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Mesmer redesign discussion


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Huge number of changes, too many for me to have tested so far and I don't have any more time today. But I thought a single thread for the feedback would be best.


Here's what I think so far

* ToT needing ground targeting feels clunky because it didn't need it before, but I can see why its useful. Will take some getting used to

* Shatter storm is going to be nerfed. Only question is when

* iDefender, from very limited open world testing, does not seem at all useful for the CD it is on

* iDisenchanter. Jesus christ this was a ridiculous change. Unblockable 5 boon strip that bounces? And the damage it does is pretty damn high as well. I'm in love with it, but like shatter storm I'm just waiting for it to be nerfed at this point, sadly.

* Imagined burden is amazing. I think that of all the weapon phantasms though, berserker was hte one that least needed the CD reduction, but it did need it, so I'm glad it got it

* iMage is still at a 30s base CD. Why? Its twice the CD of izerker, but is not as good of a phantasm, imo. I do like it though, the animation is beautiful.

* Improved alacrity feels shitty without any boon duration. Even when using well of recall, we get less than 3.5s alacrity from it and that is our biggest single source of alacrity. I think the reduced duration is maybe a bit too harsh, but maybe its ok when you have decent boon duration, idk

* iMage is still a 1,200 range attack, yet the aoe flame burst around you is still only 240 units. Please change this to be centered around the target?

* Some illusion skills definitely need a CD adjustment now that illusionists celerity is no more. Notably, only iZerker had its CD lowered to account for this.

* Why was alacrity removed from iAvenger? I really just don't understand why it was moved from shield 4 phantasm to shield 5, at the cost of losing quickness on ToT

* GS changes are awesome all around

* MH sword changes are awesome too. More damage on auto and lowered aftercast on iLeap are fucking awesome

* Maybe an oversight? But compounding power has its condition damage scale with level, but the flat %dmg increase stays the same at all levels. This just seems weird to me.

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