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Ty Anet. Ty Anet Support.


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The above was a screencap from a Discord group I'm a regular in. Through the five or six years I've been playing Guild Wars 2, I've had that sentiment echoed by the majority of people I've played with. As for me, I agree that it feels really weird to send feedback or messages of thanks through the Support function (even though I've tried a couple of times, just to see what happens), and is ultimately a waste of everyone's time. I know that making allowances for such things through the existing system is going to be a nightmare (I work for local government so in my experience "nightmare" is the right word for it), so that's not what anyone wants.



But thanks, Arenanet. Thanks Arenanet Support. I don't need to list all the things you guys have done right or even tried to do right and apologised for, but if I'm ever in Bellevue, I will personally walk up to your front office and ask politely if I could buy people a round of drinks at a nearby pub.




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Good support is crucial for a games success. Want a perfect example? I decided to come back after a very long break, but I needed help with my account details etc since I had new emails and so forth. The support was fantastic, and based on this I decided to play. Now I am 1+year since my return, I have invested time and money to this MMO because I believe it's the best in the market ATM.


If I had received zero to bad support, I probably wouldn't have returned, but instead I am here and contributing and loving it. So yes, good support definitely helps retain players and helps a franchise be successful. I have quit quite a few games due to horrible support, because I am thinking why should they get my time and money if they don't care at all?


I remember making a thread when I returned to GW2 about how impressed I was at the speediness and support from the staff. Players will notice good support, so definitely keep it up. :)

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> I have to disagree. Even NEXON had responded more to my tickets. This is the worst customer service so far in my life with a mere 25% respond rate. Glad it works for you, but my personal experience with silently closed unresponded tickets is just awful.


Probably because your tickets aren’t really high priority.


Logging in tickets.

Can’t sign in.

Client not working tickets.

And refunds


These will by far be the highest in reply.


If tickets aren’t close to these then idk why you have a ticket. Tickets are to fix things that are an actual error. Not bugs and waiting.


Each ticket I have given I would have to wait ether the night of the reply. Or the next day. However tickets are the same with any company in reply. Times can very by what’s happening to the community. So unless your ticket isn’t detailing enough. Or you just don’t know how to write a ticket properly idk why you are late in tickets.


By far least arenanet actually replies with text. If it was steam your out of luck. And it’s strictly computer based.

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I only have good CS experiences as well. Some replies are those premade pieces of text and some are typed by CS people, it depends on what it's about. And yep, I want to thank them as well, sometimes I felt like a pos for not thanking but I know I'll only annoy/slow them down by replying. But here's a big thank you from good 'ole Grampybone to CS! :)

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What I do is put a thank you in my final reply, the one that closes with "I no longer need help." Unlike a certain other MMO, ANet does not close a ticket I'm actively replying to until I ask them to with that line, which is the line their emails request. It seems a fitting place to put my thanks.


If it turns out that putting that line anywhere in the text auto sends it to the bin and the CS reps never see it, I shall be very sad and I hope that plenty of CS reps are seeing this thread and know that I have been super pleased with all my interactions with them.

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> I have to disagree. Even NEXON had responded more to my tickets. This is the worst customer service so far in my life with a mere 25% respond rate. Glad it works for you, but my personal experience with silently closed unresponded tickets is just awful.


ANet has always responded to my tickets.

If I were in your shoes, I'd politely insist on finding out why I didn't get responses. Collect the ticket numbers in a list, indicating which were resolved and which had no response. Personally, I'd create a support ticket for this, although since there's obvious irony with that, you might want to choose a direct email address instead. I can imagine the occasional ticket gets lost between when someone thinks it's created and their queue, but I find it hard to believe that they'd lose 3-in-4. Your forum posts are typically polite and well-written, so I also find it hard to see how there'd be a misunderstanding big enough to close unresolved tickets.


In brief: I'd want to find out what happened, if I didn't get a response even once.

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> I have to disagree. Even NEXON had responded more to my tickets. This is the worst customer service so far in my life with a mere 25% respond rate. Glad it works for you, but my personal experience with silently closed unresponded tickets is just awful.


The fact that they were willing to make an exception on a ticket of mine because my dumbass computer decided to lag out puts them in high regard in my book. I've dealt with WoW, ESO, Wildstar, Trion (Rift, Archeage, Trove) and Aura Kingdom, by far they were exceptional. WoW, I had to appeal constantly to get tickets even glanced at. ESO, they'd rather send you the generic spiel that doesn't even cover what the issue is. Wildstar, unless it's dealing with you and your subscription, good luck. Trion, if you want to torture yourself; that's the company. Aura Kingdom; they'd ban you just for contacting support. Hell they banned my account because I didn't play for three months!

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> The fact that they were willing to make an exception on a ticket of mine because my kitten computer decided to lag out puts them in high regard in my book. I've dealt with WoW, ESO, Wildstar, Trion (Rift, Archeage, Trove) and Aura Kingdom, by far they were exceptional. WoW, I had to appeal constantly to get tickets even glanced at. ESO, they'd rather send you the generic spiel that doesn't even cover what the issue is. Wildstar, unless it's dealing with you and your subscription, good luck. Trion, if you want to torture yourself; that's the company. Aura Kingdom; they'd ban you just for contacting support. Hell they banned my account because I didn't play for three months!

Should I talk about Aion then? Their Support has no idea about the game and replies copy/pasting info 4 years old (no need to say, in 4 years the game changed alot, and their website has heavily outdated info - lower lvl cap, removed maps, old classes...). They never ban players with very high ranks because they pay a lot, even if you provide screenshots and videos. But they started to ban random players without any evidence, just to say that they do something.

Every service can be probably improved, but what we have here is gold, compared to many other MMOs.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"miraude.2107" said:

> > The fact that they were willing to make an exception on a ticket of mine because my kitten computer decided to lag out puts them in high regard in my book. I've dealt with WoW, ESO, Wildstar, Trion (Rift, Archeage, Trove) and Aura Kingdom, by far they were exceptional. WoW, I had to appeal constantly to get tickets even glanced at. ESO, they'd rather send you the generic spiel that doesn't even cover what the issue is. Wildstar, unless it's dealing with you and your subscription, good luck. Trion, if you want to torture yourself; that's the company. Aura Kingdom; they'd ban you just for contacting support. Hell they banned my account because I didn't play for three months!

> Should I talk about Aion then? Their Support has no idea about the game and replies copy/pasting info 4 years old (no need to say, in 4 years the game changed alot, and their website has heavily outdated info - lower lvl cap, removed maps, old classes...). They never ban players with very high ranks because they pay a lot, even if you provide screenshots and videos. But they started to ban random players without any evidence, just to say that they do something.

> Every service can be probably improved, but what we have here is gold, compared to many other MMOs.


Definitely gold in my experience. Even if you wait a week to get an answer. I usually try to refrain from leaving bad reviews from steam games unless it was totally bad but Aeria Games (the ones who made Aura Kingdom) is just the king of scum. When I couldn't log in to pick up where I left off, I thought I had forgotten my password. Was able to get onto the website and found out I was banned. Thought okay, contact support, except every single link to make a support ticket was a 404 and to even make an inquiry I had to remember the exact day I started playing the game. I just couldn't believe the mass of tape they wanted you to go through to find out wtf was going on. Aeria Games is the only developer I flat refuse to even deal with now because of that. Even EA has better support than that flaming dumpster pile.

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