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Scrapper cant stomp bug?

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> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> This will happen when the person is not in the down position they appear to be on screen.


No, it's a scrapper bug. The bug you're thinking of, if you can't stomp them you can't hit them because their downed toon is at a different location.


Scrapper doesn't need to worry about that because function gyro will spawn for a stomp anywhere they are. The bug OP speaks of, doesn't allow scrapper to send function gyro to the downed and it doesn't allow you to stomp them yourself. But you can attack them to cleave.


> @"madamred.1463" said:

> its happening everytime i try to stomp lol


I posted a similar post in the bug subforums. No response from ANet. Maybe if they see repeat posts? Haha I know it's against the rules but this bug prevents scrapper from excelling at anything pvp/wvw related

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> I dont play scrapper, but occasionally encounter the unstompable bug. After trying to stomp twice uninterrupted with no success, I usually report them for botting and proceed beat them to death.

Its nothing to report, its lag. And its not the scrapper bug. That something in addition to laggy stomps where the player isnt where your client think he is.


With the scrapper bug you cant stomp anyone (not ranged, not melee). It usually start working again when you change instance. No idea what triggers it but a wild guess would be a previous "successfull" gyro stomp locks up stomping somehow. Pretty much break the only usability the scrapper has in WvW.

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I made a reddit post about this a few days ago and have reported it in the bug section.

At first i thought it was using the gyro at really low hp targets, and that it would bug out because it didnt set up fully.


But the most reliable way to trigger this (i cant say for sure if it is the only way) is to go to hotm, find the training npcs and down them. Then you need to use your gyro *and* stomp manually. The act of stomping the same target my gyro was stomping triggered this for me every single time, 100%. It might also possibly trigger on allies stomping the same target but i haven't had time to properly test that. If anything this tells us how rare actually stomping instead of cleaving is nowadays.

As you cannot stomp normally while gyro is off cooldown we can not choose not to activate it, and due to its frailty often the scrapper is needed to personally ensure a stomp, so this would happen pretty often.


Once this bug has happened you need to either die or swap instance. Retraiting scrapper does not work.


I wonder if there is a problem determining the outcome of the new decisive renown if both are stomping and if that then causes a conflict.


But i had this happen before this patch (but more rarely) so it might happen from a number of different situations.

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> @"miriforst.1290" said:

> I made a reddit post about this a few days ago and have reported it in the bug section.

> At first i thought it was using the gyro at really low hp targets, and that it would bug out because it didnt set up fully.


> But the most reliable way to trigger this (i cant say for sure if it is the only way) is to go to hotm, find the training npcs and down them. Then you need to use your gyro *and* stomp manually. The act of stomping the same target my gyro was stomping triggered this for me every single time, 100%. It might also possibly trigger on allies stomping the same target but i haven't had time to properly test that. If anything this tells us how rare actually stomping instead of cleaving is nowadays.

> As you cannot stomp normally while gyro is off cooldown we can not choose not to activate it, and due to its frailty often the scrapper is needed to personally ensure a stomp, so this would happen pretty often.


> Once this bug has happened you need to either die or swap instance. Retraiting scrapper does not work.


> I wonder if there is a problem determining the outcome of the new decisive renown if both are stomping and if that then causes a conflict.


> But i had this happen before this patch (but more rarely) so it might happen from a number of different situations.


Oh wow, thanks for explaining that. I've actually had this since forever which is why I never used gyro stomps. I thought I was just doing it wrong every single time so I went in to manually stomp just to be sure.

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I've got steps to repeat now. It happens anytime you beat your Function Gyro to the stomp. Most commonly on Guardians because their down skill will knock the gyro back if it doesn't have stab. I can duplicate it reliably too by having quickness and just beating the gyro to the stomp. This is a big problem in matches vs Bunker Guard. :(

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I can confirm the bug. SCRAPPER CANNOT STOMP most of the times. It seems there is a conflict with the function gyro. BEFORE THE PATCH it used to happen from time to time. AFTER THE LAST PATCH it happens like 80% of the time. If you are lucky you get a stomp, but it will normally be bugged until you reinstance. Please ANET fix it as soon as possible, NOT ABLE TO STOMP is critical in roaming/havoc and also in pvp. Team strategies blow up if you are not able to get a stomp in time.

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I've had this issue since HoT launched -- it will randomly occur that function gyro will cease to function properly. Can't target allies or enemies.


> @"Blackfish.7349" said:

> I can confirm the bug. SCRAPPER CANNOT STOMP most of the times. It seems there is a conflict with the function gyro. BEFORE THE PATCH it used to happen from time to time. AFTER THE LAST PATCH it happens like 80% of the time. If you are lucky you get a stomp, but it will normally be bugged until you reinstance. Please ANET fix it as soon as possible, NOT ABLE TO STOMP is critical in roaming/havoc and also in pvp. Team strategies blow up if you are not able to get a stomp in time.


It's also the "unique mechanic" behind Scrapper. If the unique mechanic doesn't function... then it literally doesn't have a unique mechanic.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> I've had this issue since HoT launched -- it will randomly occur that function gyro will cease to function properly. Can't target allies or enemies.


> > @"Blackfish.7349" said:

> > I can confirm the bug. SCRAPPER CANNOT STOMP most of the times. It seems there is a conflict with the function gyro. BEFORE THE PATCH it used to happen from time to time. AFTER THE LAST PATCH it happens like 80% of the time. If you are lucky you get a stomp, but it will normally be bugged until you reinstance. Please ANET fix it as soon as possible, NOT ABLE TO STOMP is critical in roaming/havoc and also in pvp. Team strategies blow up if you are not able to get a stomp in time.


> It's also the "unique mechanic" behind Scrapper. If the unique mechanic doesn't function... then it literally doesn't have a unique mechanic.


The unique mechanic has become an unique handicap, at least i still can cleave, but this frustrates me beyond words, when an ally dies, all because i couldnt rez at all.

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This bug is still happening and is consistently repeatable. I've now managed to recreate it with another person so that any time ANYONE beats your Function gyro to the stomp you are unable to stomp or Res for the ENTIRE game. Previously I had only seen it if I got the stomp before my Gyro. But no. Anyone who beats the gyro completely screws you for the whole match.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Ancient bug, used to happen quite frequently to me in PvP and it was never fixed. Guess it doesn't matter anymore now since everyone plays Holo anyway...


It is NOT an ancient bug. It is a new BUG that appeared after the last patch. It is true that in the past it happened but it was very rare. Now it is almost impossible to stomp or rez. I think that developers messed up with code when adding barrier to resurrection. The problem is CRITICAL now. I have been playing scrapper since it appeared and can confirm you that this has nothing to do with the ancient bug, this is something NEW that inhibits scrapper from stomping or rezing 80% of the times. Seems like scrapper shares ICD with function gyro so neither of them can rez or stomp when function gyro is on CD.

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