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Core Mastery Points are too few


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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> +1

> But I'd settle for a chance to reset MP spent. Make it a 100 gold. Or even 200. Limit it to one time only. Anything but being locked in.


Why? Got the last of Fractal Attunement but still have to pick up all the things by yourself? :p

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> I started fractals month after reaching lvl 80

Good for you. I was in a fractals guild, we ran fractals daily and they were rather nice and did a lot of achievements with me. Still on my old account I have maybe 5 of the MPs achieveable in fractals.

In most fractals group it's 'Press ok, we want to go to the next one' and not: Yeah, lets kill all the chicken, lets kill Mai Trins second hand, lets do this.


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> @"muon.1630" said:


> To make it clear once and for all: Someone who starts playing this game doesn't do fractals, they explore and do world events.


But then they don't need to max the Core masteries. 11 points are required for Fractal related masteries and 19 for Legendary crafting. You only need 19 to max Pact Commander and get auto loot.

I left my Legendary crafting line incomplete for ages; it was only when they added the map insights that I bothered filling it out.



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> @"muon.1630" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > I started fractals month after reaching lvl 80

> Good for you. I was in a fractals guild, we ran fractals daily and they were rather nice and did a lot of achievements with me. Still on my old account I have maybe 5 of the MPs achieveable in fractals.

> In most fractals group it's 'Press ok, we want to go to the next one' and not: Yeah, lets kill all the chicken, lets kill Mai Trins second hand, lets do this.



Maybe you and I should team up? I need those chickens and Horrik's Horror =)

Then again, I still need quite a lot of those... :/


Edit: Typos

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> > @"muon.1630" said:


> > To make it clear once and for all: Someone who starts playing this game doesn't do fractals, they explore and do world events.


> But then they don't need to max the Core masteries. 11 points are required for Fractal related masteries and 19 for Legendary crafting. You only need 19 to max Pact Commander and get auto loot.

> I left my Legendary crafting line incomplete for ages; it was only when they added the map insights that I bothered filling it out.



Yes, they don't need the masteries. I only wanted auto loot and don't care for the rest. But I can't stand visual noise and the notifications were really annoying to me. Not only that but personally, and I guess others are the same, I feel somehow pressured into getting this stuff done and also: getting the extra EXP again which you're deprived from if you don't have your core masteries maxed out is a factor. To finally have 'enough' spirit shards to use the legendary mastery you wanted to have.

Not only that, what a lot of those who are commenting here don't get is that LS2 is out of the MPs one can get right now (unless you buy LS2) - thats 16 less. So it's even harder to complete the core masteries.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"muon.1630" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > I started fractals month after reaching lvl 80

> > Good for you. I was in a fractals guild, we ran fractals daily and they were rather nice and did a lot of achievements with me. Still on my old account I have maybe 5 of the MPs achieveable in fractals.

> > In most fractals group it's 'Press ok, we want to go to the next one' and not: Yeah, lets kill all the chicken, lets kill Mai Trins second hand, lets do this.

> >


> Maybe you and I should team up? I need those chickens and Horrik's Horror =)

> Then again, I still need quite a lot of those... :/


> Edit: Typos


I need them too, but this account just wanted to kill a few spiders now and then, I didn't really want to get back into GrindWars ;)

Good luck though =)

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> @"muon.1630" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > @"muon.1630" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > I started fractals month after reaching lvl 80

> > > Good for you. I was in a fractals guild, we ran fractals daily and they were rather nice and did a lot of achievements with me. Still on my old account I have maybe 5 of the MPs achieveable in fractals.

> > > In most fractals group it's 'Press ok, we want to go to the next one' and not: Yeah, lets kill all the chicken, lets kill Mai Trins second hand, lets do this.

> > >

> >

> > Maybe you and I should team up? I need those chickens and Horrik's Horror =)

> > Then again, I still need quite a lot of those... :/

> >

> > Edit: Typos


> I need them too, but this account just wanted to kill a few spiders now and then, I didn't really want to get back into GrindWars ;)

> Good luck though =)


Thanks buddy =)

Sooner or later, I will be successful. RNGsus told me :#

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> @"muon.1630" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > I started fractals month after reaching lvl 80

> Good for you. I was in a fractals guild, we ran fractals daily and they were rather nice and did a lot of achievements with me. Still on my old account I have maybe 5 of the MPs achieveable in fractals.

> In most fractals group it's 'Press ok, we want to go to the next one' and not: Yeah, lets kill all the chicken, lets kill Mai Trins second hand, lets do this.



I havent done chickens either bu alo of mp in fractals are free. I was saying it to make a point that each player prefer diferent content so some mp that are hard for other might be better for them and other way around

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As said above there are enough easy Mastery Points to unlock the pact mastery completely.


If you do not go to fractals you of course don't need Fractal Mastery. (But if you do Fractals, they have a lot easy MPs there to complete Fractal mastery)


If you find getting the Mastery Points to complicated, you will find the legendary collections much to complicated, so you do not need more than Pact Mastery.


What ANet definitely failed to implement is: Give the user the possibility to say: For now, I am done with these masteries, give me spirit chards. (I missed that in HoT masteries, before they hide the Raid-Mastery for exactly this reason.)


Easiest and in my view best way to do that is: Simply add

**"Collect Spirit Chards" as a pseudo mastery to be choosen by the user, whenever he isn't interested in the remaining masteries, to every category (Core, HoT, PoF).**

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I did them before they added MPs to maps. Was it difficult? Yeah, kinda. I went out of my way to get some of them - like diving one, or Tq and Triple Trouble. Still, it was doable, and I didn't farm LW2 for achievs to do it. Now we have more points than there were, so it's even easier.

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> @"muon.1630" said:

> I already sad I'm a veteran player, so 'welcome' doesn't really suit it, It is grind for new players. Getting ascended which is pretty much mandatory alone is a pain.


Maybe for raids but it sounds like you are doing open world PVE? Exotic is fine there.

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What MPs are "locked behind events no one does anymore"? I don't remember any that i needed to get that were unrealistic to obtain.


I started last august and i've had no issues maxing out core masteries.


* personal story

* the insights across the map

* the 5 mp you get in silverwastes for killing all legendaries (only takes a couple rotations max)

* tequatl (took me 3 fights to get every teq achieve)

* triple trouble (look on lfg + event timer wiki page for the TT fight both before and after reset, both are usually done by various guilds on most days of the week.) - which is what, 1 for each head killed, 1 for map wide kill of all heads, probably more that i'm forgetting because ive maxed core masteries without all TT mp.

* half of the masteries attatched to living season 2 (yeah i haven't done any of the LS2 achieves apart from the ones for completing the stories, still not an issue for me tho)

* easy fractal mps (i got the chicken mastery for example, in my first ever time i tried fractals - in fractal 1, with a bunch of pugs, and barely any idea what i was doign combat wise and pumping out an astonishing 3k dps...i literally have never been in a fractal group that wasn't willing to get mastery points for people, and i've done excusively pugs, even the ones which don't take something as simple as an emote, such as killing horrik in mai trin fractal)

* a bunch more smaller achieves like the skritt in dry top, karka killer in lions arch (i actually did that for princess rather than the mp). i also did transfer chaser and jsutice of the blade side stories, which take a little more devotion, but still very easy mps.


and yet- i still don't have any of the mp related to collections such as the ambrite and such, i don't have the mp for having 1 of every teir full set of cultural armours for every race, as i said i didnt even complete al TT mastery points, theres still 11 mp i need from fractals not accounting for the collections, i haven't done that big jp in silverwastes either nor the gold badges, i haven't completed the kautalophile (sp?) collection, the dive master mp i still dont have, between the easy things to get amongst that i wouldn't have needed LS2 anyway.


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Seriously? I had no idea they'd be that hard.

I think i had all the points i needed from the outset and then some... I never did farm any Core Mastery points (and i still need to finish about half the achievements from LS2).

But then again i had been playing for 3 years before they released Masteries...

They are enough though. Maybe just not in stuff you like to do, or that's fast to do.


Just doing fractal achievements, the story and the insights you get about half the core tyria points you need for all unlocks, add one world explore, doing all dungeon story modes, and a couple world boss and you have all the points for Pact Commander and Fractal Mastery.

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  • 7 months later...

I feel your pain. I didn’t really know what the mastery points did when I came back to the game a couple months ago. I assumed that each character could farm the same points so I just clicked the glowey boxes every time the pop up appeared. Now I’m stuck trying to farm up enough points to fill the last legendary tier and the only points I haven’t already got are the expensive collections and the world bosses which either fail or die too fast to get the achievements! I’m pathologically allergic to the attitude of most fractal groups, so I avoid them almost as stringently as pvp players. That leaves trying to scrape up the last of the season 2 and diving/jumping ach’s.


There’s plenty still left to find I guess... but I’d rather be farming the legendary mats or finishing POF so I can see the last of the storyline!


If only I could reset the points! I’d put the fractal mastery points I spent into the legendary track!


*edited for typo

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> @"Noctoi.1965" said:

> I’m pathologically allergic to the attitude of most fractal groups


Almost all Fractal's mastery points can be easy earned just by simply not die when doing jp, dance with hologram etc, and can be done in T1 Fractal.


T1 fractal groups have "Attitude"? When I 1st start playing Fractal,T1, most of the players were very nice and always showed me how to get things done. But 1st I had to stated that "I'm new to this and aiming to get the mp etc" to the group.


Have you ever done T1 Fractal? Or you just assumed that people behave badly in fractal according to some threads stated how toxic players at high tier fractals??? And Come on, its T1 Fractal, What's "Attitude"???


"Dont ever critique a book if you have never finished reading it"



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> @"Noctoi.1965" said:

> I’m pathologically allergic to the attitude of most fractal groups, so I avoid them almost as stringently as pvp players. That leaves trying to scrape up the last of the season >2 and diving/jumping ach’s.


Wao, just wao. When i first went into fractals i feared things that could happened. I got into party for urban battleground and guys that hardly speak any _inglish _ spend 20 minutes with me chasing chickens in the instance.


you will get told off in t4 if you don't pot, use buffs or fail every other mech but other then that, fractals attitude is nice





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> @"Noctoi.1965" said:

> I feel your pain. I didn’t really know what the mastery points did when I came back to the game a couple months ago. I assumed that each character could farm the same points so I just clicked the glowey boxes every time the pop up appeared. Now I’m stuck trying to farm up enough points to fill the last legendary tier and the only points I haven’t already got are the expensive collections and the world bosses which either fail or die too fast to get the achievements! I’m pathologically allergic to the attitude of most fractal groups, so I avoid them almost as stringently as pvp players. That leaves trying to scrape up the last of the season 2 and diving/jumping ach’s.


> There’s plenty still left to find I guess... but I’d rather be farming the legendary mats or finishing POF so I can see the last of the storyline!


> If only I could reset the points! I’d put the fractal mastery points I spent into the legendary track!


> *edited for typo


I got it all unlocked, and I did *nothing at all* in Fractals. (OK, I ran a couple of Fractals for the collections for Rodgort, but that's all, and I didn't get any MPs from that.)

* Personal Story: 8

* Tyrian Insights: 9

* LS2 story-completion: 8 (just the basic episode completions)

* Karkas in LA: 1

* Go for the Gold and Retrospective Runaround in the Silverwastes: 2

* Triple Trouble completed: 2 plus 3 from the Bosses category

* Tequatl completed 2 plus 1 in the bosses category

* Tormentor, Executioner and Annihilator in the Silverwastes 3

* Ruler of Shinies in Dry Top (Skritt Queen) 1

* Map completion 1

* Reached level 80 = 1

* Dive Master (Yes, I jumped all the way to the goggles in *Not So Secret* without a mesmer to help me. Go Staff Daredevil for this.) 1

* Emperor's New Wardrobe (Cultural armour skin collection) 1

* Hidden Garden JP 1

* Karka Queen in Southsun Cove 1

* Justice of the Blade (bandit bounty bosses in Central Tyria) 1

* Transfer Chaser 1

* Grand Artisan (ascended armour skin unlocks) 1

* And that's it. I haven't finished Koutalophile because it requires a fractal-only spoon.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> 15 from Fractals of the Mists (don’t want to / cba = 55 left obtainable)

To add to it, if you're not playing Fractals, no point in having Fractal Mastery, that saves you 11 points. So, the real loss is 4 points.

Btw, there's more than 4 mastery points in fractals that can be easily done at t1 without breaking a sweat (things like killing chickens in Urban, all mobs in solid ocean, holo dancers in aether, or rabsovich in underground. Uncategorized jp without falling may or may not be easy, depending on person)


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Maxing my mastery points was one of the most tedious, annoying things I had to do in game. It was way worse than completing Nevermore, ad infinitum, etc. But, if I could go out on a limb here... the game actually needs more things like that. The most basic flaw of this game is that everything is either super straightforward to get, or else instantly accessible with the swipe of a card.


There are very few things you can obtain that actually say something about your level of experience or knowledge. And consequently, there are very few things you can get in this game to be proud of. GW2 is just a massive, sprawling Dollar-store where everything is cheap and unimportant.

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