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So what’s wrong with axe?


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Axe is great now. If MH- and OH-Dagger get the same love that GS, Axe and Focus already got and ANet gives us 10% more DPS and a Shroud cooldown of 8s, then Necro is in a pretty complete state.


> Focus got love? Did i miss something?

- 40% damage buff (Patch: April 19, 2016 - Increased the damage when removing two and three boons by 25% and 40% respectively.)

- cast time reduction (Patch: July 26, 2016 - This skill casts approximately 0.25 seconds faster than before.)

- range extrension (Patch: June 23, 2015 - Focus skill range increased to 1200.)


Compare the damage values of Chill of Death (which did not receive the dmg. buff) with Spinal Shivers. If Chill of Death would work like the buffed Spinal Shivers, you could oneshot a lot of opponents at the 50% HP threshold (this sums up the potential of the skill - which I use every day in WvW to destroy boonheavy classes). The cast animation has a barely visible telegraph - esp. at 1200 range - considering the impact of the skill. Your beloved OH-Dagger is a joke compared to that.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > Axe is great now. If MH- and OH-Dagger get the same love that GS, Axe and Focus already got and ANet gives us 10% more DPS and a Shroud cooldown of 8s, then Necro is in a pretty complete state.

> >

> > Focus got love? Did i miss something?

> - 40% damage buff (Patch: April 19, 2016 - Increased the damage when removing two and three boons by 25% and 40% respectively.)

> - cast time reduction (Patch: July 26, 2016 - This skill casts approximately 0.25 seconds faster than before.)

> - range extrension (Patch: June 23, 2015 - Focus skill range increased to 1200.)


> Compare the damage values of Chill of Death (which did not receive the dmg. buff) with Spinal Shivers. If Chill of Death would work like the buffed Spinal Shivers, you could oneshot a lot of opponents at the 50% HP threshold (this sums up the potential of the skill - which I use every day in WvW to destroy boonheavy classes). The cast animation has a barely visible telegraph - esp. at 1200 range - considering the impact of the skill. Your beloved OH-Dagger is a joke compared to that.


As long as my transfer signet gets dodged, even though it has no casttime, i wont use focus.

The 4 is way too slow and useless, the 4 gets dodged by literally every opponent.


While with dagger oh you get a condi transfer (dont cast it on opponent if you arent sure if he has a dodge left. Cast it on pve creatures. And the 5 is pretty good to pressure thiefes in their shadow refuge, or to bait things out of opponents.

I think, focus is the worst of choices for oh.

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> @"Nex.3782" said:


> I don't think the objective of Scourge was to improve on power builds. We already have Reaper for that. I'm also not entire sure what you meant by


True its main goal was to be condition support. Its support however is missing things as usual that other supporters already have and do a much better job at.

Its condition is continued to grow weaker and weaker which in term also hurts its sustained. How ever it still should have had a power option built into it.

Reaper even to this day after they have said its intended to be a heavy hard power hitter. Lacks the damage and still boast a condition option thats arguably still stronger than its power option.


> are you talking about the shade mechanic or boon stripping mechanic that comes will almost all scourge skills?

When it comes to Feed from corruption im talking about the shade mechanic and its skills as a whole. The small shades in the game modes where scourge does shine are much less effective so much that people are rarely willing to take up what could be such a good trait. I hate that that trait is locked into scourge i feel like it should be in reapers or core's lines.

Necros have plenty of boonstrip even without scourge equipped as an elite spec.


> As for PvE, open world PvE, maybe not, but this certainly has a great place with the more difficult or newer content. They've slowly been adding boons and more advanced mechanics to PvE mobs that all for this to be useful. For example, Axe #3 will almost always give you 9x might when doing a Dragon Stand meta. All the might those mobs have work well with Feed from Corruption.


This is true but like i said your shades and their effective become complete crap and most people are not willing to do that for a few stacks of might they are going to get form othre sources. Necros are good at generating self might but they lack the power to gain other boons like the other light armor and in some cases heavy armor professions.


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:


> - 40% damage buff (Patch: April 19, 2016 - Increased the damage when removing two and three boons by 25% and 40% respectively.)

> - cast time reduction (Patch: July 26, 2016 - This skill casts approximately 0.25 seconds faster than before.)

> - range extrension (Patch: June 23, 2015 - Focus skill range increased to 1200.)


> Compare the damage values of Chill of Death (which did not receive the dmg. buff) with Spinal Shivers. If Chill of Death would work like the buffed Spinal Shivers, you could oneshot a lot of opponents at the 50% HP threshold (this sums up the potential of the skill - which I use every day in WvW to destroy boonheavy classes). The cast animation has a barely visible telegraph - esp. at 1200 range - considering the impact of the skill. Your beloved OH-Dagger is a joke compared to that.


Its not been touched in almost 2 years you shouldn't be ok with that considering that one of the skills on that weapon at 900-1200 range does not even work because it will get obstructed from nothing or simply fail to hit your target or any target for that matter.


As for one shotting at 50% hp thats likely not going to happen. Maybe against a thief not running acrobatics or a guardian who never sees it coming.

But most other professions have a built in safety trigger slightly under 50% and this counters necros ability to actually 1 shot anything at 50%. So while i think there is some truth to what you say about snipe poking with spinal shivers I would take a guess that 70% of the time you dont kill with it and just disengage :astonished:


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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> Axe is great, very good for PvP/WvW and it kinda-sorta fits into some PvE rotations I think as a Power Reaper?


> Necro's waste-of-space weapon is MH dagger.


If anything i would say staff is dead last. Dagger was always good, even as dps, since not every necro was/is reaper with access to gs if we're talking power builds.

Currently on my support scourge i tend to think about dagger instead of staff for tougher fights - the #2 heal is no joke, life force buidup is good, and fast aa lets vampiric presence do it's job. It's a very good weapon if you need sustain.


In spvp dagger is my staple (since i play core necro) that lets me do real power damage, leech life from downed ppl, land a immob from time to time to corrupt boons or chase down a target, and just go stabby-stab-stab on my point. The sheer speed of it is also crucial vs thieves and other guys that can get outta there fast and gs if just a bit flat out fail against.

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I honestly thing this is our only good (power) weapon, And maybe our biggest life force gain tool except for spectral utilities..

However would like auto attack to have more use.


I miss using dagger main for it has no range on AA. something we need more then ever with Scourges and what not.

I would love to see an evade, dodge or blink on this weapon. something to disengage with as power necro. (cant use utilities, need all the stunbreaks i have available to me)



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