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What kind of armors would you like to see from now on?


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Is the fashion going the wrong way?

Atleast i think so. I wanna make a few Points that's my personal opinion, please post what you would like to see from now on.


- I acctualy like trenchcoats as opposed to most posters here i suppose. I'd certainly not want them to stop making trenchcoats.

- Please make more simple gear. The players now days look so extravagant they dont seem to fit into the GW2 world. (Yes i'm looking at you, WvW charrs with lime green dragon ball hair)

- No More Huge Wings plz.

- More simple shoulders, big shoulders.

- No more feathers plz


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I dream about even just one set of cultural armor for each race. That's all.

It could be weightless so they won't have so much work.

It could be craftable, Ascended Cultural armor sounds good.

And maybe a fungi armor for Sylvari ;)


I don't mind trenchcoats either but sometimes they aren't really fitting Thief I guess. Plus many people don't want them so maybe anet should please those people, and they'll finally calm down a little.

More then everything I hate wings, I just can't stand them.

This whole angel/demon human female meta, but it come to every race, is just lame.

They just block my vision in already cluttered group fights.

I want to be able too hide other people backpacks so much.

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> @Shinya.2598 said:

> - Please make more simple gear. The players now days look so extravagant they dont seem to fit into the GW2 world. (Yes i'm looking at you, WvW charrs with lime green dragon ball hair)

> - No More Huge Wings plz.

> - More simple shoulders, big shoulders.

> - No more feathers plz


I wholeheartedly agree with those four points. Add more classic (and thus classy) gear! Enough with the eye-bleedingly painful "extravaganza".

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I play an asura elementalist, so I mainly use light armor:


I absolutely loved how elementalist Ancient armor looked like in Guild Wars: Nightfall, and would love to see it coming back in Guild Wars 2.



I'd also love to see other "half long" robe-like coats with a plenty of extra cloths. Scarves, lowered hoods, coat tails, huge collars, etc.

Also, a battlemage -themed armor would be nice! Mage robes with metallic armor pieces! (The closest example for the moment would be the Champion of Tyria outfit.)



Glowing, dyeable runes would be a great detail. Especially, if those who do not like shiny stuff could disable the glow by dyeing it for example black.


I don't really like skin tight armor, robes that look almost like dresses nor any armor that shows of my characters skins from anywhere else than face and arms. (Looking at you, Feathered armor)



Sleeveless coats and vests do look nice though!

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All I wanted was a tight formfitting outfit for my ~~Ninja~~ Thief. The Bandit Outfit came closest, although even that one had obscuring details on the hips to hide the awkward character models, especially on male characters, pay attention to how the legs connect to the lower body, the real reason for all the mantles and buttflaps !

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Armor sets instead of outfits, doesn't matter if they look rather similar, it's still better than those damned outfits.


edit: just thought of something else, Light armor having Medium/heavy styled armor. Medium having Light/Heavy styled armor and heavy having Light/Medium styled armor.


The wardrobe system is the best i've enountered compared to other games, but it has a lot of the same styled armor for each weight type. by allowing for a few types that are somewhat inbetween to be "shared"would be nice. and i mean as actual collectible gear, not gem store gear, I never count this amongst choices since it's way to expensive to realistically be obtained by the majority of the players.

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Two things above all:


*Cultural armor or just gear with sylvari, charr and norn themes*. There's far too much human-themed stuff and armor made primarily to look good on humans. Humans get two very strongly themed Elonian culture sets for all armor weights in PoF while sylvari got absolutely zip in HoT. If you want a sylvari in actual sylvari armor, you have a grand total of four options per weight group, all from vanilla days and it shows because some of the textures are really bad and plasticy. As for charr, I just say two words: tail clipping. Even on the newest PoF you have tail-clipping. Even the light _cultural_ T3 has tail-clipping. Gigantic hover shoulders are also too common. And norn just have a really hard time looking different from humans, especially the women, because unlike men they don't get a unique body but are stuck just being slightly taller and slightly less scrawny humans.


*No more gendered armor*. I want female characters to be able to wear the same strongly themed, practical or impressive gear that men get, not for a sweet-looking skin to turn into yet another hotpants & boobplate nonsense, or something even more unequal like Canach's new outfit.


I'd also like to +1 the requests for more simple and practical, less "MMO-y" gear.


For light armor, I'd like to see more proper pants, especially for women. Medium? Easy: no more trenchcoats. For heavy, please lay off the obsession with spiked spikes of spikiness.


Also, no more colossal shoulderplates, please. They look silly, especially on charr, where they only big enough and hover so far above the actual body that at least one asura could easily hide under them.

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No more butt capes and fewer spikes. More fantasy type and less scary stuff. I like feathers, leaves and flowers because my main is a human ranger and my favorite outfit for her is the Nightmare Court set with different leggings ( I wear the short skirt that comes with the Viper's set). I see her as being one with nature so I like the nature theme.

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Less fullplate, knight-styled heavy armour and more revealing, barbarian-like armour sets á la the Norn cultural for both sexes. Oh hell, let's say for males in particular - there already are plenty of revealing female heavy sets.


All these years, I keep finding myself going back to the Dolyak (T1) look for my male Norn Warrior.


Sigh. Maybe in the next expansion pack. Let's all pray to Bear that it will be Jormag's turn to bite the bullet by then.

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Spiky Bikini Trenchcoat armors for all professions.




Non-trenchcoat medium armors

Non-bikini light armors

Spikeless heavy armors


Less shiny


Option to disable special effects like infusions

Option to disable Meteor gliders and future shinies

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> @Chadramar.8156 said:

> Two things above all:


> *Cultural armor or just gear with sylvari, charr and norn themes*. There's far too much human-themed stuff and armor made primarily to look good on humans.


That. Most of the gears dont look very good on non humans, like charr. I would like to see gear that fit them wel and shows fur, and no cliping. Ausura can use some gear too that not eats away the ears.



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I mean, in my personal opinion, stuff like this looks way better on Norns than the more Human-looking "knight/fullplate" heavy armour sets:




https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Scallywag_armor_norn_male_front.jpg (minus that utterly ridiclous helmet, haha)


That's the stuff I wanna see. It is far fitting the Norn theme than anything else barring the actual Cultural sets.

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I'd like to see more light cloaks (mainly female). For male light armor need more revealing clothing (Norns wanna show off their tattoos).

Medium more revealing leather for both types. Less trenchcoats, even though this horse has been beaten to death soo many times.

For heavy there's a ton here I would like to see starting with loincloth pants for barbarians for those who want a warrior looking like conan. More of the temple night or robed plate looks as well.

Also would like option to hide chest armor with any class of armor.

Not just aesthetics but also stat swapping for exotic gear since they are necessary for non-raiders.

Beach bum outfit wouldn't hurt for all armor types.

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