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Resistance converting into immobilize is a bad move. Immobile shouldn't be on the conversion table


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How about you make superspeed a boon and have that convert into immob? You go from moving very fast to not at all, seems pretty legit. Resistance does need a boon corrupt but this change has made it far too easy to plant your enemy into a bomb just by corrupting them. The change didn't only affect revenant, its affects guards as well. Tome of Courage skill 4, you nerfed the pulses on this and then also made it easy to corrupt it and force your enemy to stand still.. You can only dodge so much.

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> @"Zephyr.8015" said:

> How about you make superspeed a boon and have that convert into immob? You go from moving very fast to not at all, seems pretty legit. Resistance does need a boon corrupt but this change has made it far too easy to plant your enemy into a bomb just by corrupting them. The change didn't only affect revenant, its affects guards as well. Tome of Courage skill 4, you nerfed the pulses on this and then also made it easy to corrupt it and force your enemy to stand still.. You can only dodge so much.


just remove immob from the table, replace resis - immob with, resist - torment and be done with it.

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It's a terrible design. A 2 sec immobilize is a death sentence in a group fight. They wanted to nerf corrupts but this conversion just made it stronger than ever. This is like the rat well thing all over again.


You can say stability to fear has been a thing for years. But with fear, at least you're running away from the fight so you'll take less damage than an immobilize.

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if resistance is corrupted in a groupfight, you mostly have also alot of other conditions on you that will melt you down unless you reapply resistance or are able to remove them all, both would also get you rid of immobilize. i dont really see a problem with this. the bigger problem is the power of resistance. resistance should only reduce or might even nullify condi damage, not other condition effects. with a weaker resistance, a weaker corrupt of it might be justified. but currently the boon is just too strong so it needs a strong corrupt and stability corrupt is still stronger.

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As a scrapper i love it, resistance allows you to get out of whatever situation got you immobilized in the first hand.


Powerfull condition to powerfull boon and vice versa is a good symmetry, having a strong condition into a weak boon is way too favorable for the condi spammer for example and the same goes the other way.

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I don't think it should be on the table.

its a counter as much as its a boon, and there shouldn't be counters to counters as that way lies madness.

I think of it as the 'block' for condi's its 'duration' becauses condi is duration based.

and was sorely missing when they uncapped condi.


I don't think its op as the duration is small compared to most condi's boons and cleanse. and its not passive.

immobilise is terrible I can't even seperate it from lag, and should be removed.

switch those skills that generate immobilse to fear and can it




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Please take this out


It's completely backwards-brained that you need resistance to survive condi in WvW and you have it corrupt into the most deadly condition in WvW. Every melee build is completely unviable now and we're now being pushed even further to scourge wars 2. There are FAR more outgoing corrupts than conversions in fights just resulting in no reason to ever push without just being instantly destroyed. This makes the game slower, less fun, and more frustrating



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Bad change, and I hope it is fixed soon.

Resistance is required to have a hope of pushing into scourges, but now it is just instantly corrupted into immob by the same scourges that necessitate resistance in the first place. It is pretty much certain death for anyone who gets their resist corrupted and completely ruins the pace and flow of wvw.


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> @"steki.1478" said:

> Corrupting resistance into immobilize (or any condi really) and stability into fear is like countering reflected projectile with another reflect. I just dont see the point of countering a counter mechanic, especially if it hurts you even more for using it.


Welxome to gw2 mechanics, where your countering counters will get countered.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > Resistance should save you from condis, now if it get corrupted you're more kitten than before.


> It resists condis.


> Corruption isn't a condition. Neither are strips.


> The most recent patch decreased the amounts of corruption, but kept the strips.


> As to resistance, I agree with most in here that chill would be a better alternative for the table, with immobilize being off it.


> And frankly, why not make immobilize an effect instead of a condition. It would still allow it, but not allow current boons to be corrupted into it.


Honestly Resistance shouldn’t make you immune to conditions period. It should act like protection and reduce the percent damage taken from them. But that’s just my two cents.


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