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"Imagined Burden: This trait no longer grants might. It now causes the Phantasmal Berserker skill to spawn an extra berserker phantasm, but it reduces berserker phantasm damage by 25%."


No Might from this...why? I mean, how? i mean why?i mean why? i mean how?...I still want might on this trait, also reduced dmg for summoning 2 phantasms?, rlly?


Just because you changed this trait to grant might? but it is in another traitline...and granted regeneration before....maybe grant regeneration instead of might with Imagined Burden?...


"Illusionary Inspiration: This trait no longer causes phantasms to grant regeneration. Instead, summoning a phantasm grants 2 stacks of might for 10 seconds to the caster and four nearby allies. This effect occurs after the activation of Lesser Signet of Inspiration"


Also now the Inspiraton Traitline has 2 condi remove traits.....2 in 2 seperate traitlines for more build possibilitys would be cool, but 2 in one traitline makes this traitline a must have:


First the old one: Restorative Illusions: Heal yourself and lose conditions when you use a shatter skill. (i already used this so i shattered before this patch often....


Then the new one: Persisting Images: This trait has been renamed Sympathetic Visage and causes newly summoned phantasms to draw 1 condition from the caster to themselves.


Maybe the phantasm then dies from the conditions before it even attacks or what?.....GS was my favorite weapon because the might trait, but now you made it like summon 2 phantasms but reduce dmg...a negative effekt on a trait???? rlly....


oh men, i should test the changes, but i can say just one thing: when i can´t get a new build where i have the feeling that i like it, i will quit, since i played 3 years just mesmer, ok i have 2 other lvl 80 chars, but that is just because i had those lvl boosters, (i lvld thief and ranger with them), but they dont have ascended gear, they dont have any map completition, they dont have any story done....so i will likely not touch them, since mesmer was the only class i was like: i love it... i tested some other classes but they were like, meh, looks ok o me, but nothing for me, i stay with mesmer....so no ther map completition or story or ascended gear so when i can´t get a good feeling with the "new" mesmer i quit....(i find these changed unneded, well....exept the ones for pvp and wvw, but they were split from pve so that was ok for me...rest, why????? :'( :'( :'(


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You really should pay more attention before mindlessly whining. Imagined burden summons 2 phantasmal berserkers and reduces the damage each one does by 25%, which means that they are now doing 2*75% = 150% of the damage that a single one would do without the trait. In other words, its a direct 50% increase to the damage of hte skill, allows them to break through aegis (2 phantasms now, one would eat aegis and the other's attack would land), on top of lowering the CD. Its a huge buff to phantasmal berserker if you take imagined burden. Honestly man, just read more carefully next time

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> Yeah the lack of CD reductions especially with the trait removed is disappointing.


I definitely agree with that. A lot of the phantasms have really long cooldowns that aren't justified by their effects anymore. Anet definitely needs to take a look at the cds on a lot of phantasms and weapon skills.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"musu.9205" said:

> > but why izerker needs any dmg nerf with that gm trait , i meant why mes has to take all those trade off when no other classes do


> Because otherwise the trait would literally double the damage of it. That's too strong for a trait that also provides other benefits.


they could just split pve and pvp value , its not like its worth anything in pve .

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> @"musu.9205" said:

> Phantasmal Berserker: Increased the damage of the thrown greatsword by 100%. Reduced the recharge from 20 seconds to 15 seconds in PvE.


> they didnt even buff its damage lol


25% base CD reduction isn't enough for you? lol its a 12sec recharge when you take imagined burden

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"musu.9205" said:

> > Phantasmal Berserker: Increased the damage of the thrown greatsword by 100%. Reduced the recharge from 20 seconds to 15 seconds in PvE.

> >

> > they didnt even buff its damage lol


> 25% base CD reduction isn't enough for you? lol its a 12sec recharge when you take imagined burden


They also boosted the damage on mirror blade in PvE.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"musu.9205" said:

> > Phantasmal Berserker: Increased the damage of the thrown greatsword by 100%. Reduced the recharge from 20 seconds to 15 seconds in PvE.

> >

> > they didnt even buff its damage lol


> 25% base CD reduction isn't enough for you? lol its a 12sec recharge when you take imagined burden


well its great for pvp , not so much for pve .

i didnt expect much from it tho , i wished they buff that aoe burst from summoning izerker . but its not good enough .

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I never liked mesmer getting random might on certain skills.

All phantasms (minus disenchanter & mage & maybe duelist) convert to clones way too slow.


And I really REALLY don't like the Chrono playstyle of just using phhantasms when they're off cooldown & having 3 clones/fodder & shattering them when u get 3. Feels really mindless.


I think it would have been better if Phantasms couldn't be shattered & dissapeared after 1 attack like it is now. But that they still took up space on your 3 illusion cap. However their cooldowns would have to be lowered severely. That way you'd have to choose between shattering (F5 for chrono to reset cooldowns.) or actively managing your phantasms.

Not let phantasms become an afterthought like they are now.


I'd have much rather liekd that idea. OR keep it like it is now but make phantasms have long cooldown (most of them have a long cooldown already) but have them being very strong & impactful damage or utility wise.


The one phantasm I like right now is the mage. It's impactful (aoe interrupt & good amount of burn) & has a long cooldown.

I like the idea of the phantasmal defender but I can't see it being used anywhere. It doesn't do enough damage considering its cooldown & its too slow to be used in WvW zerg. (maybe if it instantly starts blocking & you can ground target spawn it)

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> I'd like to see some tests on alacrity upkeep in PvE. With the removal of alacrity on both wells and the shield phantasm, it sounds like chrono might be required to run well of recall to maintain reasonable alacrity. That would drastically limit the utility options for raids.



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > I'd like to see some tests on alacrity upkeep in PvE. With the removal of alacrity on both wells and the shield phantasm, it sounds like chrono might be required to run well of recall to maintain reasonable alacrity. That would drastically limit the utility options for raids.


> https://clips.twitch.tv/OilyBoldJellyfishGingerPower


How about with a real setup that isn't just 1trick for alacrity?

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Just did the old rotation (recall/action/signet with domi/inspi/chrono) but swapped chronophantasma with seize the moment. Chrono tank should still be able to maintain 100% quickness/alacrity if achieve 100% boon duration (I did it with concentration sigil). No video atm though as I'm heading out.


EDIT: no time warp is required, elite is still free though I suspect gravity well loses out on moa.

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all this update did was make small scale spvp/wvw mesmer even stronger than they were already...

which is what Mirage did, which is what they didn't want e-specs to do, they wanted them to "add" something, since core and chrono already WERE strong there.................

this is just all horribly flawed logic and mistakes are everywhere.....


Phantasmal Defender just needs to spawn on the target

it makes it useless that it has to run into its target, and then more than likely get interrupted or die before it does anything

it'd be an amazing skill if it spawned already blocking, and it could be utilized as an interrupt by taunting immediately, maybe with a 1/4 cast time like most mesmer interrupt spells in Guild Wars 1 had, anyway


that and/or bring back Protected Phantasms

they need to stop changing distortion into aegis everywhere

it's just bad, and downright lazy


like, why not just get rid of the distortion mechanic entirely if they can't balance it at this point

otherwise they really need to stop making traits (Inspiring Distortion, Protected Phantasms) and utilities (Well of Precognition) trash tier picks because of how they can't seem to understand how to balance it

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Its the good, the bad and the ugly of Anets idea of balance. Some good and interesting changes, Some disappointing changes and then some "WTF" were they thinking changes :/


The Utility Phantasms got hit HARD. Phantasmal Defender, 50 second cool down!? I get that it has the POTENTIAL to do a lot of damage, the issue being strong in groups, zergs (maybe!?) but kinda useless solo and that cool down will make it not even considered. The Phantasmal Disenchanter nerf! hurts. The lose of Condition removal! It can hit hard but the loss of constant condition removal and boon removal doesnt make up for it. It is very odd that despite the fact we have lost the cool down reduction trait for illusions that some skills got a cool down INCREASE and others didnt get any sort of reduction at all, this is going to hurt a LOT this means lower defense and lower damage :/

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> @"atlashugged.7642" said:

> So I just noticed something: the patch notes say that a phantasm that resummons itself will not create a clone. But you still get a clone from the second phantasm with chronophantasm. I don't know if this is intentional and the patch notes aren't written clearly, or the game is bugged.


Yeah i noticed that, likely "bugged" so will be removed, though i dont think it should be :/

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