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What is more important to you in WvW?


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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Other--


> The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.


But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?

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Honestly Server pride, WvW was far more popular when server pride was around, its sickening to see that alot of people no longer care about that anymore, remember the days when people took pride in there server they were on, remember when guilds took pride in the server they were on and were proud to be known for there accomplishments on that server. Server pride is what made World vs World great, its honestly what brought players in day in and out and even new ones because it gave people a reason to play. Alliances will strip away that pride, and honestly leave WvW to the elitists and create even deeper imbalances that some are not thinking deep enough to see. Alls its takes is two great big fight guilds to ally with great 5 defense/fight guilds and the balance will be out the window.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Other--

> >

> > The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.


> But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?


Yea, it's worked so well in the past, right!


I like my server, and I like my guild. But shit, I play this game first and foremost for myself. And I think people overestimate what's good for everyone (bad things have happened because of this)


Although what's even more funny is putting faith in the same people that most likely caused the problems in the first place, lol.

Edit: Btw your predictions are probably correct.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > Other--

> > >

> > > The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.

> >

> > But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?


> Yea, it's worked so well in the past, right!


> I like my server, and I like my guild. But kitten, I play this game first and foremost for myself. And I think people overestimate what's good for everyone (bad things have happened because of this)


> Although what's even more funny is putting faith in the same people that most likely caused the problems in the first place, lol.

> Edit: Btw your predictions are probably correct.


After 5 years, you learn a few things.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > Other--

> >

> > The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.


> But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?


Hi. I think you misunderstand what ANet means by evaluating your playtime and activity.


Consider two types of players who play almost exclusively solo. One is a solo roamer who logs in for a couple hours a day, roams around looking for fights hits a couple enemy camp npcs to put swords up, then engages in 1vX combat against responders. The other is a scout who stays on for five to six hours a day, from NA prime to OCX prime, for instance, constantly running around the towers refreshing siege and building new siege and calling out enemy groups. Their playtime and activity would be calibrated differently.


Most of the second type _don't bother engaging in fights_. If you're the first type and you approach a tower with the second type, the second type will just instantly hop on a cannon or AC and try to drive you away, while the first type probably whispers him to try and taunt him into a fight.


This is incredibly frustrating for both players. Hence, split them up. Put the first type in a higher tier where there's a lot more activity and people actually care about attacking and defending structures. Put the second type in a lower tier where people don't bother with structures (because it's not 2014 anymore) and prefer to engage in fights actively. Both players are happy.


This holds true for both roamers, scouts and blob pugs and havok pugs alike.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > Other--

> > >

> > > The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.

> >

> > But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?


> Hi. I think you misunderstand what ANet means by evaluating your playtime and activity.


> Consider two types of players who play almost exclusively solo. One is a solo roamer who logs in for a couple hours a day, roams around looking for fights hits a couple enemy camp npcs to put swords up, then engages in 1vX combat against responders. The other is a scout who stays on for five to six hours a day, from NA prime to OCX prime, for instance, constantly running around the towers refreshing siege and building new siege and calling out enemy groups. Their playtime and activity would be calibrated differently.


> Most of the second type _don't bother engaging in fights_. If you're the first type and you approach a tower with the second type, the second type will just instantly hop on a cannon or AC and try to drive you away, while the first type probably whispers him to try and taunt him into a fight.


> This is incredibly frustrating for both players. Hence, split them up. Put the first type in a higher tier where there's a lot more activity and people actually care about attacking and defending structures. Put the second type in a lower tier where people don't bother with structures (because it's not 2014 anymore) and prefer to engage in fights actively. Both players are happy.


Players should be free to do what they want, when and where, simple as that. When they start implementing features that determine the value of your individual activity, there is a huge problem. We are not talking about working on rewards, this would be a system that actually places people into servers based on their activity. Who are they to tell anyone where they should be playing? Are we supposed to have GvG tiers, PPT tiers, Roamer tiers, etc?


You actually think placing random people into servers is going to somehow create any kind of meaningful matchup? How is that supposed to work?

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There are different sides to WvW. Open tags, closed tags, GvG guilds, group roamers, solo roamers. Hard to please everyone.

Losing server identitiy is certainly an issue, and I am actually saying this as someone who has been on Desolation since release. However, something has to be done about the current system. Combining server links with server transfers turned out to be an imbalanced mess. Doing more harm building communities than anything else. We can't blame guilds for transfering constantly if that is the only thing that allows them to provide their members with more enjoyable gameplay. Not to mention how some people had to wait for months until their guild's chosen server went open for a day or two. Same goes for individual players or groups, roamers looking for fights or players wanting to be on the winning side for a change. This behaviour is just human.


To me, everything kind of depends on how well the new alliance system is handled as far as building communities is concerned. There are some possible issues I can see such as overstacking one alliance with top WvW guilds or open tags but it looks promising. Still, being allowed to decide on who we want to play with without having to do a huge multi-guild server transfer to some dead server sounds rather good to me. The guild system sounds good as well.

That said, servers should have a wide range of players, anything from open tags to solo roamers and GvG guilds. I don't think there should be individual servers which cater towards a single prefered WvW activity only. Might be because I take part in almost everything from solo roaming to GvGs and open tags myself but I prefer to have "whole" servers and a diverse community rather than a server of roamers or a server of guild groups only.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Namer.9750" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > > Other--

> > > >

> > > > The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.

> > >

> > > But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?

> >

> > Hi. I think you misunderstand what ANet means by evaluating your playtime and activity.

> >

> > Consider two types of players who play almost exclusively solo. One is a solo roamer who logs in for a couple hours a day, roams around looking for fights hits a couple enemy camp npcs to put swords up, then engages in 1vX combat against responders. The other is a scout who stays on for five to six hours a day, from NA prime to OCX prime, for instance, constantly running around the towers refreshing siege and building new siege and calling out enemy groups. Their playtime and activity would be calibrated differently.

> >

> > Most of the second type _don't bother engaging in fights_. If you're the first type and you approach a tower with the second type, the second type will just instantly hop on a cannon or AC and try to drive you away, while the first type probably whispers him to try and taunt him into a fight.

> >

> > This is incredibly frustrating for both players. Hence, split them up. Put the first type in a higher tier where there's a lot more activity and people actually care about attacking and defending structures. Put the second type in a lower tier where people don't bother with structures (because it's not 2014 anymore) and prefer to engage in fights actively. Both players are happy.


> Players should be free to do what they want, when and where, simple as that. When they start implementing features that determine the value of your individual activity, there is a huge problem. We are not talking about working on rewards, this would be a system that actually places people into servers based on their activity. Who the kitten are they to tell anyone where they should be playing? Are we supposed to have GvG tiers, PPT tiers, Roamer tiers, etc?


> You actually think placing random people into servers is going to somehow create any kind of meaningful matchup? How is that supposed to work?


Yeah, players should be free, but _not at the expense of other players._ I'm free to troll and dick around and spam siege and tactivators, but I don't bother because while it's enjoyable for me, it isn't for the vast majority of the others I'm playing with. In the same way, the current WvW system is fine to a few people, but at a huge expense to others who would prefer balanced marchups.


It's their game. You're nothing to them but vocal keyboard warrior. Hell, most of the people who're strongly in favour of this system are the people who regularly spend scores or hundreds of dollars in gems to pay for their transfers (and also fashion since they WvW hard and don't get much gold income) and thus are 'better' customers for ANet.


I think placing players into servers randomly _will_ make matchups better, as no server remains overstacked and no server has to tank and no server gets an underpowered link and spends two months at the bottom of T4. It will allow the majority of ppt-dedicated players to gravitate to servers in higher tiers while more fight dedicated players will end up in lower tiers. Yes, even, GvG Tiers, PPT tiers, Roamer tiers would be a huge improvement over the mess we currently have.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > Other--

> > >

> > > The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.

> >

> > But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?


> Hi. I think you misunderstand what ANet means by evaluating your playtime and activity.


> Consider two types of players who play almost exclusively solo. One is a solo roamer who logs in for a couple hours a day, roams around looking for fights hits a couple enemy camp npcs to put swords up, then engages in 1vX combat against responders. The other is a scout who stays on for five to six hours a day, from NA prime to OCX prime, for instance, constantly running around the towers refreshing siege and building new siege and calling out enemy groups. Their playtime and activity would be calibrated differently.


> Most of the second type _don't bother engaging in fights_. If you're the first type and you approach a tower with the second type, the second type will just instantly hop on a cannon or AC and try to drive you away, while the first type probably whispers him to try and taunt him into a fight.


> This is incredibly frustrating for both players. Hence, split them up. Put the first type in a higher tier where there's a lot more activity and people actually care about attacking and defending structures. Put the second type in a lower tier where people don't bother with structures (because it's not 2014 anymore) and prefer to engage in fights actively. Both players are happy.


> This holds true for both roamers, scouts and blob pugs and havok pugs alike.


i am a solo roamer and as much as i dislike the fact that i mostly fight solo against 5 or more players, i think it would be rather boring to only play against solo roamers. if i want to fight a scout, i will place siege in a way that he has to come out of the tower/keep - pretty simple.

WvW needs different playstyles to be present on every world.

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I would love for Anet to have a solution to get in the wvw maps ppl that really understand the concept of wvw and play it and block the pve players that just join the borders to get pips or just for reward tracks. It happened so many times when we had raids and our guildies could not join the map because there was a que but still the squad was not full.

I would like to mention that the condition to join the squad was to join ts, discord, etc and listen what the commander is saying.

I believe that in order to play a team game you need coordination and therefore you need to use a sound communication channel.

Also would be nice to be able to make pre-defined builds and gear setup and have a way to switch them fast. I also think that the commander should be able to check the gear of the people that are in his squad in order to organize more efficient his squad.



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> @"Danny.2387" said:

> I would love for Anet to have a solution to get in the wvw maps ppl that really understand the concept of wvw and play it and block the pve players that just join the borders to get pips or just for reward tracks. It happened so many times when we had raids and our guildies could not join the map because there was a que but still the squad was not full.

> I would like to mention that the condition to join the squad was to join ts, discord, etc and listen what the commander is saying.

> I believe that in order to play a team game you need coordination and therefore you need to use a sound communication channel.

> Also would be nice to be able to make pre-defined builds and gear setup and have a way to switch them fast. I also think that the commander should be able to check the gear of the people that are in his squad in order to organize more efficient his squad.




the main reason why winning a matchup was not rewarded, was cause of coverage issues. with the new system we might get rewards for winning, wich if they are good enough, will encourge 'pve players' to participate in a more efficient manner.

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I would say other. As I dont play much WvW anymore mostly because i feel the mode is very badly paced. There's hardly exciting moments, a single person or small group makes very little difference on the short term. And it's basically running in cirles trying to cap objectives faster than the other teams. Which just loses out on that competitive feeling most PvP games have.


Its close to an RTS where you are a tiny zergling with little to no effect on your surroundings. Unless you face no opposition long enough.


I think something that forms fronts on the battlefield might work alot better for me personally OR the entire opposite where theres no RI or instant repair on capture. But thats just my preferences in a PvP game.

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> @"Namer.9750" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > > Other--

> > >

> > > The ability to come and leave as I please, doing whatever I want, as such.

> >

> > But wait a second, dont you want to have your playtime and activity evaluated so anet can decide where you belong? I mean god forbid you should get to choose what you do, where you do it, and when right?


> Hi. I think you misunderstand what ANet means by evaluating your playtime and activity.


> Consider two types of players who play almost exclusively solo. One is a solo roamer who logs in for a couple hours a day, roams around looking for fights hits a couple enemy camp npcs to put swords up, then engages in 1vX combat against responders. The other is a scout who stays on for five to six hours a day, from NA prime to OCX prime, for instance, constantly running around the towers refreshing siege and building new siege and calling out enemy groups. Their playtime and activity would be calibrated differently.


> Most of the second type _don't bother engaging in fights_. If you're the first type and you approach a tower with the second type, the second type will just instantly hop on a cannon or AC and try to drive you away, while the first type probably whispers him to try and taunt him into a fight.


> This is incredibly frustrating for both players. Hence, split them up. Put the first type in a higher tier where there's a lot more activity and people actually care about attacking and defending structures. Put the second type in a lower tier where people don't bother with structures (because it's not 2014 anymore) and prefer to engage in fights actively. Both players are happy.


> This holds true for both roamers, scouts and blob pugs and havok pugs alike.


Consider another type of player who will run with the zerg most of the time, but then split off for some scouting for a while, engage some roamers, change class, hop on siege, defend structures, then back to the zerg to help win battles when needed.


Where do they fit in your structure? they don't want to be in either of your pigeon holes.

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i only play Wvw when i need legendary gift, that 8-12h something that im not interested everytime is a pain. Usually during that time i watch some movies, but im feeling kinda bad for people that want to play this and are interesded in this mode and i have to take their spots

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> I would say other. As I dont play much WvW anymore mostly because i feel the mode is very badly paced. There's hardly exciting moments, a single person or small group makes very little difference on the short term. And it's basically running in cirles trying to cap objectives faster than the other teams. Which just loses out on that competitive feeling most PvP games have.


> Its close to an RTS where you are a tiny zergling with little to no effect on your surroundings. Unless you face no opposition long enough.


> I think something that forms fronts on the battlefield might work alot better for me personally OR the entire opposite where theres no RI or instant repair on capture. But thats just my preferences in a PvP game.


The small roaming teams are very important to wvw gameplay. They can flip camps which will make ore difficult for the keeps to upgrade, tag the enemy keep, harass the enemy players that re spawn to get back to the blob, etc. i think that would require the enemy to organize as well to counter this and thus you will have more small group fights in the maps. If only Anet would encourage with different rewards the ppl that run in a party of five or small squads up to 10 ppl(+1 pip, faster participation gain, etc). +2 pips for ppl that run in squads i think most of the players will be more motivate to organize in small or big groups for fights.

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And one other thing ANet.....maybe you should make the rewards in wvw available to the ppl that are in a wvw guilds and represent them when they are in the borders(a wvw guild that is active in wvw based on the time their members spend time in the borders or some other way to evaluate their involvement in wvw ). Wvw guilds do not usually accept pve players in their ranks so this could solve the problem with pve players that occupy the spots in the borders since they will have no rewards to get.

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