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Action Cam on Thief?


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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> You'll always have more control without Action Camera.


> That said, Action Camera can be fun if you can overlook the problems associated with it. I use it frequently in PvE, changes the feel of the game... But in any PvP situation the toggle-key is locked.


What other problems does it have? I havent used it in ages but can't really remember any issues besides it not allowing HS to be shortened. Thanks for the reply as well!

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I use action camera at the fence gate of Ogre camp on Red side, and a few similar places where normal mode just wont grab a target by panning camera. Otherwise I'd rather be able to move along my path while being able to pan my camera around to check my blind spots or grab targets behind things.

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > You'll always have more control without Action Camera.

> >

> > That said, Action Camera can be fun if you can overlook the problems associated with it. I use it frequently in PvE, changes the feel of the game... But in any PvP situation the toggle-key is locked.


> What other problems does it have? I havent used it in ages but can't really remember any issues besides it not allowing HS to be shortened. Thanks for the reply as well!


It's really just that you lose some really good functions compared to normal, and it's not as reliable as it could be.


For one the auto-targeting get's spotty, inconsistent, for example you can no longer fire projectiles 90 degrees to your left or right, so you can't kite as effectively while laying down pressure, Action-Cam will always aim to fire projectiles towards the reticule. If you were already tracking a target, you will stop tracking that target the moment you look elsewhere, which is a big problem. There's a reason Target-Break spells from Mirage is so strong.


Another problem is targeting AoE surfaces. The reticule is adequate at this job, but it's not as precise as it could be, it also makes it difficult to dump AoE attacks at yourself unless you use specific keybinds. You also can't drop AoE spells behind you. This also becomes very problematic if you're running shortbow on Thief, as it's mostly used to traverse elevated terrain, Action Cam doesn't deal with that very well.


And as Kash mentioned, you can't really comfortably travel in one direction while also panning the camera around you. In theory you shouldn't lose any speed by simply running left or right or backwards to check your surroundings while in action-cam, but it becomes more of a hazzle than it needs to be.


It does have some niche advantages though, such as allowing rangers to snipe targets and Engineers to spam their mortars with ease into a crowd, more for WvW purposes, and not having to worry about where your mouse-pointer is.


However none of these things are a deal-breaker in PvE, and hey, if you can make it work for you in PvP then by all means...

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I've only ever used action cam since it came out, especially on my thief which I mostly use in PvP/WvW. I was never a fan of d/p to begin with but I always would just adjust position to black powder and do a star pattern to get 4 stacks of stealth. I do toggle it off for finer movements but if i'm in combat, i'm usually using action cam. I like that projectiles follow reticle so you can sometimes snipe moving targets on deadeye. Feels good to use.

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I only use action cam when casually playing open world PVE with my controller. The only advantage I can think of in favor of action cam is the ability to fire projectiles at a specific location regardless of having a target or not, which can come in handy in pvp situations if you know what you're doing with it. Every other downside attached to action cam just isn't worth it in any situations that require skilled play and precision control, imo.

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sometimes when playing DE in WvW i use action cam shortly. when i mark someone and i see them you know waiting for me to oneshot to show me their 'inhuman reactions' to dodge that 1s tell of DJ. i stealth then pretty obvious always in the same direction to ensure they keep the camera there. then quickly move in stealth to the other side and on enogh range. then shoot without targeting them and aim with action cam. so they wont hear that targeted audio tell and laser because those tells are targeted. if they move you will miss probably, if they turn the camera as well. but when you land such a shot .. well you know someone, somewhere is raging a bit - thats worth it :D. works only against roamers that have the urge to show everyone how great they are, while they are not. mostly its not hard to kill them in an other way but this way makes em rage more.

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> You'll always have more control without Action Camera.


> That said, Action Camera can be fun if you can overlook the problems associated with it. I use it frequently in PvE, changes the feel of the game... But in any PvP situation the toggle-key is locked.


While some features are lost, this isn't strictly true; action cam provides a big benefit by having projectiles always follow the reticle, allowing for players using ranged weapons to shoot stealthed targets, which regular camera simply cannot do.


If you're not playing a ranged build, there are some benefits to the regular camera, especially in large-numbered encounters with single-targeted abilities that may require lots of switching around, but otherwise each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. In most cases, it comes down to preference.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > You'll always have more control without Action Camera.

> >

> > That said, Action Camera can be fun if you can overlook the problems associated with it. I use it frequently in PvE, changes the feel of the game... But in any PvP situation the toggle-key is locked.


> While some features are lost, this isn't strictly true; action cam provides a big benefit by having projectiles always follow the reticle, allowing for players using ranged weapons to shoot stealthed targets, which regular camera simply cannot do.


> If you're not playing a ranged build, there are some benefits to the regular camera, especially in large-numbered encounters with single-targeted abilities that may require lots of switching around, but otherwise each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. In most cases, it comes down to preference.


That is actually a good point with the stealth. I lost a duel with a thief yesterday because they stealthed a few times. Might think about having a toggle that is easy to toggle on and off in battle. Or I guess just spam SB 3

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > You'll always have more control without Action Camera.

> >

> > That said, Action Camera can be fun if you can overlook the problems associated with it. I use it frequently in PvE, changes the feel of the game... But in any PvP situation the toggle-key is locked.


> While some features are lost, this isn't strictly true; action cam provides a big benefit by having projectiles always follow the reticle, allowing for players using ranged weapons to shoot stealthed targets, which regular camera simply cannot do.


> If you're not playing a ranged build, there are some benefits to the regular camera, especially in large-numbered encounters with single-targeted abilities that may require lots of switching around, but otherwise each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. In most cases, it comes down to preference.


Already covered that in my second reply.


> It does have some niche advantages though, such as allowing rangers to snipe targets.


Picking out specific targets from a tight crowd is impossible with Action Cam unless you completely rely on manual aim, which is notoriously unreliable at a moving target.

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:


> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > You'll always have more control without Action Camera.

> > >

> > > That said, Action Camera can be fun if you can overlook the problems associated with it. I use it frequently in PvE, changes the feel of the game... But in any PvP situation the toggle-key is locked.

> >

> > While some features are lost, this isn't strictly true; action cam provides a big benefit by having projectiles always follow the reticle, allowing for players using ranged weapons to shoot stealthed targets, which regular camera simply cannot do.

> >

> > If you're not playing a ranged build, there are some benefits to the regular camera, especially in large-numbered encounters with single-targeted abilities that may require lots of switching around, but otherwise each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. In most cases, it comes down to preference.


> Already covered that in my second reply.


Sounds like you were speaking against action camera entirely; I spoke in favor of both options depending on circumstance.


> > It does have some niche advantages though, such as allowing rangers to snipe targets.


> Picking out specific targets from a tight crowd is impossible with Action Cam unless you completely rely on manual aim, which is notoriously unreliable at a moving target.


I didn't say that... you did. So I'm not really sure what you're replying to.


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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Sounds like you were speaking against action camera entirely; I spoke in favor of both options depending on circumstance.

Not entirely, I did say it had some niche advantages.


> I didn't say that... you did. So I'm not really sure what you're replying to.


I was specifically replying to this line:

>If you're not playing a ranged build, there are some benefits to the regular camera, **especially in large-numbered encounters with single-targeted abilities that may require lots of switching around**


Confusion sorted?

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Oohh I see where the confusion stems from.


I thought you were replying to:


>It does have some niche advantages though, such as allowing rangers to snipe targets.


(Which you said) with:


>Picking out specific targets from a tight crowd is impossible with Action Cam unless you completely rely on manual aim, which is notoriously unreliable at a moving target.


as a different statement, rather than quoting the above as a response.


My intent was a bit different which is why I think I got confused. I was thinking more along the lines of when very fast target-switching is necessary, like using Steal into one target and blinding with BP, and then while beginning the leap and finishing the field with HS, using infiltrator's signet on a target in a wildly different direction to dodge any AoE's and not hit them while locked in the animation to get the leap to miss, while depending on their range, possibly get an immediate HS again from being right behind the field.


While doable in action cam, it's just substantially easier in standard cam due to not needing to constantly move the camera. But yeah, target prioritization is definitely easier in tightly-grouped batches of enemies as well.

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> So is action cam still garbage on a thief? I know it was bad to use pre Heartseeker change due to not being able to modify distance with camera tilt. Is it useable now that HS range cant be modified with tilt anymore? I already hold down mouse buttons to move the camera a bunch already.


I use it in pve and pvp. It's nice on thief for a few reasons and bad for a few. Mostly it's super helpful when you're using mobility skills to get closer.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > So is action cam still garbage on a thief? I know it was bad to use pre Heartseeker change due to not being able to modify distance with camera tilt. Is it useable now that HS range cant be modified with tilt anymore? I already hold down mouse buttons to move the camera a bunch already.


> I use it in pve and pvp. It's nice on thief for a few reasons and bad for a few. Mostly it's super helpful when you're using mobility skills to get closer.


I never thought of using it for mobility skills. But then again my biggest enemy there is no target in line of sight xD

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > So is action cam still garbage on a thief? I know it was bad to use pre Heartseeker change due to not being able to modify distance with camera tilt. Is it useable now that HS range cant be modified with tilt anymore? I already hold down mouse buttons to move the camera a bunch already.

> >

> > I use it in pve and pvp. It's nice on thief for a few reasons and bad for a few. Mostly it's super helpful when you're using mobility skills to get closer.


> I never thought of using it for mobility skills. But then again my biggest enemy there is no target in line of sight xD


Oh yes, when you need to get that angle juust right to cut someone off while using heart seeker. Or you need to quickly climb onto a platform with infiltrator's arrow. Well it takes too long to swing your camera, let go of right click, and left click the platform. When I can actually just swing my camera and press five then click immediately.


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