed depending of which side was winning.


And here is what we need today : to be able to tag in groups/guilds and defend our lands ! We could choose our own faction and fight for it, having different places where to fight other guilds. I know WvWvW exists, but this idea could give a good change for PVE and the opportunity for guilds to control sides.



As I said before, those ideas are just my opinion/nostalgia about Cantha. You're free to tell me what you think about it, and/or what I could have forgotten.



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Sadly, for what little communication we have, we knownthe luxons and kurzicks have been hunted to near extinction.

They wont be coming back in the same level of power as GW1.

But if there were a civil war of some kind kind we could rally the surviving the naga, tengu, kurzicks, luxons, and locals who suffer under the imperial hand.

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You know, for the longest time I desperately wanted to see an updated Cantha. Would Kaining City still be a dump or would it be more cleaned up and modernized? Would the Jade Sea be an actual sea now? I posted many time in the Cantha thread in the old forums. Any time anyone even breathed the word "Cantha" I was taken back to that wonderful Factions expansion with wistful nostalgia, and it was wonderful.


However, after Path of Fire was released, and all of us old timers were hit hard with nostalgia (which I loved, by the way), I started to come to a slow realization that as much as I love Cantha, and would certainly still really like to go back, I'm finding myself more and more wanting to go someplace new. Someplace that isn't human centric. Someplace we haven't been to before. A new land to explore.

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