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WvW Restructuring will be Hollow

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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I feel like restructuring wvw, while possibly needed will create a hollow gaming experience, much like the pve mega server system we currently have.


There won't be any concept of server pride or commradere that is experienced when working/playing with familiar faces to achieve a goal. Instead it will be replaced with random players who most likely will not speak to one another and commanders who are less friendly since they are dealing with a never ending supply of random pugs whom in 8 weeks they probably won't ever see again.


It just feels like its going to gut the wvw community in exchange for some form of balancing. Not sure it's a good idea overall since pve has felt like an empty experience to me since mega server was introduced.

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Alliances will be 500-1000 people. Can you really name 500-1000 individuals that you *must* play with at all times in order to experience "camaraderie"? I run with multiple groups on my server but that's still only 100-150 people at most that I consistently play with, far fewer than any alliance cap will be. And there are also plenty of people who currently cannot play with friends because they are stuck on different servers, and this will allow them to start playing together. It goes both ways.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> There won't be any concept of server pride or commradere that is experienced when working/playing with familiar faces to achieve a goal. Instead it will be replaced with random players who most likely will not speak to one another and commanders who are less friendly since they are dealing with a never ending supply of random pugs whom in 8 weeks they probably won't ever see again.


Not to ruin the party, but that's the reality in most servers already.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > There won't be any concept of server pride or commradere that is experienced when working/playing with familiar faces to achieve a goal. Instead it will be replaced with random players who most likely will not speak to one another and commanders who are less friendly since they are dealing with a never ending supply of random pugs whom in 8 weeks they probably won't ever see again.


> Not to ruin the party, but that's the reality in most servers already.


True enough, for the most part a server is just a name and the current "communities" are small fractions of any given server, most of which will be possible to preserve to a large extent through alliance mechanisms. My suspicion is that a large part of the "communities will be destroyed" contingent don't actually know or play with a large (>500 person) chunk of their "community", but they like knowing that their off-hours are covered to ensure them success every week. "Server pride" will be replaced by "alliance pride", which might even be more meaningful because it will be smaller and a greater percentage of your playmates are people you actually know and play with.

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It just means that people that aren't liked on their current server likely won't be a part of the alliances that are formed out of those servers.... Unless you are in a guild that is welcomed.


Otherwise an individual player will have a likely different experience each 8 weeks.


So.., let's say someone was on BG and followed the large Zergs but would not join the TS nor run a class that was welcome, that person would likely end up rotating worlds every 8 weeks. Good thing is that person will have fresh people to impress.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I feel like restructuring wvw, while possibly needed will create a hollow gaming experience, much like the pve mega server system we currently have.


> There won't be any concept of server pride or commradere that is experienced when working/playing with familiar faces to achieve a goal. Instead it will be replaced with random players who most likely will not speak to one another and commanders who are less friendly since they are dealing with a never ending supply of random pugs whom in 8 weeks they probably won't ever see again.


> It just feels like its going to gut the wvw community in exchange for some form of balancing. Not sure it's a good idea overall since pve has felt like an empty experience to me since mega server was introduced.


Although I understand your point of view. It's still an assumption of which you have no facts on since you got no experience yet on how this restructured WvW is going to be. All I know is that this restructure is going to be experienced in different ways by different people, depending on where you come from or what you valued in WvW at the moment and who you play with or which alliance you'll be in.


This restructure might be a miss, but it could also just be a big hit. At least anet is actually trying something now. So at this moment I'd rather look at the positives and look from there. If you're in an alliance you probably have more control/influence how you want to shape things within that alliance. Also every 8 weeks you'll see new people, and even though you could look at it negatively, you can also consider this as an opportunity to meet new people. Veteran or new player to WvW, it takes both sides to make the best of it, so you're better of to try and work together if you want to succeed.

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Here's a counterpoint. I'd love to do more WvW with my guild but since not everyone in my guild is on my server (my server was closed for ages, though it's opened now), and since I don't like leaving people out, we don't WvW as a guild. When this goes into effect, I can start running WvW events with MY community. The way WvW is structured right now actively prevents me from enjoying it. I either have to join a WvW guild and play when they want, how they want, or I can take my own guild in, and leave a third of the people out of events. Neither option appeals to me.


The new system allows plenty of ways to keep playing with people you like. And you know, a different community is not the same as not having a community. It's an MMO and stuff changes. To me, it's more important to support new and returning players than the few players that have stuck there since the beginning and experience server pride the way the OP does.


I lost server pride going up against Blackgate and their blobs every week for months at a time anyway. My server went from like tier 1 to like tier 4 or 5, because the way it was was unsustainable. Server pride affects less people than I think the OP thinks.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I feel like restructuring wvw, while possibly needed will create a hollow gaming experience, much like the pve mega server system we currently have.


> There won't be any concept of server pride or commradere that is experienced when working/playing with familiar faces to achieve a goal. Instead it will be replaced with random players who most likely will not speak to one another and commanders who are less friendly since they are dealing with a never ending supply of random pugs whom in 8 weeks they probably won't ever see again.


> It just feels like its going to gut the wvw community in exchange for some form of balancing. Not sure it's a good idea overall since pve has felt like an empty experience to me since mega server was introduced.


Say the guy who complained about pips.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Here's a counterpoint. I'd love to do more WvW with my guild but since not everyone in my guild is on my server (my server was closed for ages, though it's opened now), and since I don't like leaving people out, we don't WvW as a guild. When this goes into effect, I can start running WvW events with MY community. The way WvW is structured right now actively prevents me from enjoying it. I either have to join a WvW guild and play when they want, how they want, or I can take my own guild in, and leave a third of the people out of events. Neither option appeals to me.


> The new system allows plenty of ways to keep playing with people you like. And you know, a different community is not the same as not having a community. It's an MMO and stuff changes. To me, it's more important to support new and returning players than the few players that have stuck there since the beginning and experience server pride the way the OP does.


> I lost server pride going up against Blackgate and their blobs every week for months at a time anyway. My server went from like tier 1 to like tier 4 or 5, because the way it was was unsustainable. Server pride affects less people than I think the OP thinks.


Friends and guildies transfered out to bandwagons servers. Server pride? The one defending on the losing end? Or the one winning with a 3:1 ratio?

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The OP is on BG, he is not even part of any guild or the BG comunity whatseoever, he just complains in map chat all day, roams and leeches of BG success in WvW by not really contributing on anything please ignore him ty. Only reasson he dosnt want any changes is because he won't be able to leech over other people's acomplishments, he will now have to join a guild, do whatver the leadership says and some of this leeches seem to have a problem with doing that (i am a solo player!!!), with you know actualy contributing with the world they play on.

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I can’t wait for this restructuring to happen, my server which I have been part of since day 1 has become toxic and the server pride part which I used to be proud of has gone. The good guilds that used to play here have moved on or left the game and been replaced by others that couldn’t care less.


As someone else said above this is NEEDED to try and breathe some life back into WvW.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> It just means that people that aren't liked on their current server likely won't be a part of the alliances that are formed out of those servers.... Unless you are in a guild that is welcomed.


> Otherwise an individual player will have a likely different experience each 8 weeks.


> So.., let's say someone was on BG and followed the large Zergs but would not join the TS nor run a class that was welcome, that person would likely end up rotating worlds every 8 weeks. Good thing is that person will have fresh people to impress.


But I run meta specs and I have ts and am in a top guild, glad his won't affect my ability to play with people I know. I feel bad for other people though who aren't very good and are excluded from large alliances because they aren't any good, have bad attitudes or have zero sense of humor and are soulless rule followers.

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> The OP is on BG, he is not even part of any guild or the BG comunity whatseoever, he just complains in map chat all day, roams and leeches of BG success in WvW by not really contributing on anything please ignore him ty. Only reasson he dosnt want any changes is because he won't be able to leech over other people's acomplishments, he will now have to join a guild, do whatver the leadership says and some of this leeches seem to have a problem with doing that (i am a solo player!!!), with you know actualy contributing with the world they play on.


Hilarious if you saw me play you'd see I kill way more players then you're capable of killing lol


2X spvp legend, back when ppl were trying to pvp. Oh and you know pvp the only game mode on gw2 that requires some modicum of skill.


Too bad it's not all jumping puzzles which I'm also a god at.


I'm already in a wvw guild, and I don't roam, and lots of people know me on the server unlike some people. I guess having so many fans on one server comes with haters as well, as you can see I'm very important and well known mostly because I'm a good player and I have a sense of humor.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > I feel like restructuring wvw, while possibly needed will create a hollow gaming experience, much like the pve mega server system we currently have.

> >

> > There won't be any concept of server pride or commradere that is experienced when working/playing with familiar faces to achieve a goal. Instead it will be replaced with random players who most likely will not speak to one another and commanders who are less friendly since they are dealing with a never ending supply of random pugs whom in 8 weeks they probably won't ever see again.

> >

> > It just feels like its going to gut the wvw community in exchange for some form of balancing. Not sure it's a good idea overall since pve has felt like an empty experience to me since mega server was introduced.


> Say the guy who complained about pips.


I got pips and legendary back piece ages ago, so I don't really care, and Yah pips are a bad system regardless of that.

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Server pride good one. You must be new. Most people throw the server pride into the garbage can to join winning servers.


The pride was never server but rather guild-community. And guess what...that will stay. People/guilds that end up liking each other and worked together to achieve things can still play together in the way of forming an alliance and take pride in the name of that alliance.


I suggest to stop spreading doom things because you are unwilling to adapt into a guild (if you were in top guild you would see that a change is needed in wvw) and instead provide good feedback so devs can work for the good of wvw.

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> @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> Server pride good one. You must be new. Most people throw the server pride into the garbage can to join winning servers.


> The pride was never server but rather guild-community. And guess what...that will stay. People/guilds that end up liking each other and worked together to achieve things can still play together in the way of forming an alliance and take pride in the name of that alliance.


> I suggest to stop spreading doom things because you are unwilling to adapt into a guild (if you were in top guild you would see that a change is needed in wvw) and instead provide good feedback so devs can work for the good of wvw.


There are lots of players I come across whom are not in my guild but I run into them in wvw all the time. I help them and there is camaraderie and familiarity with those players. It's like having acquaintances, and usually I end up chatting with them when we're in a tight spot or accomplished something together.


This system will get rid of all familiarity, with other players and force everyone to conform to some guilds rules in order to maintain a familiar wvw experience. I think it's not a good decision , and I think it will destroy this as well as any notion of having server pride, which is important as a motivator as it ascribes identity and camaraderie between familiar faces.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> It just means that people that aren't liked on their current server likely won't be a part of the alliances that are formed out of those servers.... Unless you are in a guild that is welcomed.


> Otherwise an individual player will have a likely different experience each 8 weeks.


> So.., let's say someone was on BG and followed the large Zergs but would not join the TS nor run a class that was welcome, that person would likely end up rotating worlds every 8 weeks. Good thing is that person will have fresh people to impress.


So, um, how friendly. Nice a net is endorsing more mean spirited exclusionary play. People not liked don't get to be part of the alliances? Real nice. Doesn't anyone feel ashamed anymore?

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> The OP is on BG, he is not even part of any guild or the BG comunity whatseoever, he just complains in map chat all day, roams and leeches of BG success in WvW by not really contributing on anything please ignore him ty. Only reasson he dosnt want any changes is because he won't be able to leech over other people's acomplishments, he will now have to join a guild, do whatver the leadership says and some of this leeches seem to have a problem with doing that (i am a solo player!!!), with you know actualy contributing with the world they play on.


Nice personal attack of op. This is exactly y "friends" forming alliances and excluding those they don't like or who in mean spirited judgmental attacks accuse people of leeching or not following rigid game play arbitrarily set up by some cliquish mean boys group r the problem which needs to be addressed in wvw. If a net wants to make all wvw totally random (no guild alliances) that would be totally fun. Everyone playing their best with random peeps all the time .much more fun and vital

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