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Some of my thoughts and feelings.


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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Boon corruption is very powerful in PvP and very weak in PvE.


> Every other profession is more boon-based than Necromancer and cannot help generating them. Against a high corruption rate foe, it is like having Master of Corruption on on boon generating skills.


> Meanwhile, bosses have Defiance and extremely high health. *If Defiance could generate conditions on corruption, Necro dps would be higher and more representative of PvP strength making balance less impossible without a split.*


> There is no way for a debuffing profession to be balanced without a major split between game modes with the current design strategy.


And that's kind of my point. PvE mechanics like the defiance bar and lack of enemies stacking huge boons are what make necros suck, not some innate weakness of the profession.


As soon as PvE encounters start reflecting PvP/WvW ones the necromancer instantly becomes very strong as a midrange support/damage dealer. Skills don't even need to be split because they can still beat the content, but they're not *optimal* for raid elitism. Encounters just need to have more reason for a necro to be seen as useful, just like how they are seen as extremely deadly combatants in WvW and sPvP.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > Boon corruption is very powerful in PvP and very weak in PvE.

> >

> > Every other profession is more boon-based than Necromancer and cannot help generating them. Against a high corruption rate foe, it is like having Master of Corruption on on boon generating skills.

> >

> > Meanwhile, bosses have Defiance and extremely high health. *If Defiance could generate conditions on corruption, Necro dps would be higher and more representative of PvP strength making balance less impossible without a split.*

> >

> > There is no way for a debuffing profession to be balanced without a major split between game modes with the current design strategy.


> And that's kind of my point. PvE mechanics like the defiance bar and lack of enemies stacking huge boons are what make necros suck, not some innate weakness of the profession.


> As soon as PvE encounters start reflecting PvP/WvW ones the necromancer instantly becomes very strong as a midrange support/damage dealer. Skills don't even need to be split because they can still beat the content, but they're not *optimal* for raid elitism. Encounters just need to have more reason for a necro to be seen as useful, just like how they are seen as extremely deadly combatants in WvW and sPvP.


Well i still think pvp players are just bad and cry way too much.

Is so freakin easy to kill a necro....

He really needs support to survive.

So im imagining a necro + a healer standing on one point. Well, why dont pvp players just ignore that point and play 5v3 at the other 2?


Because of that stupidity and ignorance scourge was made from a bad 1v1 class, to be the worst 1v1 class and all the nerf that came with it rlly destroyed the gameplay, the flow of the game, while playing scourge.


But no. Its better to run into these two guys, standing on one point and die than using the brain ev3ry player has in his head.



Like for real.

There are much worse builds, that destroy the gsme right now. For pve its zerker elementalist.

And for pvp its for example this shitty druid build, that focusses on healing and buffing its pet, that will just onehit u if fully buffed.


Thats really annoying and not fun to play against

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