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Why do players dislike water-fight?


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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Same reason I dislike vehicle combat and similar things in games: If I pick a class or a specific build I want to play that. Underwater combat basically rerolls you to this new build that is usually a lot less fun and even just hitting mobs can be a struggle.



Yea, well said. It's like those story-instances Anet just LOVES to make where you have to pick up some new story-weapon that does 1/4 of your normal DPS, and isn't half as interesting/fun as your regular skillset.

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> To me the big issue underwater is similar to the big issue above water: the kitten camera and the way mobs are spawned behind the vertex of the camera such that you don't see them, even zoomed out, until after they are attacking you. This problem is tripled underwater because mobs can spawn below you and above you outside of the camera's FOV.

> The spawning logic is bad enough; I'm sure most players devise a strategy for a fight based on the quantity and locations of mobs they see, yet in GW2, bot in the water and below its surface, the developers have seen fit to spawn additional mobs right on top of you. Underwater it makes no sense; I see one shark but I end up fighting four? Were the other three in the first shark's pockets? Or are the sharks using an invisibility ray?

> What's the point? Is this supposedly to increase challenge? It doesn't... it just brings about a level of frustration that eventually leads to anger.

> If that problem alone was fixed properly, I'd love to see more underwater adventures. But until then, I only heed into the deeps when I absolutely must.

> So many aspects of poor design in GW2...


Recently, I've been leveling an alt, and this happened about 50% of the time I went to combat a mob underwater. A decent amount of the time when this didn't happen, I was in almost barren areas with barely any spawns. I was either drowning in mobs or waiting forever for a respawn. I can't imagine the devs not noticing this problem. I imagine decreasing the distance on the z-axis(up/down) in which objects can attack/aggro could mitigate the problem somewhat.


I think underwater zones should place a focus on exploration over combat. Underwater combat should be used sparingly at most. Maybe the victory condition is surviving/running rather than defeating foes? I can't imagine many will be happy with that, though. x.x

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Nash.2681" said:

> > Besides all legit complains about balance issues, blocked skills, etc., what makes underwater combat totally undesireable for me are those incredibly incosistent hitboxes, esp. on big enemies.

> > "Oh look, there's a fierce, huge shark boss, let's attack!" "Oh good, he's going for someone else to my left, I can attack him from the side..." "kitten?! I'm next to him but still not in range?!" *gets killed from the right*

> >

> > Fighting in 3 dimensions would have so much potential and I'd really like to have good, high quality, underwater fights. But I guess it would be a kittenload of work to clean up the current mess, so it's more likely and overall probably more healthy for the game to keep it burried (or drowned...) and just focus on other things (*poke* *poke* build templates *poke*)


>_**That has nothing to do with fighting in 3 dimensions**_ and everything to do sharks being a poorly made mob in the game. Their hit box doesn't match their physical model. This problem also applies to their attacks. Both living and undead sharks have the same problem.


> They are not the only one with this problem either. Another one that comes to mind is the breacher on the west side during the first event in the Noble Ledges event chain in Verdant Brink. The most mind boggling part of that is the fact that there are two breachers but only one has this problem. They could have been copy and pasted but somehow one is messed while the other is not and the 5 in the Pale Reaver event is fine too as well as all the ones in Auric Basin.

Never said this is an issue of fighting in 3D dimensions? That part was targeted towards those that dislike this kind of fighting in general.

In short: I really like the idea of 3-dimensional combat and never had problems with movement and/or orientation (might be because I used to play a lot of flight- and spacesims back in the good old days....), but what kills the fun for me is the mentioned hitbox inconsistency.


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> @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > Same reason I dislike vehicle combat and similar things in games: If I pick a class or a specific build I want to play that. Underwater combat basically rerolls you to this new build that is usually a lot less fun and even just hitting mobs can be a struggle.

> >


> Yea, well said. It's like those story-instances Anet just LOVES to make where you have to pick up some new story-weapon that does 1/4 of your normal DPS, and isn't half as interesting/fun as your regular skillset.

I really hope you're not talking about the 10k autoattacks and 50k aoes from Sohothin.



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Underwater combat is no fun with its clunky movement and the eternal problem with the correct positioning. You are never at the correct place. Either you are too near or too far, never hitting your opponent if you do melee. Correct positioning is difficult enough on ground, but here you have 2 dimensions to control. Under water, you must take a 3rd dimension into account, and rising/sinking is never in line with going right or left.


The skills themselves are a minor problem in comparison to general movement and orientation.

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I like it just fine. I think the people who complain about any arena of play (whether wvw, raiding, submerged, etc.) are those who are trying to play top-tier, at the best possible level of game play. They get annoyed when they discover some element that makes it 0.1% easier for one class than another etc. Personally, I find it possible to have fun whether it's easy or hard, and it doesn't matter to me if I'm the championest champion in the battle, so I have no issues with the current under-water play.

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Mobs everywhere above, down, right, left. For example the underwater area with the Krait Blood Witch champ at Viatan lake. I dont know where to look, kraits ambush you from all angles. On land you know where to look. Theres no controller support in gw 2, that would help a little to quickly look up and down, but not much. Vertical stacks of enemies can be frustrating to keep eye on.

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I liked the underwater areas but never seem to get any time to just swim around and enjoy any of it. Not sure if it's changed recently but my gripe was always that the underwater realm, much like the normal maps actually, is actually rather overcrowded. Except underwater you can accidentally aggro mobs from many more directions as they are also above and below you. The poor combat also didn't help there.

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I see a lot of people’s thoughts and agree about the skills. I think the only way for people to fully like underwater is if arenanet adds skills for the class to compensate the skills you can’t use in water. Thief isn’t a thief underwater because you can not stealth whatsoever. And the mai way to battle is to be stealth. So they have to add another tab of traits just for when your in water. And skills to comepnsate for the skills you can’t use. Like instead of stealth, thief could throw octopus ink so monsters around can’t see you.


Things like that would work because about 10 skills are gone and not able to use underwater. Don’t know about other classes. But assuming as thief I think other classes have some important skills you can’t use.


Me I personally love underwater combat however I would like to use all my skills or be able to have specific underwater skills to be added.

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