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pve mes thoughts


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i mainly play mes in pve and a little in wvw for fun. i have noticed mes in pvp for this rework is strong but when you look at this in pve its like we are wet noodles now. i mean as a power mes we have lost like half our dps from the changes and i dont see mes as main sorce for raids anymore. as for confusion i feel like its a fly on a giant so its almost worthles now in pve but so so in pvp. i think this need to be look at for fixing in pve but pvp seems ok for mes at the moment.

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I can get back to the same level of DPS I had before the patch but its a totally different build. DPS has gone from some builds but is present in new builds. This patch effed over Confusion Axe Mirage and Phantasm builds but boosted shatter and power. Staff Condi Mirrage is supposed to be good also.


I'm giving them a little time to respond to this before I change anything, Confusion change could be a mistake or reverted.

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Staff Condi mirage is NOT good game play wise. Axe is way better at tracking targets and have better survivability than the staff. On an idle target staff does ok dmg, but its much easier to get interrupted on staff ambush than it is on axe ambush and in a real combat situation staff is very slow to adapt. The other thing, staff clones winds of chaos is bugged atm, doesn't give torment still giving out vulnerability, only the main Mesmer's winds of chaos apply torment. Furthermore staff clone ambush chaos vortex get reflected by allies........... including Mesmer's own Mirror..

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> @"Bloodgruve.6038" said:

> I can get back to the same level of DPS I had before the patch but its a totally different build. DPS has gone from some builds but is present in new builds. This patch effed over Confusion Axe Mirage and Phantasm builds but boosted shatter and power. Staff Condi Mirrage is supposed to be good also.


> I'm giving them a little time to respond to this before I change anything, Confusion change could be a mistake or reverted.


staff build still suffers from very slow ram up time , even less cleave . it hit more dps on medium / large golem its not the case for small hitbox , if there are adds , the dps from aa will drop a lot .


to op tho , at least chrono support is still good .

dps chrono looks much more promising than mirage

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Really makes me think if people actually bothered to played staff mirage in fractals and raids. Staff is way way way inferior compared to the axe-prepatch. They may have done about the same dmg on an idle target, but on a real live target that moves around and attacks you, the axe is much better in terms of survivability, maintaining dmg and sticking to the target. Which is what made the mirage axe game play fun. Now post patch the axe is only good for its auto attack chain with the ambush ability completely useless in PVE.........

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> @"Irokou.3215" said:

> > @"Bofouci.1320" said:

> > I really hope it's a bug that gets fixed. This kind of forced re-gearing needs to be taken into account by the devs. We put too much effort time and money into our gear to have it thrown out.


> Not a problem with legendary gear *wink wink* :p


We should not have to gear up to legendary on everything to be viable.

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> @"Bofouci.1320" said:

> > @"Irokou.3215" said:

> > > @"Bofouci.1320" said:

> > > I really hope it's a bug that gets fixed. This kind of forced re-gearing needs to be taken into account by the devs. We put too much effort time and money into our gear to have it thrown out.

> >

> > Not a problem with legendary gear *wink wink* :p


> We should not have to gear up to legendary on everything to be viable.


Well... Considering we are in the mesmer forums...

You can have the following gearsets: Commanders, Minstrels, Berzerkers, Minstrels, a miz of Commanders and Berserkers, a miz of Minstrels and Bezerkers, maybe even some Nomads, then you have WvW gear. We have essentially 5-6 sets to be ridiculous at our class.

I can get away with Zerkers on Ele. Then some WvW gear, maybe trinkets, and call it a day.

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> @"Bofouci.1320" said:

> > @"Irokou.3215" said:

> > > @"Bofouci.1320" said:

> > > I really hope it's a bug that gets fixed. This kind of forced re-gearing needs to be taken into account by the devs. We put too much effort time and money into our gear to have it thrown out.

> >

> > Not a problem with legendary gear *wink wink* :p


> We should not have to gear up to legendary on everything to be viable.


You're viable with exotics, which can be obtained cheaply.

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i firmly think that anet messed up mes with this one i can still kill trash mob ok but now any time i try to fight anything other then trash i get my face slamed in the ground and cant do anything were i used to be good to ware i could solo champs in pve. i think anet realy needs to think supper hard on the changes to mes they make from now on becouse in pve soloing is no longer posable for me anymore and i have been playing mes for like 5 years or more so man this just realy sucks now

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> i firmly think that anet messed up mes with this one i can still kill trash mob ok but now any time i try to fight anything other then trash i get my face slamed in the ground and cant do anything were i used to be good to ware i could solo champs in pve. i think anet realy needs to think supper hard on the changes to mes they make from now on becouse in pve soloing is no longer posable for me anymore and i have been playing mes for like 5 years or more so man this just realy sucks now


On the other hand, I wonder if you yourself have thought "super hard" about adapting your build since the last batch of changes. Mesmer DPS is no longer a consistent, fire-and-forget style that relied on Phantasms, but one that is more reliant on spike damage and shatters. If anything, I would posit that the skill ceiling for soloing Champions has only grown since the update, which is a good thing in my mind.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> i firmly think that anet messed up mes with this one i can still kill trash mob ok but now any time i try to fight anything other then trash i get my face slamed in the ground and cant do anything were i used to be good to ware i could solo champs in pve. i think anet realy needs to think supper hard on the changes to mes they make from now on becouse in pve soloing is no longer posable for me anymore and i have been playing mes for like 5 years or more so man this just realy sucks now


While the confusion nerf resulted in a DPS loss for condi mirage that hasn't been restored fully by the torment fix, the playstyle itself has improved (phantasms no longer get in the way!) and is still as elusive as ever. For open world you should be good to go. Here is some evidence of that:


Post-11/28 (aka the axe nerf): Mirage vs. Zintl Inquisitor


Post-Confuson nerf (pre torment fix): Mirage vs. Zintl Inquisitor


Damage is down a bit, but I'm still just as hard to kill as ever and still able to beat the add respawn timer on this boss. It's not the end of the world. They just need to give a little back and resolve the issues with confusion.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> i have just watched the vid and you are in condi not power so my point still stands


Well, in that case I don't know what you're on about because power builds got some pretty major buffs and clearly do far more damage than they did previously. I mean you never saw power chrono DPS come anywhere close to condi mirage before the patch. Now they do. It's pretty obvious to everyone but you, apparently. I don't know what to tell you other than to say that the changes are still fairly new, so the tweaks you need to make to get the most out of your build may not be obvious at this point.

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if you keep saying that power mes is realy good now then tell me the build to use becosue i cant do any good compared to the old power mes i have looked at all the traits and i am still low on the dps then befor the patch so clearly that is some issue some were. i am also one that looks into this stuff a lot to see how to max stuff out and it just not as good as it was befor

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> if you keep saying that power mes is realy good now then tell me the build to use becosue i cant do any good compared to the old power mes i have looked at all the traits and i am still low on the dps then befor the patch so clearly that is some issue some were. i am also one that looks into this stuff a lot to see how to max stuff out and it just not as good as it was befor


Well power mes before the patch was unmitigated garbage in like 95% of all situations that weren't a couple specific PvE raidbosses soooooooo

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> if you keep saying that power mes is realy good now then tell me the build to use becosue i cant do any good compared to the old power mes i have looked at all the traits and i am still low on the dps then befor the patch so clearly that is some issue some were. i am also one that looks into this stuff a lot to see how to max stuff out and it just not as good as it was befor


Common man. The aa alone does over 8k on the last hit. As others mentioned it can hit a bit over 30k in raid. Not to mention you can do 40-50% quickness uptime on your own.


For open world PvE, strongest dps is dualist, illusions and chrono. Weapons s/s and s/ not sure focus or pistol. You can use gs with domination instead of dualist. Most mobs will die with one phantsm and sword aa chain.



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