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Bloodfin Lake AFK farming


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Everytime I pass by that region in the Iron Marches (on the EU server), there are a dozen minion masters and engineers there by the wall, farming the ghosts while not moving an inch.


I do report them for botting (in lack of another, more fitting report option), but I was wondering if there was something that could be done to make AFK farming there impossible?

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Wait wait, OP


Let me clear something...


You reported an AFK player in PVE for botting because there isn't an option to report an open world AFK player for being AFK?


And this AFK player runs minions and the game mechanic for the minions is to attack a target even if the player doesn't do anything (wow), it must be totally their fault.


I really hope anet ban this person, so he doesn't AFK anymore.


**For all of you guys that think they can AFK in this game, in open world, think twice because who knows where will be the next destination of OP.**


Once I saw a necro AFK near a champion that was near death and the minions killed it before I go to him.


I should have reported him.


P.S Someone thumbed up OP post - they are at least 2, that would report you :)

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Your sarcasm is misplaced, dear Botev. ANet has nerfed several spots in this game already to prevent AFK farming. I believe that the majority here will agree with me that this is a way to exploit the game for loot, no?


1. [see this post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/351/how-to-report-cheaters-or-exploiter "See this post") from Gaile Gray regarding reporting exploiters.

2. [This was a huge topic](https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/info/news/Lake-Doric-Change "This was a huge topic") not too log ago.

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A necro can AFK farm thousands of places - you can't nerf all. You nerf this - they move to other places. If people enjoy doing this, let them play the game as they want.


What is this here? An envy? A person that may get more successful in loot just because you don't enjoy doing this? So you want to cut it. I have a necro and I don't do this but I don't mind if some people are doing this. I find it super boring and I play the game because of other reasons, not just loot. But everyone thinks differently.

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> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> A necro can AFK farm thousands of places - you can't nerf all. You nerf this - they move to other places. If people enjoy doing this, let them play the game as they want.


AFK farming is against the rules. Apparently you haven't been around long enough to know? Why do you think the AFK leather farm at Lake Doric was nerfed?


> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> What is this here? An envy? A person that may get more successful in loot just because you don't enjoy doing this?


Okay, how old are you to come up with such a childish response? I could let either of my necros AFK all day long, if I wanted to, while I am not at home or not playing the game. This is about principles, not about childish "envy". Seriously, grow up.

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First of all my statement was on point and not childish. I say it is about your envy, you say it is about principles. My word against yours.


Second, you are reporting someone for botting, while you SUSPECT he may be AFK.


This is what Chris Cleary has to say about AFK farming:


"I’ll pitch in on this thread, as there seems to be some confusion about this situation.

The auto-cast feature was never intended to be used as an AFK farming mechanism, and usage of the auto-cast feature while AFK is fine as long as it is not used to facilitate unattended gameplay.

Mastery auto-loot also stopping players from being flagged afk seems like a bug instead of a feature, and I’ll be sure to bring it up today while we have a chat about this internally.

1. Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

2. AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

3. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

If **all 3 of these** apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it."




So basically, don't have any skills on auto and you should be fine.


Another quote:



Surely using auto-cast while AFK is unattended gameplay ????

"Yes. I’ve shot a mean glance his way.

But again: “Pet Kills & Macro Looting Excepted”

Edit – We’re going to monitor this for a while; our meeting is coming up."

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IMO it's an exploit, as I think Anet have said that it is. However, changing it means being mean to necros that are MMs. & the players themselves are not to blame, they're not botting.


There are diminishing returns which should prevent from getting that much amazing loot, but still, it's annoying for those that don't exploit. Other MMOs have a time out on AFK'ing which would an easy fix for this.

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> @"Host Tar.8436" said:

> IMO it's an exploit, as I think Anet have said that it is. However, changing it means being mean to necros that are MMs. & the players themselves are not to blame, they're not botting.


> There are diminishing returns which should prevent from getting that much amazing loot, but still, it's annoying for those that don't exploit. Other MMOs have a time out on AFK'ing which would an easy fix for this.


The question is, do you count as "afk" when you have a skill on auto-cast?

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> The question is, do you count as "afk" when you have a skill on auto-cast?


AFK farming with a MM Necromancer usually includes putting a skill on auto-cast, yes, but of course the auto-cast alone is _not_ the reason why it is considered AFK farming. ;)


> @"Host Tar.8436" said:

> IMO it's an exploit, as I think Anet have said that it is.



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please post a link where Anet clearly states that it is against the rules and an exploit. the links i've seen only state that the changes are made to discourage people from not playing the game in the intended way.


nowhere it says that the actions of these players are against the rules.

unless you have an actual link that states it as an exploit, don't twist their words into something they're not.

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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> please post a link where Anet clearly states that it is against the rules and an exploit. the links i've seen only state that the changes are made to discourage people from not playing the game in the intended way.


> nowhere it says that the actions of these players are against the rules.

> unless you have an actual link that states it as an exploit, don't twist their words into something they're not.


I've read in several places that AFK farming, although not breaking rules if you're at your PC, it is an exploit, not least on twitter (eg.

), but rather than ban people they try to remove the possibility of it occurring (nerfing the spots - lake doric, bitterfrost, diminishing returns etc). However, if you're persistently doing it & auto-attacked while AFK, you can be banned.


The below is from this forum from devs-


"I’ll pitch in on this thread, as there seems to be some confusion about this situation.

The auto-cast feature was never intended to be used as an AFK farming mechanism, and usage of the auto-cast feature while AFK is fine as long as it is not used to facilitate unattended gameplay

Mastery auto-loot also stopping players from being flagged afk seems like a bug instead of a feature, and I’ll be sure to bring it up today while we have a chat about this internally.

1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it."




So you need those 3 criteria - auto-attack, AFK in a place that benefits you & persistently doing it/ignoring warnings.


& people have responded to say that they were suspended even banned for persisting in AFK farming.

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> @"Host Tar.8436" said:

> > @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> > please post a link where Anet clearly states that it is against the rules and an exploit. the links i've seen only state that the changes are made to discourage people from not playing the game in the intended way.

> >

> > nowhere it says that the actions of these players are against the rules.

> > unless you have an actual link that states it as an exploit, don't twist their words into something they're not.


> I've read in several places that AFK farming, although not breaking rules if you're at your PC, it is an exploit, not least on twitter (eg.

), but rather than ban people they try to remove the possibility of it occurring (nerfing the spots - lake doric, bitterfrost, diminishing returns etc). However, if you're persistently doing it & auto-attacked while AFK, you can be banned.


> The below is from this forum from devs-


> "I’ll pitch in on this thread, as there seems to be some confusion about this situation.

> The auto-cast feature was never intended to be used as an AFK farming mechanism, and usage of the auto-cast feature while AFK is fine as long as it is not used to facilitate unattended gameplay

> Mastery auto-loot also stopping players from being flagged afk seems like a bug instead of a feature, and I’ll be sure to bring it up today while we have a chat about this internally.

> 1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> 2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> 3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

> If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it."


> https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Please-a-clear-statement-re-AFK-farming/page/6#post6161450


> So you need those 3 criteria - auto-attack, AFK in a place that benefits you & persistently doing it/ignoring warnings.


> & people have responded to say that they were suspended even banned for persisting in AFK farming.


Thank you for the references.


This is the way the OP should have done it in the first place, it was realy confusing the way he was rambling about it.

The way I understood it, he was talking about the characters just standing there and not doing anything (not auto-attacking) and the minions were killing mobs.

Since if that would be banable, or cause Anet to take action, Necromancers with minions wouldn't be able to stay afk anywhere where there are monsters.



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The OP's Question still stands though, what do you do if you see one of those?

Not only is it beneficial for them to abuse the fact that they can farm while not beeing around it is also impeding progress for new players that might have to complete their hearts in a specific region which can at times be difficult if many MM's are afk farming a region.


I, just like the OP like to report them when I see them autocasting with Minions. Usually I tell them beforehand on /w and if they don't move or respont I report them for Botting since there doesn't seem to be a better option.

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To be honest what this game needs is a good ole GW1 Banhammer. Necro AFK farming is becoming the norm on pretty much every map these days .. even a .little Jotun area in Timberline Falls with 2 or 3 respawning jotuns is infested with MM's. Its high time ANET got on top of this scourge and deliver some firm, hard, downward force.. then maybe these players will get the message.

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> @Bloodstealer.5978 said:

> To be honest what this game needs is a good ole GW1 Banhammer. Necro AFK farming is becoming the norm on pretty much every map these days .. even a .little Jotun area in Timberline Falls with 2 or 3 respawning jotuns is infested with MM's. Its high time ANET got on top of this scourge and deliver some firm, hard, downward force.. then maybe these players will get the message.


I agree that afk farmers should be punished (I often let them die and try to convince meandering folk to not revive them), but I hope there are enough systems in play to prevent legitimate players from being targeted. I farm for fine crafting materials exclusively on my MM since it's more convenient/laid back and would hate to be accidentally flagged.

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