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Let's Talk About Marketing...February

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > Have an open mind everyone. There is a method to the madness. You will see as the month progresses.

> >

> > You will also be getting everything you requested around new ads showing gameplay. All is in the works. :-)


> I had an idea yesterday for a series of funny video ads for the game. In the first one a couple of hunters are in the wilds of Alaska and a woman in a fancy outfits comes running out of the woods and starts chopping a tree down with a magical axe that comes out of nowhere. Now this next line would be a good effect added to the game. Instead of chopping it down logs come off the mid-section of the tree and it just gets shorter until she gets 3 logs off the now seedling sized tree. She looks at them and says "Sweet sweet loot!" then a griffon appears and she flies off.


> The next one would be with the same hunters next to a river but now slightly drunk. A Sylvari male comes running out the woods; a pick appears in his hands and he starts working away at a clump of rocks. After three hits on the rock, a sand jackal appears under him and they sand leap off into the woods parallel to the river. Before they can recover from what they saw, a Charr ridding a skimmer comes from the opposite direction along the river. The Charr stops and says "Did you just see a male Sylvari come thru here?". In shock they point in the direction the Sylvari went and the Charr on the skimmer disappears up the river after him.


> The third one is with the same hunters but now drunk and one passed out. An Asura bounds in on a springer which vanishes. The Asura has a bucket of water and dumps on the passed out hunter who wakes up in time to hear the Asura say "Oh! I can't wait to explore this place!" then the springer reappear and they bound off into the woods.


> The final one is where the hunters are trying to make their way back to their camp when they hear a rumble of people talking then a Norn on a raptor bounds past them off towards the sounds. The hunters stumble upon a bunch of Norns in their own camp drinking and boasting of their adventures. All the Norns stop talking and look at the hunters when one Norn says "Join us! There is always time for a good old fashion moot!"


Great idea, the male Sylvari should def be Canach with Rytlock in pursuit!! ?

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The emotional connection to the game that makes the gamer cheer, cry, laugh, surprised, etc when they go through living world stories, fight bosses, team up with guildies during raid/PvP/WvW, etc.


It can be in a campaign series of an emotion each video or one video of a combo of a few emotions.


Personally, that’s how I felt with gw2. It is so enjoyable to play and made me feel all these emotions in there game. It’s great.

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@Mike Silbowitz.1827 Aha, you are back at your desk! Could you let us know how to enter the contest via this website as opposed to social media? Both you and the contest rules have stated it is possible, but no one seems able to find the entry form on this site. A direct link to the form would be best. Thanks!


edit: Apparently the ping doesn't work with a space in the name, so I'm not sure how to ping Mike so he sees it. Here's hoping some ANet person is viewing :)

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

>> Like I said earlier today, the community of Guild Wars 2 is a huge part of its appeal. So many players have stories of real relationships formed in the game...


I'm looking forward to seeing what you all have planned, Rubi. However, I don't know that the existing playerbase is a good sample group for the marketing of products they already own. Especially on Reddit, players jump at the chance to be critical of ArenaNet's marketing, micro-analyzing and ultra-critiquing your tweets and ads the way Wooden Potatoes analyzes Living World trailers (the latter is a good thing though). Like, I own a Nissan, but I totally have better things to do (like drive my Nissan) than join in on discussions that are critical of the grammar in Nissan's tweets. Oh, and God forbid you charge gems for gem store items!


What I mean to say is: most of the playerbase consists of people who've never taken a business course in their life, or haven't (yet) attended college, and who erroneously use the word "marketing" as a blanket term to refer to numerous activities, plans, goals, statistics, and methods - all of which they also do not understand. These players, along with those that are just straight-up ungrateful and have entitlement issues, are the most vocal.


So during this month of love, don't forget that the whiners and griefers - despite their whining and griefing - really do love the game, and love you all for your efforts in making it so enjoyable. <3

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> @"Tekoneiric.6817"


> Great idea!


It could be followed up with a rapid montage of clips with the caption "get ready for a world of adventure or you could just enjoy a day at the beach" and the clip ends with a charr in shorts sunbathing on the beach on Southsun Cove. Each one of them could have it's own funny ending like the beach thing. As the following person said.


> @"Merrick.3905" said:


> the male Sylvari should def be Canach with Rytlock in pursuit!!



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The reason why I love GW2 is that I **don't** have to make "friends".

Fake friends that are also located 2,000 km away are not for everyone.

I often hear this game's solo-playability being praised in all the duty-finder riddled waiting games (looking over to you, FF14).

Being a grumpy solitary Asura sniper is really enjoyable and THE reason why I love this game over the forced MY LITTLE PONY (only with friends you can get anywhere) message of your competitors.

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I've played this game for 5 years, have over 15k hours invested, in that time I have never recommended the game to anyone, and I never will, why? because it's the least rewarding game I have ever played, I look forward to the day I uninstall this game and never look back, I have no respect for the people in charge of it's direction, since they clearly are playing pin the tail on the donkey while blindfolded. Mike Obrian asked for us to advertise this game for him, why should I ever do that when I have gotten nothing from your company, anything I wanted I had to sweat blood for, bottom line is as I said, the reward system is sadistic, if this game was rewarding to play I'm sure it would not have had so many players leave, gl marketing a game in this state, you have your work cut out for you. Point of this post is that maybe you should look at changing the reward system before you go on a marketing drive, you know, make the game actually rewarding to play...

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> Hi @"Vavume.8065"


> I’m not trying to be flip but honestly curious. If you feel this way why have you been playing for 5 years?


That was my first thought, as well. Perhaps, suggestions on how to improve would be in order, though I'm not sure here is the best place for those.

OT: Happy to see the links and 'ads' to the Friendship campaign out and about now.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> I've played this game for 5 years, have over 15k hours invested, in that time I have never recommended the game to anyone, and I never will, why? because it's the least rewarding game I have ever played, I look forward to the day I uninstall this game and never look back, I have no respect for the people in charge of it's direction, since they clearly are playing pin the tail on the donkey while blindfolded. Mike Obrian asked for us to advertise this game for him, why should I ever do that when I have gotten nothing from your company, anything I wanted I had to sweat blood for, bottom line is as I said, the reward system is sadistic, if this game was rewarding to play I'm sure it would not have had so many players leave, gl marketing a game in this state, you have your work cut out for you. Point of this post is that maybe you should look at changing the reward system before you go on a marketing drive, you know, make the game actually rewarding to play...


Why have you played enough to get UD and Diamond Legend if the game is so miserable? Your post makes no sense.

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> Hi @"Vavume.8065"


> I’m not trying to be flip but honestly curious. If you feel this way why have you been playing for 5 years?


Because I loved WvW, and I foolishly held out hope that one day Anet might actually figure out a better direction for this game, but in reality it's been 5 years of feeling like the game is still in beta with the constant testing systems out on us, reiterating them, reiterating them again, and reiterataing them again, not even exaggerating here. This game has always had such great potential but it has been wasted, sure there are plenty of people still playing, but the amount of people you have lost you can only blame yourselves for, Ive stuck with the game out of hope for change, and all I am left with is bitterness that the change has never come.


> @"Endelon.1042" said:

> Why have you played enough to get UD and Diamond Legend if the game is so miserable? Your post makes no sense.


Because I loved WvW, and I played it not caring for reward, the thrill of the mode was reward enough for me, however I cannot say the same about the PVE side of this game, and that is what I find most unsatisfactory, when I play pve I want to be rewarded for my time and I have never felt that I am, the game throws trash loot at you constantly, and you end up playing inventory simulator instead of doing something fun.


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I can talk about Marketing as a player returned a little over a month ago and how has it been my experience:


In Spain I didn't know that PoF had gone on sale, simply none of the main Spanish media did an analysis of the expansion (as if they did with HoT) I do not know if Arena.net has completely forgotten the Spanish online press and not sent serials to analyze the expansion or what has happened here, but if I was 5 months delayed knowing that this expansion had come out is that someone in Marketing is really doing their job badly.


Then, the big mistake I find in GW2 is that when you reach level 80 or you finish your personal history it is difficult for new players to know what to do next. It is necessary an explanatory video or some type of ingame section, as have other mmo, in plan "adventure guide" that appears in the game at level 80 and / or when completing personal stories that explain what to do next, a section for New players updated on the web would also help. If it does not happen that the players do not continue playing, as happened to me previously.


What you need to get urgently: that every episode of the living story be published in all media, I don't know the rest of the world, but here in Spain only a few people now know that GW2 has updates every 2-3 months that the story continues, adds maps, etc. This will only be achieved with a cinematics of 2-3 minutes that explain the new ones in the story and everything that the update offers in an attractive way and get them published in the media.


I have the feeling that you have left the Spanish market completely and I do not like it, because each market adds up.


Sorry for the mistakes, I'm using google translate ^^

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Ahh. Ok. So, not an entry. Seems fair.

I once met a paramour in Guild Wars (One). It didn't result in marriage.

I introduced my current partner to Guild Wars, and subsequently Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars (1, then 2) is how we keep in touch, partially. I see this person once a year; we've been together over 11 years, now.


Lol. Not much of a story.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Ahh. Ok. So, not an entry. Seems fair.

> I once met a paramour in Guild Wars (One). It didn't result in marriage.

> I introduced my current partner to Guild Wars, and subsequently Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars (1, then 2) is how we keep in touch, partially. I see this person once a year; we've been together over 11 years, now.


> Lol. Not much of a story.


Actually, I think that's very sweet, Ic. Congrats to you both!

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