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Fire elemental event at Iron Marches is glitched

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Confirming this event is broken. Requesting a map reset if possible.



1) Arrived at Iron Marches and event was already at the "Damage the Fire Elemental by destroying its minions" stage.

2) Event window displays the "Fire elemental" health bar at 0 but the fire elemental boss mob is not present.

3) "Draken Cinderspine" boss mob is present and invulnerable.

4) Defeating "Ember" mobs does not progress the event.


Have been unable to join an instance of Iron Marches where the event has not been started to verify if there is anything that causes this state.


Can't seem to make image tags work here so here's the link https://imgur.com/a/mxpMv


PS: Progress of "The Flameseeker Prophecies I: The Experimental Shield" is also blocked due to this bug.

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The has (and has always had) event chains that stall at some point, for reasons that are typically hard to pin down. ANet fixes them slower than we'd like, and perhaps slower than seems reasonable. However, despite the fact that folks feel blocked, it's always been possible to work around or through the problem.


The first step is turn your patience up a few notches. None of the work-arounds allow us to make these events restart on demand. They are designed simply to increase the chances that you'll be at the right time at the right place. The key point is that you only need the event to succeed once, whether it's fixed permanently or not.


* Park a character near the start or near the end of the event chain. Swap to it whenever you have time or while you're waiting for a buddy or your guild etc. This has often worked for me within a few days.

* Try to get into a different 'instance' of the map. There are no 100% reliable methods, but the following can work: guest to another world, rep a different guild, ask a friend to enter the zone before you & then join their party.

* Try to get into a fresh instance of the map. These always exist after any patch (scheduled patches are, of course, easiest to predict). And they also occur commonly when there's a 4-event daily for the zone. Some zones are also targets for special events or side stories, so those are also good opportunities.

* Finally, if you have a large guild or decent organization skills, you can force-generate a new instance by stuffing as many people into the zone as possible, so the game creates an overflow. It's hard to say how many are needed, but two completely full squads should do the trick.


Good luck.

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Hey thanks Ill Conceived Was Na! Tried these but no luck so far. I tagged up for a bit with it on LFG but no one joined. Resolving to check briefly to find a fresh instance every so often. The other possibilites though:


1) Ley line event in Iron marches (in around 3hours from the time of this post) might pull in enough players to force generate a new instance.


2) Update day in a few days for the fresh instance.


I'll definitely be tagging up early for the ley line event even if only to make this happen. <3

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> @"Nayaru.4716" said:

> Hey thanks Ill Conceived Was Na! Tried these but no luck so far. I tagged up for a bit with it on LFG but no one joined. Resolving to check briefly to find a fresh instance every so often. The other possibilites though:


> 1) Ley line event in Iron marches (in around 3hours from the time of this post) might pull in enough players to force generate a new instance.


> 2) Update day in a few days for the fresh instance.


> I'll definitely be tagging up early for the ley line event even if only to make this happen. <3


Those are good ideas, too. I forgot about the ley line event in Iron Marches.

And yeah, unfortunately, none of it is guaranteed. I just park and try periodically with the certainty that _eventually_, the event will be up and running fine.


So far, I've yet to have to wait even as long as a week, even for [The Great Ouoo](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Frainn), which gets often reported as permanently bugged. I had to do that twice, because I didn't plan things out.

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