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Idea: Marionette fractal


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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> The marionette would be much better as a world event or bounty style encounter. The enjoyable part of that fight came from seeing the open world community come together to tackle the challenge.


> Still, its been a really long time. I doubt they plan to every revisit it, sadly.


> Now a Scarlett's Airship fight (the one against the giant hologram) is something I would like to see as a new fractal. It was a shame that fight only existed for a short time.


This (plus the part where you actually go to finish off Scarlet) + the Marionette fight are easily the two fights I most want to see fractalized.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:


> META = Most Effective At

> Fractal Meta Builds = Most effective builds in fractals.

> So yes, meta literally means "most efficient tactics available".

> There is no "pug-meta", only "popular choice". During dungeon times stacking hammer guardians wasn't called meta and it was overdone in fractals because of the similar carry of a healing druid.


> Btw minstrel culprits and underperformers should be equally called out, not just druids. And no, druid damage is not insignificant. If chrono, druid and warrior tryhard collectively it's between around a third to a half of team dps.


A "pug-meta" always existed and demonstrated when the full viper necro arose.

META would also be like having all peeps running +5 infusions which is rarely the case.


One last sentence to power druid: Even if you bring one you would only phase CM bosses 1-3s faster and not gain a single minute in a complete frac with pugs for sure.

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A fractal that has solo fights is something I think would be cool, but wouldn't be popular amongst supporty builds. Could you imagine a weaver surviving a solo fight without being babysat by a druid, a heal druid or quickness chronomancer winning a fight in less than an hour, or the ugly things that might happen to a daredevil or Guardian as they wait for other classes to finish off their boss?

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This is what I mean though, GW2 players who never played GW1 are not understanding the point of a character having to branch of to complete some task by himself during a team play. Not every lane could have to be "a fight" it could be redesigned for purposes like:

* One platform has a straight fight where only physical harms the creature there.

* One platform has a straight fight where only condi harms the creature there.

* One platform has an NPC that needs sustain tossed at it so it survives the fight or maybe only NPC can damage that creature. NPCs dies quickly without support so Firebrands/Druids/Tempests here or any spec that made small alterations to provide minimal support effort to run this lane.

* One platform hosts a creature that is melting down and killing itself but is extremely powerful and invulnerable otherwise. So a player here must dodge/evade/block/invuln until it's timer runs out and it melts down. Hits from the creature 1 shot players. So rather than a team support FB or Druid, it would be better to run a S/D Daredevil or a Warrior with mace/shield greatsword, defense line for double endures, ect.. ect..

* 5th platform I dunno, obviously the design would require more thought than I am putting into this right now.


But you get my point. Content like this gives reason to open your hero panel and use a classes full dynamic of skill sets rather than just some 1 meta build, all the time. GW1 played like, exactly what I am describing here and that is why its pve was so fun. You actually had to change your build often in GW1.

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good ideas @"Trevor Boyer.6524" ! i think this could work and also marjory/kas/braham/rox can help in the lanes since they were there. taimi may be the one needing healing. and before fight would start everyone would choose which panel they take (like soulless horror runes for tanks)


Also a big issue that would need to be adressed is *not forcing to have 5-man party* - these are absolutely the worst. i prefer fractals that can be soloed so design would have to allow hopping from one finished platform to other platforms.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> This is what I mean though, GW2 players who never played GW1 are not understanding the point of a character having to branch of to complete some task by himself during a team play. Not every lane could have to be "a fight" it could be redesigned for purposes like:

> * One platform has a straight fight where only physical harms the creature there.

> * One platform has a straight fight where only condi harms the creature there.

> * One platform has an NPC that needs sustain tossed at it so it survives the fight or maybe only NPC can damage that creature. NPCs dies quickly without support so Firebrands/Druids/Tempests here or any spec that made small alterations to provide minimal support effort to run this lane.

> * One platform hosts a creature that is melting down and killing itself but is extremely powerful and invulnerable otherwise. So a player here must dodge/evade/block/invuln until it's timer runs out and it melts down. Hits from the creature 1 shot players. So rather than a team support FB or Druid, it would be better to run a S/D Daredevil or a Warrior with mace/shield greatsword, defense line for double endures, ect.. ect..

> * 5th platform I dunno, obviously the design would require more thought than I am putting into this right now.


> But you get my point. Content like this gives reason to open your hero panel and use a classes full dynamic of skill sets rather than just some 1 meta build, all the time. GW1 played like, exactly what I am describing here and that is why its pve was so fun. You actually had to change your build often in GW1.


So, basically like Vale Guardian (but with different requirements)?

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