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Maybe he will hit the end of his puberty soon :> ... and hopefully grow a beard ;p


But tbh, what annoys me the most isnt so much his lashing out in grief waaaaaaaaaay out of proportions... its his shield5 use. No matter where you are, if there is a Braham, there WILL be a badly timed shield 5 scattering perfectly stacked mobs just when you are dropping all your dps skills :anguished:

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Maybe he will hit the end of his puberty soon :> ... and hopefully grow a beard ;p


> But tbh, what annoys me the most isnt so much his lashing out in grief waaaaaaaaaay out of proportions... its his shield5 use. No matter where you are, if there is a Braham, there WILL be a badly timed shield 5 scattering perfectly stacked mobs just when you are dropping all your dps skills :anguished:


The grief is obnoxious. I don't even have pity or empathy for his loss of Eir at this point. He shows up with his trash attitude and just ruins the story.


But you are on point with the shield scatter. He is a tool and should join his mother.

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Eh, he will probably have some "character growth" and stop being such a a-hole soon.


Braham seems to think he is the one who knew Eir the best and what she would want even though he didn't actually have much to do with her. I hope Rytlock will put him in his place.


I don't know if we are meant to sympathize with him because Eir was his mother but it's overdone and just makes him look like a brat. He is allowed to grieve but the prolonged tortured bitter hero act doesn't work when you're in a war and everyone else is dealing with the loss of loved ones (and/or worse) as well.


Also he wants to charge off and lead a frontal assault against jormag, despite the fact that at the time you and Tami think you might have a way to do it without massive loss of life, before Jormag kills anyone else's mom? What about all the moms, fathers, daughters, sons ect that will die trying to kill Jormag? argh I hate that you just put up with his tantrums.


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> @"Endrance.1680" said:

> The grief is obnoxious. I don't even have pity or empathy for his loss of Eir at this point. He shows up with his trash attitude and just ruins the story.


I didn't notice this until you said it but you're absolutely right.


I don't care about Eir anymore. She was my favorite member of the original team and I wish she'd just vanish out of the lore and never be remembered.


How did it come to this?

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I think it was a HUGE missed opportunity to not introduce a new Norn character at the end of the last LS story (as a captive in the Asura base). Instead Braham keeps getting shoehorned into the plot and it is beyond frustrating. Braham says he wants nothing to do with us, and me as a player sure wants nothing to do with him. I have no reason to bring along a NPC that keeps berating us, the players, for something we had no control over. I also had a slight hope he would become corrupted by Jormag and turned into the main antagonist in the next expansion, but alas.


Shame, because I think Sam Riegel (the voiceactor) is great otherwise.

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The worst of it all is that Anet “fridged” Eir - my absolute favorite character - just to bring about this stupid, stuuuuuuuuuuupid change in Braham.


What I also hate is how my Norn just takes the abuse like a kitten. He knew Eir, through his personal story, way better than Braham. He should just backhand Braham across the face and tell him that he is dishonoring Eir’s memory by acting the way he does! And remind him that her death did not exclusively affect Braham either.


But no, my grown-kitten man Norn turns into a little apologetic girl whenever he is interacting with a freaking emo teenager. Jeeshus.


I didn’t think it possible for me to hate another character more than Trahearne but here we are, somehow... Let’s kill Braham in a ritual to resurrect Eir, I say.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> But tbh, what annoys me the most isnt so much his lashing out in grief waaaaaaaaaay out of proportions... its his shield5 use. No matter where you are, if there is a Braham, there WILL be a badly timed shield 5 scattering perfectly stacked mobs just when you are dropping all your dps skills :anguished:

Ahahaha, BOOOSSS! (and that wasted shield on the farest corner...) Thanks Braham.


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The amount of pleasure I felt when I FINALLY got to slay Trahearne was really quite indecent.


You know that moment in the lvl60 Personal Story? Where Trahearne "sacrifices" himself and tells you to close the doors? I did a little happydance at my desk because finally he was gone.... just to realize he is BACK in the next chapter.


With Braham I kinda see the same developement :cry::

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> The worst of it all is that Anet “fridged” Eir - my absolute favorite character - just to bring about this stupid, stuuuuuuuuuuupid change in Braham.


> What I also hate is how my Norn just takes the abuse like a kitten. He knew Eir, through his personal story, way better than Braham. He should just backhand Braham across the face and tell him that he is dishonoring Eir’s memory by acting the way he does! And remind him that her death did not exclusively affect Braham either.


> But no, my grown-kitten man Norn turns into a little apologetic girl whenever he is interacting with a freaking emo teenager. Jeeshus.




This! All of this!! Well, except that my character is female. But other than that, all of this!!


Edit: I'm also still bitter that Eir didn't shapeshift when confronted with that thing. Yeah, she was weakened and didn't have a weapon, but I believe she would have tried something! ANYTHING! If only to give the others a good/better chance to get away. Instead she just nodded and accepted her fate.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> The amount of pleasure I felt when I FINALLY got to slay Trahearne was really quite indecent.


> You know that moment in the lvl60 Personal Story? Where Trahearne "sacrifices" himself and tells you to close the doors? I did a little happydance at my desk because finally he was gone.... just to realize he is BACK in the next chapter.




Trehearne doesn't sacrifice himself at this point; it's whoever was your order mentor.



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My guess is Braham will become an icebrood and we'll get our fight with him then. And then Rox will talk us out of killing him and instead we'll just capture him and he'll be our first attempt at replicating the Forgotten ritual to cleanse corruption. Then when he's cleansed that chip will be off his shoulder because he realised that we had him dead to rights and still chose to save his life because we're allies to the bitter end.

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> @"Cuddy.6247" said:

> My guess is Braham will become an icebrood and we'll get our fight with him then. And then Rox will talk us out of killing him and instead we'll just capture him and he'll be our first attempt at replicating the Forgotten ritual to cleanse corruption. Then when he's cleansed that chip will be off his shoulder because he realised that we had him dead to rights and still chose to save his life because we're allies to the bitter end.


screw that. i'd join the inquest and torture him >=D

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I really like the idea you guys are spinning with him becoming icebrood and the main protagonist in the Jormag story. That would be a great turn of events for his plot and give the players some satisfaction, but also it would make a lot of sense.


Maybe he could be Jormags Champion or something along those lines. Just not sure how it could transition to that point.

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He is a bit of a rude dicks.


"You let them take taimi?!?!?!"


I didn't let anyone do anything, where the fuck were you? He acts like a 12 year old, and I'm pretty sure he's at least mid 20s.


He doesn't add anything but annoyance to the story. He runs away, then seems pissed at you for doing the same thing he is doing, then gets mad one of his friends he abandoned gets taken by some evil god while helping you.


Looking forward to his demise

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> @"Endrance.1680" said:

> Maybe he could be Jormags Champion or something along those lines. Just not sure how it could transition to that point.


That's easy. Someone tells him he can get closer to Jormag by letting himself become corrupted, and suggesting that someone with a strong will will still be able to act despite the corruption. The only reason he hasn't tried to kill Jormag is because he can't reach it, so I could see him trying this.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> The amount of pleasure I felt when I FINALLY got to slay Trahearne was really quite indecent.


> You know that moment in the lvl60 Personal Story? Where Trahearne "sacrifices" himself and tells you to close the doors? I did a little happydance at my desk because finally he was gone.... just to realize he is BACK in the next chapter.


> With Braham I kinda see the same developement :cry::


I can understand the hate that Braham gets...norn is my favorite race and Anet made the main norn NPC into a complete douchebag...but whats up with this Traherne hatred? Replayed the personal story a while ago, and i am yet to understand where people take this idea that Traherne try to steal your spotlight or whatever, on contrary, he allways made really clear that everything that is done in the story is thanks to you...i just dont get it....

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Aren't we meant to hate him? He has no real redeeming qualities and a ton of irritating ones. Considering the fact that players are reacting appropriately to how the character was written, I think it's a job well done by ANet.


Not every character should be a super awesome Taimi. Having an annoying crybaby idiot is a good move since it shows that some hero characters aren't just flawed, they plain suck. There's potential for character growth, which could be interesting. Even better would be that he continues to do stupid things, becomes even more hated, then dies to the relief and celebration of a ton of players.


He's basically our Joffrey, but stupid instead of evil.

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Braham is needed because someone has to call the PC out on their B.S and their (many) screwups, even as all other NPCs obey without questioning or losing any faith whatsoever, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, especially for Rytlock. He is a hothead and rushing off to do his own thing without thinking of the consequence, but that is exactly what the PC did - rushing straight into the jungle with the entire force without any reconnoiter thinking it will be a cakewalk, getting the fleet torn down straight away, of which his mother was a part - so from his point of view he is entitled to do the same.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Maybe he will hit the end of his puberty soon :> ... and hopefully grow a beard ;p


> But tbh, what annoys me the most isnt so much his lashing out in grief waaaaaaaaaay out of proportions... its his shield5 use. No matter where you are, if there is a Braham, there WILL be a badly timed shield 5 scattering perfectly stacked mobs just when you are dropping all your dps skills :anguished:


he will lead the norns, expect him to get trained by uncle trombone(the rev charr wich i forgot the name)

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