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pve mes thoughts


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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> ya im no ware near the 30k dps with the builds you want me to run you all must be high as hell or i am buged and need fixed ether way thare is a issue no dought about it. also if you say we can get 30k dps from golem that is not fighting in pve and that is a complet lie.


On PvE Mesmer is very safe with GS and iDefender. The damage drops a lil bit but still reliable

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I run power Chrono in open world with GS and I'm loving the changes, I was hesitant at first but now I've gotten the hang of it. You have to change your gameplay, now you can't just summon 3 phantasms and afk auto attack. You have to actively shatter your clones and keep on top of them.



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Yes you can't just summon phantasms and then run far away until the champ is dead and call it solo anymore. You need to be more active. The damage increase to power chrono is huge in this patch.

The only thing I would change from the builds that has been mentioned so far is probably Chrono take 1 1 3 instead of 2 1 3 to get more slow on the target on interrupt. Should work well with how interrupt works now with defiance bars on champs.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> i mainly play mes in pve and a little in wvw for fun. i have noticed mes in pvp for this rework is strong but when you look at this in pve its like we are wet noodles now. i mean as a power mes we have lost like half our dps from the changes and i dont see mes as main sorce for raids anymore. as for confusion i feel like its a fly on a giant so its almost worthles now in pve but so so in pvp. i think this need to be look at for fixing in pve but pvp seems ok for mes at the moment.


Then u need to look harder fir the builds. Theres a power dos mesmer build out rn that does something like 34k. Mirage since they fixed axe is now great sitting at 35k dps on static target. Chrono can borderline reach 20k dps.


All the rotations are interacting and fun. I see no wet noodles here.

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All I know is atm power chrono with GS S/S or even S/shield is god mode in open world with the changes. I almost shook my head as I changed from mirage back to chrono and tried it out a bit. Dbl shatter combos with new phantasm mechanic makes you able to do crazy things especially with the refresh signet. It's definitely brought life back to power builds.

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hard number here

power chrono even higher than holosmith . i think it's reasonable . they could make danger time more useful since perma slow is pretty much impossible now .but that's it .

idk what more u want on a power build with great cc , best mob control , nice aoe , one of best small hitbox dps .reasonable high burst .?

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it shows you are not reading what i am saying and that all i see you you all doing golem test witch is a test for damage but not a real test for a real fight and the fact that you all have all the buffes mean that that dps is bs. i cant even make 15k dps with mes now its completly brocken fro me so now you know were my mindset is and why this is sooo frustrating for me and all you guys just showing golem. the golem test is massivly flawed in the way dps is done and the way you think we whould be geting in a real fight its just complet trash. i am runing dom ill and chrono and i am in full zerker so why am i not get your numbers after knowing how to play mes for 5 years is a massive issue and stop saying im crazzy becouse i am soooo confused on why my dps is soo low. i hop this helps you all understand why i am not happy with the changes

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> it shows you are not reading what i am saying and that all i see you you all doing golem test witch is a test for damage but not a real test for a real fight and the fact that you all have all the buffes mean that that dps is bs. i cant even make 15k dps with mes now its completly brocken fro me so now you know were my mindset is and why this is sooo frustrating for me and all you guys just showing golem. the golem test is massivly flawed in the way dps is done and the way you think we whould be geting in a real fight its just complet trash. i am runing dom ill and chrono and i am in full zerker so why am i not get your numbers after knowing how to play mes for 5 years is a massive issue and stop saying im crazzy becouse i am soooo confused on why my dps is soo low. i hop this helps you all understand why i am not happy with the changes


simply put , i did 25k on sab . i think that's really really good enough .

I'm doing pretty good in fractal and raid too .


best gear setup is not full zerk , since you need more crit chance .

and dom/ duel/ chrono is way to go if u wanna use gs . meta build is illusion/ duel / chrono . both are good enough .

u have to check the buff / debuff in case you miss something

depends on bosses , your dps will ofc drops .

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I don't understand why you would just let yourself be defeated by a game rather than work to improve. Guess you'd rather just be miserable and complain?

Have fun then. We've all shown you different ways power chrono works great in pve. I main power chrono and have since I first started the game 6 months ago.


But okay, have fun being miserable, best go play something more meta then if you don't want to work towards adjusting to a new improved class. The changes essentially buffed power mesmer/chrono up really well.


More fractal pve chronos:



Most of the time they take sword/sword in both main and offhand. I take GS and sword/sword. Personal preference, both are viable.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> all this still has not changed my mind at all i think the changes still suck and thare is no way you can change it


Then you have an extremely negative attitude as everyone here has tried to help and provide evidence and be helpful. When confronted with factual evidence you turn a blind eye to it in an effort to say that others are wrong and it’s not a game play issue on your side. It might be best for you to pick another class as it’s obvious you can’t nor won’t contribute anything worth while to mesmer as a class.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> all this still has not changed my mind at all i think the changes still suck and thare is no way you can change it


Then why post in a public forum if you have to intention of hearing what others have to say? People here have been extremely helpful and patient, posting builds, rotation videos and even videos of real fights with the dps counter proving their claims.


Mesmer dps was about summoning phantasms and afking, so it's likely that you were carried by this playstyle and now that mesmer is skill-intensive, you have difficulty adapting. Especially with some traits requiring constant maintenance, like the sword stacking buff, or the % dmg stacking buff when you summon illusions. Slacking on your rotation will thus hurt your dps twofold.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"Belishine.7493" said:

> > all this still has not changed my mind at all i think the changes still suck and thare is no way you can change it


> Then why post in a public forum if you have to intention of hearing what others have to say? People here have been extremely helpful and patient, posting builds, rotation videos and even videos of real fights with the dps counter proving their claims.


> Mesmer dps was about summoning phantasms and afking, so it's likely that you were carried by this playstyle and now that mesmer is skill-intensive, you have difficulty adapting. Especially with some traits requiring constant maintenance, like the sword stacking buff, or the % dmg stacking buff when you summon illusions. Slacking on your rotation will thus hurt your dps twofold.


He either wanted attention or was hoping that people would agree with him

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@"Belishine.7493" Here:


This is me yesterday doing fractal 99. See those numbers? They're not questionable, they're not hacks, they are facts. If Anet checks their logs they will be there. And I still hadn't perfected the rotation, **today I pushed past 41k on Old Tom** (based omnipot)


The potential is there, whether or not you can reach it, it is not the games' fault.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> i know how to play mes with this change i have lost 10k dps and i cant get anywere near the dps that you all say i should be something is brocken so for now mes is completly dead in the water for me and just dont care about mes anymore


Considering that other players who are well known mesmers are now pushing out more damage than they could prepatch in some situations, this is a problem with your playstyle, not with the class.


Just because you have not yet figured out how to adjust both your build and your playstyle to make the most use of the substantial changes to the class does not mean that mesmer was ruined.

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