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The Legendary Collections for Old Legendaries Seem Incredibly Dumb


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... and overpriced. With all the stupid materials I need to just chuck into the waste disposal that is the Master Weaponsmith, I would've probably been way better off just buying the Colossus straight of the Trading Post instead. What is the point of this thing when it is far more convoluted, takes far longer time AND is probalby at least as expensive (if not more) than just buying the damn thing?

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> @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> The point was to provide an option that doesn't require relying on RNG or buying from the TP (which is something a surprising number of people were against, apparently).


Which, at least in the case of the Colossus, is still the case with all the Dedrimore Steel Ingots (not to mention all the non-ascended materials) you have to blow on this damn thing.


I really, really regret having started this damn thing. I probably could've bought 1.5 Colossi if I hadn't.

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The price for crafting is way less If you play the game and salvage drops down/gather on a regular basis. Legendary cost minimum of 2k gold but several are way more then that to buy. But just like anything else in the game do it whichever way you choose, there is no right or wrong option just personal preference. I have crafted and sold many legendarys since HoT launch.

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I guarantee that this is far more expensive than a Legendary because the Legendary journey isn't for a Legendary, it's for a Precursor. Once you have the Precursor you still have to go through the effort to get a Legendary.


I have the dagger precursor thanks to the legendary journey. I don't save my gold in a reasonable way to eventually buy a precursor or legendary. But I can accumulate the resources I need to gradually work through the process. It took me almost two years to work my way through the four stages of the Legendary Journey, but I found it enjoyable and meaningful. I also appreciated the Precursor I got out of it far more than if I'd just randomly found it in a chest, or even if I'd bought it.

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Depends on the precursor. I can't comment on the Colossus so much, but some weapons barely require any mats at all to craft - they are usually the less popular ones like the underwater weapons and some offhands.


As said, it isn't meant to be cheaper, it is meant to be a guaranteed way for those who wish to slowly play their way to it. To that end, it achieves that goal.

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> Depends on the precursor. I can't comment on the Colossus so much, but some weapons barely require any mats at all to craft - they are usually the less popular ones like the underwater weapons and some offhands.


> As said, it isn't meant to be cheaper, it is meant to be a guaranteed way for those who wish to slowly play their way to it. To that end, it achieves that goal.


Which again is a moot point as farming the gold and simply buying it cheaper is very much also "a guaranteed way for those who wish to slowly play their way to it", innit?

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Randulf.7614 said:

> > Depends on the precursor. I can't comment on the Colossus so much, but some weapons barely require any mats at all to craft - they are usually the less popular ones like the underwater weapons and some offhands.

> >

> > As said, it isn't meant to be cheaper, it is meant to be a guaranteed way for those who wish to slowly play their way to it. To that end, it achieves that goal.


> Which again is a moot point as farming the gold and simply buying it cheaper is very much also "a guaranteed way for those who wish to slowly play their way to it", innit?

But farming gold is no fun for me. Going through the legendary collection for my Leaf of Kudzu, on the other hand, was something I have very much enjoyed, so much that I even made a new ranger to wield it (my main charr ranger wouldn't be caught dead carrying a flower bow ;) ).


Farming gold and buying a precursor is for those that prefer it that way. Going on a legendary journey is for those that enjoy that way. Both are available, pick the one you enjoy most (or the one you hate least, depending on your tastes). So the point of precursor crafting/legendary journey is to give the people that enjoy this kind of aquisition method an avenue to their precursor that's fun to them. Those that don't find the legendary journey fun can still (at least for gen 1 legendaries) grab their precursor from the trading post.


Horay for choices!

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You're farming gold either way, though (or farming mats that could be sold _for_ gold, which is basically the same thing). The collection-based parts are actually good, but all the "throw hundreds of gold in a hole" parts are a disaster.


Then there's the post-Eureka ones, which are nothing _but_ that part, and ugh.


> @Oglaf.1074 said:

>What is the point of this thing when it is far more convoluted, takes far longer time AND is probalby at least as expensive (if not more) than just buying the kitten thing?

Because Anet didn't want to disrupt their precious economy and make all the precursor-hoarding TP barons sad, so they somehow went from "we agree with you, the players, that precursor prices are out of hand" to... that.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> I'm not talking about Legendary crafting.


> This is about the precursor and how you're better off just buying it.


I'm sorry you regret it. For future reference:

* If you care about price alone, always buy off the TP using an aggressive buy order. Even if the gold-equivalent costs are less, you'll still spend a ton of time that you could have spent earning or just having fun.

* If you care about the journey, then always do the collection method.

* If you're not sure, start the Tier 1 (which is often pretty cheap) and see if you like it. If you don't, buy outright. If you do, continue.


It was never about being financially beneficial; it's always been about providing a non-RNG/non-TP alternative.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> ... and overpriced. With all the stupid materials I need to just chuck into the waste disposal that is the Master Weaponsmith, I would've probably been way better off just buying the Colossus straight of the Trading Post instead. What is the point of this thing when it is far more convoluted, takes far longer time AND is probalby at least as expensive (if not more) than just buying the kitten thing?


It's always smart to do some research before beginning anything to do with legendary items or large investments. https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/legendaries


The issue with your assertion that it's more expensive to craft than to buy is the crafting recipe is static and the material prices are not. I have crafted several precursors and it was always cheaper to craft them than to buy them, several of those are now cheaper to buy than to craft because the material price has increased. It's not like they can go through and change the recipe every 5s to suit the changing economy. Players set the price for precursors on the TP.


The point, even if it is more expensive to craft than to buy is you can make progress each day with making materials or just gathering as oposed to farming gold, it's just a different method you *can choose to use* as you did, albeit in some misguided assumption that it was cheaper, without looking into it at all.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> You're farming gold either way, though (or farming mats that could be sold _for_ gold, which is basically the same thing). The collection-based parts are actually good, but all the "throw hundreds of gold in a hole" parts are a disaster.


Thank you - finally someone who gets it. Going all over the place to find "Colossus-esque" enemies, NPCs and statues to /ponder infront of felt like somewhat of an adventure and was pretty satisfying.


Just throwing away tons upon tons of golds into making a collection-only item that you then also throw away for a couple of silvers at a vendor? Not so much! Made even worse by the fact that it costs about the same as just buying the damn thing...


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