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Pay-To-Win specs

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> @"Brewergamer.8357" said:

> Are you denying the fact that someone who purchases no expansions at all, has a disadvantage against those who have access to all the elite specs? That is literally paying for an advantage lol. If PAYING FOR AN ADVANTAGE is not pay to win, then NOTHING is.


If you never buy a game's box, you cannot play. Ergo, PAYING FOR AN ADVANTAGE!

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You know, it could be that you are correct, OP. The specializations could be giving players an advantage.


Or, maybe, the fact that the people own the expansions probably means they have been playing for a while, understand the game and their class, and use that knowledge to their advantage in PvP. So, in other words, they played the game and got better.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.


In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.


> In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.


**You can’t buy the expansions ingame with gold>gem exchange.**

You have to buy with your credit/debit card, whether that’s through ingame link or the where ever. You can upgrade an account that you’ve bought the expansions on to deluxe with ingame currency.

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> @"Brewergamer.8357" said:

> Facts: Paying for an expansion gives you an advantage in PvP over those who have not paid for these specs.

> Pay-To-Win: Paying for an advantage.

> That is literally the definition.


You are clearly trolling this forum or you just are missing some brain cells.

The only reason Guildwars 2 offers free to play is to give players the opportunity to get to know the game love it and buy the game to unlock all the features. This is very fair for everyone involved. The free to play players get to test out the game for free and get a lot of features but not all. And the people who buy the game and all expansions all have the same features and no player has a competitive edge on the others.


So my advice to you is quit whining about getting to play for free. Buy the game and expansions if you want the benefit of all the features and support Arenanet so that this game will stay around for a long time.


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> @"Razor.6392" said:



> Do you even play spvp?


Yes I have. I also roam tons in WvW where there is far more build diversity and a greater chance of fighting outnumbered against all manner of builds. I understand that you seem to have a very narrow scope regarding the classes in the game so there is literally no convincing you of the very fact that a core build is capable of standing with the new specs. You've made it abundantly clear that you like to make assumptions and instead of learning how to combat the new specs you'd rather try to make up arguments not based in fact, or assume that because some website says "X" is the meta then obviously that is the only path to victory, or whatever, but at the end of the day you'll still be wrong on this front. It comes down to the person playing the class, not the class itself. I've come across great players on the new specs and horrible ones and a few somewhere in between. Same for core specs.


Was Holo completely overtuned when it first came out? Yes. But that was due to a bug that they tweaked. Same is/was true for lots of the new specs just as it happened when HoT dropped. Thats the reason the balance team looks these things over and are trying to get them balanced for the various game modes. At the end of the day though, its how the classes are played and how to best counter them.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.

> >

> > In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.


> **You can’t buy the expansions ingame with gold>gem exchange.**

> You have to buy with your credit/debit card, whether that’s through ingame link or the where ever. You can upgrade an account that you’ve bought the expansions on to deluxe with ingame currency.


I found links to the HoT and PoF expansions for gems in the store in the wiki (posted upstream)? Were those only available for a short time? I assumed I didn't see them because I couldn't effectively buy any more of those. Oh well, guess I was wrong about that. Sorry. :)

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Calling an expansion purchase "pay to win" is asinine and reveals a shallow understanding of gaming, MMOs in particular. As it has (thankfully) been mentioned many times above, expansions should not be called or considered "pay to win" given that they naturally progress the game. **Without them the player does not own the full-game and should therefore not expect to be able to participate or compete with those that have.** To suggest otherwise is akin to stating, as it is in many other MMOs, that an expansion's level cap increase is "pay to win" because people who have paid to keep up with the full game have access to new content, gear, levels, powers, specs, etc. In fact, with regard to this particular concern, not only is GW2 not "pay to win", but I believe ArenaNet has handled expansions better than any other MMO given that even with only the base game players can continue to be competitive, reach max-level, and participate in end-game content (depending, of course, on what content you focus on).


To me, the primary difference between these two scenarios is what actually designates something as "pay to win", and that is whether or not what is being paid for requires player activity or by design removes that requirement. Most of the Elite Specializations are indeed more powerful than their vanilla counterparts (although the fact that several builds from Vanilla and HoT remain competitive against PoF builds further refutes this preposterous assertion), but you do not pay for them, you pay to unlock new content, and from that new content, through player activity, earn the new abilities.


If it was "pay to win", there would instead be a mechanic to obtain overpowered abilities or gear that were available exclusively through real-world payment, or were exceptionally rare and difficult to acquire in-game and made available through real-world payment. For example, games that are actually "pay to win" enable paying real-world money to receive the best gear in game that a) would normally take months of farming and RNG and b) that place your character at a _substantial_ advantage over all others.


TL;DR: The argument that expansions - which are required to own the **full game** and simply **unlock content** which then **must be played** - are "pay to win" is untenable. You might as well try to argue that buying the base game is "pay to win" because without it you can't play the game or win.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.

> > >

> > > In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.

> >

> > **You can’t buy the expansions ingame with gold>gem exchange.**

> > You have to buy with your credit/debit card, whether that’s through ingame link or the where ever. You can upgrade an account that you’ve bought the expansions on to deluxe with ingame currency.


> I found links to the HoT and PoF expansions for gems in the store in the wiki (posted upstream)? Were those only available for a short time? I assumed I didn't see them because I couldn't effectively buy any more of those. Oh well, guess I was wrong about that. Sorry. :)


Those links are likely for upgrading to deluxe, not purchasing the expansions.

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> @"Brewergamer.8357" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > Then you haven't played a true P2W game.


> I don't know of anybody that can name a "true P2W game" that isn't as significant as buying entire specs that have an overwhelming advantage over non-$$$ core specs lol. This game was supposed to have flexibility of specs, not forcing you to use certain ones.


I can name you one. A game called "Shaiya" used to play back in the day. Moved to private servers because the official one was garbage p2w. Start a "normal mode" character, get 5 stat points per level, get to level 40 (used to be 50) and you can unlock Hard mode characters that need more exp, but give you 7 stat points per level + new skills + being able to wear better gear, get that Hard mode character to 40 and you can unlock the Ultimate mode character that *wear the best armor, 9 stat points per level + new Ultimate mode skills*. Where's the p2w? Well if the Ultimate mode character dies.......it's deleted. Unless you had a resurrection rune on it that gets consumed on death. Or a continuous resurrection scroll that lasts 7 or 30 days. Even when you log out. And you can only buy them for real money. Can be traded too, but too expensive.

U-Mode characters would dominate pvp and steal all your mobs in pve. Oh and later they introduced enchanting.....enchanting stones which you can only buy off of the store that made UM characters impossible to beat for a free-to-play guy.

Gw2 is far far faaaar better. And i've played a lot of mmos.


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This is ridiculous. Buying a game doesn't make it P2W, and if there's a game you enjoy and would like to support, spending some money on the entire game (which unlocks much more than specializations) doesn't feel like it's P2W. As mentioned before, you've never played a P2W game and it's clear from your comments. I've played games where the only plausible option for obtaining gear is via real world trading, and any new method discovered by players to farm in game currency and use it to progress is eventually nerfed.


If you're disgusted with GW2 don't play it and go take your childish rants somewhere else.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.


> In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.


Wrong.. so wrong and so moot :)

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > These kinds of discussions.. really make me wish that GW2 never went F2P, and remained B2P, that way we would not be swarmed by people who want everything for nothing.

> >

> > In my mind, the game is still B2P. The base game costs $0. The expansions cost more than $0. Since you can earn the expansions (and therefore, the specializations) in game without spending a single real world dollar, it all seems rather moot anyways.


> Wrong.. so wrong and so moot :)


Yeah, someone pointed out to me you couldn’t earn the expansions in game that way. Sorry about that. ?

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