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[Suggestion] Improvement of the character selection screen


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Hi everybody,


I didn't see posts concerning this suggestion but I surely missed it. If this idea has never been mentioned, it is a miracle.


The character selection screen is nice. It has the advantage of changing depending on the extension, but especially to have a slightly improved graphics compared to the game. As there is only the character to display, the team has put a particular attention to put our characters well highlighted : beautiful reflections, beautiful lights…


My concern is that backs, weapons and effects do not appear as you can see in the image below. It would be great to see the weapons recently equipped but especially the back and the active effects (auras, winter’s presence...).


![](https://i.imgur.com/rpmf6mp.jpg "")


I know it's not a crucial change but I like the very aesthetic aspect of the game, I would like it a lot.


Thanks for reading my post and have a nice day.

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However it is changed that selection screen needs some love. Back when it was first released people were still working on their first five characters. Those days are long gone now, a lot of people are somewhere in 2 digits. Meanwhile some of the screen real-estate is less than useful information ..... when was the last time anyone went to character select to get crafting information for example?

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